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// ==UserScript== // @name ROBLOX - Get Decal ImageID // @description Gets and displays the ID of a decal's image. // // @author ClockworkSquirrel // @version 1.0.0 // // @icon // // @require // @match https://**/* // // @connect // // @run-at document-start // // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_setClipboard // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; var res = { api: "", assetTypeId: 1, maxAttempts: 16, loadingImg: "", }; var scriptRunning = false; function documentReady(){ if (scriptRunning) return; scriptRunning = true; let container = $("div#item-container[data-item-id][data-asset-type][data-user-id]:eq(0)"); if (container !== null && container !== undefined){ let assetId = container.attr("data-item-id"), assetType = container.attr("data-asset-type"), creatorId = container.attr("data-user-id"); if (assetType.toLowerCase() == "decal"){ let foundImage, attempts = 1, checkAssetTimer, processing = false; let loadingImg = $(document.createElement("img")).attr("src", res.loadingImg).height("16px") .css("display", "block").css("margin", "0 auto 12px auto") .insertBefore("div#item-details:eq(0) *:eq(0)"); let checkAssetId = function(){ if (processing) return; processing = true; if (foundImage === null || attempts <= res.maxAttempts){ GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: res.api+"/marketplace/productinfo?assetId="+(assetId-attempts), onload: function(response){ attempts++; if (response.status === 200 && response.responseText.length > 0){ let data = $.parseJSON(response.responseText); if (data.AssetTypeId == res.assetTypeId && data.Creator.Id == creatorId){ clearInterval(checkAssetTimer); foundImage = data.AssetId; loadingImg.remove(); $(document.createElement("input")).addClass("copy-to-clipboard form-control input-field") .attr("type", "text").attr("readonly", true).css("margin-bottom", "12px").val(foundImage) .css("cursor", "pointer").click(function(evt){evt.preventDefault();$(this).select();}) .contextmenu(function(evt){ if (!evt.ctrlKey){ evt.preventDefault(); $(this).select(); GM_setClipboard(foundImage); try{ let popup = $(".content .alert-success").text("Copied to Clipboard!"); Roblox.BootstrapWidgets.ToggleSystemMessage(popup, 0, 3e3); }catch(_){} } }) .insertBefore("div#item-details:eq(0) *:eq(0)"); } } processing = false; } }); }else if(attempts > res.maxAttempts){ clearInterval(checkAssetTimer); loadingImg.remove(); try{ let popup = $(".content .alert-warning").text("Couldn't find Image ID ("+(attempts-1)+" attempts)"); Roblox.BootstrapWidgets.ToggleSystemMessage(popup, 0, 3e3); }catch(_){} } }; checkAssetTimer = setInterval(checkAssetId, 1e2); } } } var checkTimer; checkTimer = setInterval(function(){ let itemContainer = document.getElementById("item-container"); if ((itemContainer !== null && itemContainer !== undefined) && ($ !== null && $ !== undefined)){ clearInterval(checkTimer); documentReady(); } }, 1e3); })();