Gustavo6046 / CurseForge Instant Download

// ==UserScript==
// @name         CurseForge Instant Download
// @version      1.0.2
// @description  Convenient and instant downloading of Minecraft CurseForge mods.
// @author       TrevTV, Gustavo6046 <>
// @match*/*
// @namespace
// @grant        GM_openInTab
// @grant        window.close
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    // Common mod download routine.
    function openModWithId(baseUrl, modName, id) {
        console.log(`Opening "${baseUrl}/${modName}/download/${id}/file"...`);

        // Open download in new tab, for convenience.
        let newTab = GM_openInTab(`${baseUrl}/${modName}/download/${id}/file`, {insert: true, active: false});

        // Now, to undo the mess!... uhhh...

        // - step 1. get history length
        let histoLen = window.history.length;

        // - step 2. close this new tab for the user! :)

        setTimeout(function() { // don't try to close it before the download is ready! (tested only on Firefox)

            function finishUp() {
                //   (run after the conclusion of step 2, don't worry)
                // - step 3. check if histoLen <= 2; if so, close the tab (brand new, thus probably opened as new tab); otherwise just go back

                let shouldClose = histoLen <= 2; // this statement is only to reduce boilerplate-ish code a little.

                console.log(`Tab history (length ${histoLen}) is ${shouldClose ? '' : 'not '}empty; ${shouldClose ? 'closing' : 'rewinding'} main tab.`);

                if (shouldClose) {

                else {

            console.log('- download tab already closed:', newTab.closed);

            if (!newTab.closed) {
                console.log('Attempting to close download tab...');

                let maxCloseAttempts = 60; // 30 seconds until give up
                let attemptIntv = 3; // 3 attempts per second
                let _attemptNum = 0;

                function doAttemptClose() {
                    setTimeout(attemptClose, 1000 / attemptIntv);

                function attemptClose() {


                    if (newTab.closed) {
                        console.log('Download tab closed successfully!');

                    else if ((maxCloseAttempts -= 1 / attemptIntv) <= 0) {
                        console.warn('Failed to close download tab.');

                    else {
                        let barSize = 80;
                        let barPerc = Math.ceil(barSize * _attemptNum / maxCloseAttempts / attemptIntv);

                        console.log(`Attempt #{++_attemptNum} failed... [${'#'.repeat(barPerc) + ' '.repeat(barSize - barPerc)}]`);


                setTimeout(attemptClose, 1500);

            else {

        }, 200);

        // - step 4. maximum convenience...
        // - step 5. ???
        // - step 6. profit!

    // Set accepted numbers
    let numbers = /^[0-9]+$/;

    // Set accepted download URLs
    let directDownloadPattern = /^.*?\/mc-mods\/.+?\/download\/(\d+)\/file$/;

    // Set baseUrl, id, oper, and modName
    let baseUrl = ``
    let id = ((document.URL).split("/"))[7];
    let oper = ((document.URL).split("/"))[6];
    let modName = ((document.URL).split("/"))[5];

    // Check if ID is actually a number
    if (oper.toUpperCase() == 'DOWNLOAD') {
        if (id && id.match(numbers)) {
            openModWithId(baseUrl, modName, id);

        else if (id == null) {
            console.log(`Finding latest version of mod with name '${modName}'...`);

            // Find "click here" link
            let downloadLink = document.querySelector('p.text-sm > a:nth-child(1)');

            if (downloadLink == null) {
                console.warn('Could not find download link in page (link not found by selector query); latest version discovery aborted.')

            else {
                // Extract file ID from link
                let dlMatch = downloadLink.href.match(directDownloadPattern);

                if (!dlMatch) {
                    console.warn('Could not find valid download link in page (bad URL); latest version discovery aborted.')

                else {
                    // Use file ID to invoke file download routine
                    id = dlMatch[1];

                    openModWithId(baseUrl, modName, id);

        else {
            console.warn(`Invalid ID number for file download: '${id}'`)