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// ==UserScript== // @name CsgoPrizes & LeaguePrizes Ticket Farm // @namespace // @version 1.2 // @description Hey lazy man! D'you want some help to farm your tickets? // @author Death_Miner // @license MIT // @run-at document-start // @match // @match // @grant none // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @supportURL // ==/UserScript== (function(window, document){ /** * CP-FARM v1.2 * Automatic ticket farm system. * By Death_Miner, MIT licensied * * **/ /* * names: All farm names depending on the current website * name: The current farm name * title: Sets the title of the page * popup: Shows a popup on the page * reloading: If we are already reloading * refresh: Refreshes the page * error_reloading: Reloads the page on error */ var names = { "": "CP-FARM", "": "LP-FARM" }, name = names[], title = function(text){ document.title = "["+name+"] "+text; console.log("["+name+"] "+text); }, popup = function(type, reason){ var wrapper = document.createElement("div"), titles = { "error": "Error:", "success": "Success!" }, backgrounds = { "error": "#D83C3C", "success": "#28AB38" }; // Generate popup container & html wrapper.innerHTML = '<div class="popup" style="position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;width:500px;height:200px;margin-top:-100px;margin-left:-250px;background:'+backgrounds[type]+';z-index:9999;border-radius:20px;color:#FFF;text-transform:uppercase;font-size:30px;text-align:center;padding:47px 20px;box-shadow:#000 0 5px 10px 0;"><strong>'+titles[type]+'</strong><br>'+reason+'</div><div class="backdrop" style="background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);position:absolute;top:65px;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:9998;"></div>'; = name+"-POPUP"; // Add popup to page document.body.appendChild(wrapper); }, reloading = false, refresh = function(){ // Set we are reloading reloading = true; // Reload window.location.reload(); }, error_reloading = function(){ // Set we are reloading reloading = true; // Reload page after a 5sec wait setTimeout(function(){ window.location.reload(); }, 5000); }, loaded = false, init = function(){ // Cancel if it was already loaded if(loaded){ return; } // Check if DOM is ready to be manipulated if(document.readyState == "interactive" || document.readyState == "complete" || document.readyState == "loaded"){ // Set the loaded flag loaded = true // Show the page is loaded title("Page loaded!"); // Check if we can add Tickets if(typeof addTicket === "function"){ // Show we are initializing title("Initializing...") /* * shit: All shitty elements to remove from the page * additionnal_time: How much we wait after countdown is finished * start: Start time (number of seconds) * update: Runs every second to "spam" the server */ var shit = document.querySelectorAll("#content iframe, #content #pub, #content #karambit-ads-contest, #disqus_thread, #content object"), additionnal_time = 10, start = false, update = function(){ // "Spamming" only if we don't reload if(reloading === false){ // Get the current second (managed by the website's ticket script) var sec = parseInt(document.querySelector("#ticketTimer").innerText, 10); // If start time not defined, define it! if(start == false){ start = sec+1; } // Check if additional time is needed if(sec === 0){ // Show counter title("-"+additionnal_time+"/"+start); // If additional time finished, reload to avoid big wait times if(additionnal_time <= 0){ title("Server not responding..."); popup("error", "The ticket server is not responding, reloading..."); error_reloading(); } // Increment counter additionnal_time -= 1; } else{ // Show normal counter title(sec+"/"+start); } // If this element is hidden, 3 tickets has been added if(document.querySelector(".bouton_get_tickets .cover").style.display == "none"){ // Reload title("+3 tickets, reloading..."); popup("success", "3 tickets added, reloading page..."); refresh(); } // "Spam" the server to be the most ticket productive addTicket(); } }; // Remove each shit for (var i = shit.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { shit[i].remove(); }; // Check if user is logged if(document.querySelectorAll("#steam-log").length == 0){ // Start farm setInterval(update, 1000); title("Started!"); } else{ // Tell user to login title("Please login"); popup("error", "Please login to continue farming..."); error_reloading(); } } else{ // We can't add tickets, so the website's ticket script has not loaded // Check if it is a CF-DDOS Check if(document.querySelectorAll(".cf-browser-verification").length > 0){ // Show it title("CF-DDOS Security, waiting..."); } else{ // Show the fatal error title("Fatal error, farm cannot work..."); popup("error", "The farm cannot work on this page..."); error_reloading(); } } } }; // Show the page is loading title("Loading page..."); // Wait for DOM document.onreadystatechange = init; // Try to init if DOM is already ready init(); // Block adblock-blockers (wow!) to ensure the ticket script is running // We can replace the fuckAdBlock window instance with "true" on the website cause the code is shit, but let's do something that might not break if they do it right /** * FUCK FUCKADBLOCK v2.0 * Acts like FuckAdBlock.js but always says that no adblock was detected. * By Mechazawa, WTFPl licensied * * **/ var FuckAdBlock = function(options) { if(options !== undefined) this.setOption(options); var self = this; window.addEventListener('load', function() { setTimeout(function() { if(self._options.checkOnLoad === true) self.check(false); }, 1); }, false); } FuckAdBlock.prototype = { setOption : function(options, value) { if(value !== undefined) { var key = options; options = {}; options[key] = value; } for(option in options) this._options[option] = options[option]; return this; }, _options : { checkOnLoad: true, resetOnEnd: true }, _var : { triggers: [] }, check : function(ignore) { this.emitEvent(false); return true; }, clearEvent : function() { this._var.triggers = []; }, emitEvent : function(detected) { if(detected === false) { var fns = this._var.triggers; for(i in fns) fns[i](); if(this._options.resetOnEnd === true) this.clearEvent(); } return this; }, on : function(detected, fn) { if(detected === false) this._var.triggers.push(fn); return this; }, onDetected : function(fn) { return this; }, onNotDetected : function(fn) { return this.on(false, fn); } }; window.fuckAdBlock = new FuckAdBlock(); })(window, document);