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// ==UserScript== // @name Syntax-Highlight-Style // @namespace // @version 1.1.2 // @description Adds extra code highlighting frormating options ot // @author Paul Moss // @match // @license MIT // @homepageURL // @update // @downloadURL // @contributionURL // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /* jshint -W097 */ 'use strict'; // #nsregion BIGBYTE var BIGBYTE = BIGBYTE || {}; if (typeof(BIGBYTE.createNS) == 'undefined') { BIGBYTE.createNS = function(namespace) { var nsparts = namespace.split("."); var parent = BIGBYTE; // we want to be able to include or exclude the root namespace so we strip // it if it's in the namespace)) if (nsparts[0] === "BIGBYTE") { nsparts = nsparts.slice(1); } // loop through the parts and create a nested namespace if necessary for (var i = 0; i < nsparts.length; i++) { var partname = nsparts[i]; // check if the current parent already has the namespace declared // if it isn't, then create it if (typeof parent[partname] === "undefined") { parent[partname] = {}; } // get a reference to the deepest element in the hierarchy so far parent = parent[partname]; } // the parent is now constructed with empty namespaces and can be used. // we return the outermost namespace return parent; }; } if (typeof(BIGBYTE.isjquery) == 'undefined') { BIGBYTE.isjquery = function(data) { // If data is already a jQuery object if (data instanceof jQuery) { // Do nothing different data = data; // Otherwise } else { // Convert to jQuery object data = jQuery(data); } // Return jQuery object return data; }; } // #endnsregion BIGBYTE // #nsregion BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.DOCUMENT var bbDoc = BIGBYTE.createNS("BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.DOCUMENT"); bbDoc.ns = 'BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.DOCUMENT'; // #region LoadScripts if (typeof(bbDoc.loadScript) == 'undefined') { bbDoc.loadScript = function(scriptItm) { var lib = this; if (typeof(scriptItm.count) == 'undefined') { scriptItm.count = 0; } if (typeof(scriptItm.loaded) == 'undefined') { scriptItm.loaded = false; } if (typeof(scriptItm.text) == 'undefined') { scriptItm.text = ''; // timeout in seconds } if (typeof(scriptItm.timeout) == 'undefined') { scriptItm.timeout = 30; // timeout in seconds } var bbScriptLoadedEvent = new CustomEvent( "bbScriptLoaded", { detail: { message: "Script Loaded", time: new Date(), scriptItm: scriptItm }, bubbles: true, cancelable: false } ); switch (scriptItm.type) { case 'linkedjs': var skipTest = false; if (typeof(scriptItm.testMethod) == 'undefined' || (scriptItm.testMethod.length == 0)) { skipTest = true; } if (skipTest) { // there is no test for this item so we will and assume // all is fine/ scriptItm.loaded = true; lib.addJS_Node(scriptItm.text, scriptItm.src); // trigger event for loaded //jQuery(document).trigger("bbScriptLoaded", scriptItm); document.dispatchEvent(bbScriptLoadedEvent); return; } scriptItm.count++; var maxCount = scriptItm.timeout * 10; // multply by 10 to convert into 10th of seconds if (scriptItm.count > maxCount) { console.error('unable to load script, Aborting: ', scriptItm.src); return; } var testmethod; try { testmethod = eval(scriptItm.testMethod); } catch (e) { testmethod = undefined; } if (typeof(testmethod) == 'undefined') { if (!scriptItm.loaded) { scriptItm.loaded = true; lib.addJS_Node(scriptItm.text, scriptItm.src); } setTimeout(function() { lib.loadScript(scriptItm); }, 100); } else { // script item is loaded trigger an evert //jQuery(document).trigger("bbScriptLoaded", scriptItm); document.dispatchEvent(bbScriptLoadedEvent); } break; case 'css': if (typeof(scriptItm.tag) == 'undefined') { scriptItm.tag = 'body'; // timeout in seconds } lib.addCss_Node(scriptItm.src, scriptItm.tag); //jQuery(document).trigger("bbScriptLoaded", scriptItm); document.dispatchEvent(bbScriptLoadedEvent); break; case 'csslink': lib.addLink_Node(scriptItm.src); //jQuery(document).trigger("bbScriptLoaded", scriptItm); document.dispatchEvent(bbScriptLoadedEvent); break; default: // statements_def break; } } } // #endregion LoadScripts // #region BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.DOCUMENT Methods // gneric document related if (typeof(bbDoc.addJS_Node) == 'undefined') { bbDoc.addJS_Node = function(text, s_URL, funcToRun, runOnLoad) { var D = document; var scriptNode = D.createElement('script'); if (runOnLoad) { scriptNode.addEventListener("load", runOnLoad, false); } scriptNode.type = "text/javascript"; if (text) scriptNode.textContent = text; if (s_URL) scriptNode.src = s_URL; if (funcToRun) scriptNode.textContent = '(' + funcToRun.toString() + ')()'; var targ = D.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || D.body || D.documentElement; targ.appendChild(scriptNode); }; } if (typeof(bbDoc.addJS_NodeToBody) == 'undefined') { bbDoc.addJS_NodeToBody = function(text, s_URL, funcToRun, runOnLoad) { var D = document; var scriptNode = D.createElement('script'); if (runOnLoad) { scriptNode.addEventListener("load", runOnLoad, false); } scriptNode.type = "text/javascript"; if (text) scriptNode.textContent = text; if (s_URL) scriptNode.src = s_URL; if (funcToRun) scriptNode.textContent = '(' + funcToRun.toString() + ')()'; var targ = D.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] || D.body || D.documentElement; targ.appendChild(scriptNode); }; } if (typeof(bbDoc.addCss_Node) == 'undefined') { bbDoc.addCss_Node = function(text, element) { element = typeof element !== 'undefined' ? element : 'head'; var D = document; var scriptNode = D.createElement('style'); scriptNode.type = "text/css"; if (text) scriptNode.textContent = text; var targ = D.getElementsByTagName(element)[0] || D.body || D.documentElement; targ.appendChild(scriptNode); }; } if (typeof(bbDoc.addLink_Node) == 'undefined') { bbDoc.addLink_Node = function(href, type, rel) { type = typeof type !== 'undefined' ? type : "text/css"; rel = typeof rel !== 'undefined' ? rel : "stylesheet"; var D = document; var scriptNode = D.createElement('link'); scriptNode.type = type; scriptNode.href = href; if (rel) scriptNode.rel = rel; var targ = D.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || D.body || D.documentElement; targ.appendChild(scriptNode); }; } if (typeof(bbDoc.addHtml_Node) == 'undefined') { bbDoc.addHtml_Node = function(html) { var D = document; var targ = D.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] || D.body || D.documentElement; targ.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html); }; } // #endregion BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.DOCUMENT Methods // #endnsregion BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.DOCUMENT" // #nsregion BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.UTIL var bbusu = BIGBYTE.createNS("BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.UTIL"); bbusu.ns = 'BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.UTIL'; // #region Methods if(typeof(bbusu.extend) == 'undefined') { /** * Extends an object to contain new Properties * @return {[Object]} the new merged oject */ bbusu.extend = function () { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) for (var key in arguments[i]) if (arguments[i].hasOwnProperty(key)) arguments[0][key] = arguments[i][key]; return arguments[0]; }; } // #endregion Methods // #endnsregion BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.UTIL // #nsregion BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.CLIPBOARD // #region Create NS var bbClip = BIGBYTE.createNS("BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.CLIPBOARD"); bbClip.ns = 'BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.CLIPBOARD'; // #endregion Create NS // #region Properties bbClip.scriptOutputted = false; // #endregion Properties // #endnsregion BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.CLIPBOARD // #nsregion BIGBYTE.STRING // #region Create NS var bbString = BIGBYTE.createNS("BIGBYTE.STRING"); bbString.ns = 'BIGBYTE.STRING'; // #endregion Create NS // #region Init if (typeof(bbString.pad) == 'undefined') { bbString.pad = function pad(str, max, padChar) { padChar = padChar || '0'; str = str.toString(); return str.length < max ? this.pad(padChar + str, max, padChar) : str; } } // #endregion Init // #endnsregion BIGBYTE.STRING // #nsregion BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL // #region Create NS var sthl = BIGBYTE.createNS("BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL"); sthl.ns = 'BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL'; // #endregion Create ns // #region Button methods /** * Toggles Buttons enabled or disabled * @param {[boolean]} enabled If true buttons will be enable; Otherwise disabled */ sthl.toggleButtons = function(enabled, forceRedraw) { enabled = (typeof(enabled) == 'undefined') ? false : enabled; forceRedraw = (typeof(forceRedraw) == 'undefined') ? false : forceRedraw; var $ = jQuery; if (enabled) { $('#gmconvert').attr("disabled", false); $('#gmcopy').attr("disabled", false); $('#gmcopytbl').attr("disabled", false); $('#gmtable').attr("disabled", false); } else { $('#gmconvert').attr("disabled", 'disabled'); $('#gmcopy').attr("disabled", 'disabled'); $('#gmcopytbl').attr("disabled", 'disabled'); $('#gmtable').attr("disabled", 'disabled'); } if (forceRedraw) { $('#gmconvert').hide().show(0); $('#gmcopy').hide().show(0); $('#gmcopytbl').hide().show(0); $('#gmtable').hide().show(0); } }; sthl.getConvertedList = function() { var $ = jQuery; var $sourceCode = $('pre.snippet-formatted.sh_sourceCode'); $sourceCode.makeCssInlineCode(false); var contentHtml = ''; if ($sourceCode.length) { var $wrapper = $('<div />'); $wrapper.assignStyleFrom($sourceCode).css({ width: 'auto', height: 'auto', animation: '', clip: '', direction: '', fill: '', filter: '', flex: '', isolation: '', orphans: '', position: '', r: '', resize: '', rx: '', ry: '', speak: '', stroke: '', top: '', transform: '', transition: '', visibility: '', widows: '', x: '', y: '', zoom: '', //background: '', opacity: '', order: '', clear: '', cx: '', cy: '', float: '', mask: '', motion: '' }); // $sourceCode.removeAttrib('class', true); $sourceCode.wrapInner($wrapper); contentHtml = $sourceCode.spaceReplace(true)[0].outerHTML; } return contentHtml; }; sthl.getConvertedTable = function() { var $ = jQuery; var $sourceCode = $('pre.snippet-formatted.sh_sourceCode'); $sourceCode.find('li').each(function(index, li) { // convert li spaces to \u00a0 $(li).spaceReplace(false); // do not recurse }); $sourceCode.makeCssInlineCode(true); // generates for html Table var contentHtml = ''; if ($sourceCode.length) { contentHtml = this.toTable($sourceCode)[0].outerHTML; } return contentHtml; }; /* * Button click to convert ordered list of the code output to inline styled ordered list */ sthl.convertClick = function(btn) { var $ = jQuery; var lib = BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL; lib.toggleButtons(false, true); $.event.trigger({ type: 'codeConversionStart', message: 'convert_list_start', time: new Date(), source: 'convertClick' }); this.windowScrollPos = $('body').scrollTop(); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'slow'); $(document).disableScroll('html, body'); var $btn = BIGBYTE.isjquery(btn); // convert to jquery obj var libTmce = BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL.TMCE; if ($'converted')) { $'converted', 0); } else { $'converted', 1); } var contentHtml = this.getConvertedList(); if (libTmce.fullscreen) { tinyMCE.get('gminput').execCommand('mceFullScreen'); } tinyMCE.get('gminput').setContent(contentHtml); $('.gmbackdrop, .gmbox').animate({ 'opacity': '.50' }, 300, 'linear'); $('.gmbox').animate({ 'opacity': '1.00' }, 300, 'linear'); $('.gmbackdrop, .gmbox').css('display', 'block'); $.event.trigger({ type: 'codeConversionFinish', message: 'convert_list_end', time: new Date(), source: 'convertClick', html: contentHtml }); }; /* * Button click to convert ordered list of the code output to html table */ sthl.convertTable = function(btn) { var $ = jQuery; $.event.trigger({ type: 'codeConversionStart', message: 'convert_table_start', time: new Date(), source: 'convertTable' }); var libTmce = BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL.TMCE; this.windowScrollPos = $('body').scrollTop(); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'slow'); $(document).disableScroll('html, body'); var contentHtml = this.getConvertedTable(); if (libTmce.fullscreen) { tinyMCE.get('gminput').execCommand('mceFullScreen'); } tinyMCE.get('gminput').setContent(contentHtml); $('.gmbackdrop, .gmbox').animate({ 'opacity': '.50' }, 300, 'linear'); $('.gmbox').animate({ 'opacity': '1.00' }, 300, 'linear'); $('.gmbackdrop, .gmbox').css('display', 'block'); $.event.trigger({ type: 'codeConversionFinish', message: 'convert_table_end', time: new Date(), source: 'convertTable', html: contentHtml }); }; // #endregion Button methods // #region Init /** * Init for the main script */ sthl.init = function(pluginSrc) { var tinyMceVer = BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL.TMCE.version; //var tinyMceVer = '4.3.2'; pluginSrc = typeof(pluginSrc) == 'undefined' ? '//' : pluginSrc; // no jquery at this point use pure javascript events if (document.addEventListener) { // For all major browsers, except IE 8 and earlier document.addEventListener("bbScriptLoaded", BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL.onBbScriptLoaded); } else if (document.attachEvent) { // For IE 8 and earlier versions document.attachEvent("onbbScriptLoaded", BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL.onBbScriptLoaded); } if (document.addEventListener) { // For all major browsers, except IE 8 and earlier document.addEventListener("allScriptsLoaded", BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL.onAllScriptsLoaded); } else if (document.attachEvent) { // For IE 8 and earlier versions document.attachEvent("onallScriptsLoaded", BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL.onAllScriptsLoaded); } // only add jquery if we need it. if (typeof(jQuery) == 'undefined') { this.addScript('jquery', pluginSrc, 'linkedjs', 'jQuery'); } if ((typeof(jQuery) == 'undefined') || (typeof(jQuery.cookei) == 'undefined')) { this.addScript('cookie', '//', 'linkedjs', 'jQuery.cookie'); } if (typeof(Clipboard) == 'undefined') { this.addScript('clipboard', '//', 'linkedjs', 'Clipboard'); } this.addScript('icons-css', '//', 'csslink'); // tiny mce this.addScript('tinyMceJs', '//' + tinyMceVer + '/tinymce.min.js', 'linkedjs', 'tinyMCE'); this.addScript('tinyMceCss', '//' + tinyMceVer + '/skins/lightgray/skin.min.css', 'csslink'); //this.addScript('tinymce_advanced_theme', '//' + tinyMceVer + '/themes/advanced/theme.min.js','linkedjs') // no checking required this.loadScripts(); }; /* * Load scripts will load one script only at a time. * When the script is loaded the next if any script will be * load via the onScripLoadeEvent * the onScriptLoaded Event calle this function over and over untll all the scripts are loaded */ sthl.loadScripts = function() { var count = 0; for (var key in this.scripts) { count++; if (count > 1) { return; } BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.DOCUMENT.loadScript(this.scripts[key]); } }; /* * Array to hold all the scripts that are to be loaded */ sthl.scripts = []; /* * Adds script item to the BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL.scripts array * these are scripts tha will be loaded when the BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL.init() is fired */ sthl.addScript = function(name, src, type, testMethod, args) { var newItm = { name: name, src: src, type: type, testMethod: testMethod }; if(typeof(args) === undefined) { this.scripts[name] = newItm; } else { var extended = BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.UTIL.extend(newItm, args); this.scripts[name] = extended; } }; /* * Function to check and see if there are any scripts left to be loaded * @returns boolean, true if all the scripts are loaded; Otherwise false */ sthl.isScriptsLoaded = function() { var lib = BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL; for (var key in lib.scripts) { if (!lib.scripts[key].loaded) { return false } } return true; }; // #endregion init // #region Properties sthl.scriptOutputted = false; sthl.windowScrollPos = 0; sthl.includeLineNumbers = true; /** * Property that is set to true if the code has had style added to it * @type {Boolean} */ sthl.isCodeStyled = false; // light box related sthl.lightBoxCss = '.gmbackdrop,.gmbox{position:absolute;display:none}.gmbackdrop{top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;background:#000;opacity:0;'; sthl.lightBoxCss += 'filter:alpha(opacity=0);z-index:201}.gmbox{background:#fff;z-index:202;padding:10px;'; sthl.lightBoxCss += '-webkit-border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;border-radius:5px;-moz-box-shadow:0 0 5px #444;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 5px #444;'; sthl.lightBoxCss += 'box-shadow:0 0 5px #444}.gmclose{float:right;margin-right:6px;cursor:pointer}.mce-panel{border:none}div.gmbox .mce-panel{border:'; sthl.lightBoxCss += ' 0 solid rgba(0,0,0,.2)}div.mce-tinymce.mce-container.mce-panel{margin-top:2em}div.mce-tinymce.mce-container.mce-panel.mce-fullscreen'; sthl.lightBoxCss += '{margin-top:0}#gm-edit-btn{font-size:1.6em;color:#ABABAB}#gm-edit-btn:hover{color:#2DBE60}'; sthl.lightBoxCss += '.gmbox-window{top:50%;left:50%;transform: translate(-50%, -50%);position: absolute;'; sthl.lightBoxCss += 'width:650px;height:450px;}'; // #endregion Properties // #region Init Methods /* * internal method to add buttons to the toolbar of the page. * method alos hooks up some of the buttons. Method is called on document.ready */ sthl.initToolbar = function($) { var lib = this; var $btndiv = $('.buttons:first'); $btndiv.append('<button id="gmconvert" type="button" data-clipboard-text="" data-converted="0" disabled="disabled">Popup List</button>'); $btndiv.append('<button id="gmtable" type="button" disabled="disabled">Popup Table</button>'); $btndiv.append('<button id="gmcopy" type="button" disabled="disabled">Copy List</button>'); $btndiv.append('<button id="gmcopytbl" type="button" disabled="disabled">Copy Table</button>'); $('button#gmconvert').click(function() { lib.convertClick(this); }); $('#gmtable').click(function() { lib.convertTable(this); }); }; /* * * Inits the line number to hook page line number checkbox * @param $ optional jQuery object * @desc called from main init */ sthl.initLineNumbers = function($) { $ = $ || jQuery; //label#checkBox.bfc selected //includeLineNumbers var lib = this; $('input#lineNumber').click(function() { if ($(this).parent('label').hasClass('selected')) { lib.includeLineNumbers = true; } else { lib.includeLineNumbers = false; } }); }; // #endregion Init Methods // #region Methods /* * resets the lightbox back to hidden state */ sthl.lightBoxReset = function() { jQuery('.gmbackdrop, .gmbox').animate({ 'opacity': '0' }, 300, 'linear', function() { jQuery('.gmbackdrop, .gmbox').css('display', 'none'); }); jQuery('textarea#gminput').val(''); // clean up textarea }; /** * Converts a list (ul, ol) elements into a table * @parm el an element containing the the ul or ol item * @parm includeNum optional, if true then line numnbers will be incldued; Otherwise false. * default value is the value the page is currently set to with the line numbers checkbox */ sthl.toTable = function(el, includeNum, tableClass) { var $ = jQuery; var lib = this; //debugger; tableClass = tableClass || ''; includeNum = includeNum || this.includeLineNumbers; var $tbl; if (tableClass) { $tbl = $('<table />'); } else { $tbl = $('<table class="' + tableClass + '" />'); } var count = 0; el.find('li').each(function(index, li) { var $li = BIGBYTE.isjquery(li); var box = $li.hasClass('box'); var boxTop = $li.hasClass('box-top'); var boxMid = $li.hasClass('box-mid'); var boxBot = $li.hasClass('box-bot'); var boxBg = $li.hasClass('box-bg'); count++; var $row = $('<tr/>'); if (includeNum) { var $cellNum = $('<td/>').css({ paddingLeft: '5px', width: '35px', textAlign: 'right', whiteSpace: 'nowrap', paddingRight: '5px' }); if (box) { $cellNum.css({ border: $li.css('border'), borderColor: $li.css('border-color'), borderRight: '0' }); if (boxTop) { $cellNum.css({ borderTop: $li.css('border-top'), borderLeft: $li.css('border-left'), borderLeftColor: $li.css('border-left-color') }); } if (boxMid) { $cellNum.css({ borderLeft: $li.css('border-left'), borderLeftColor: $li.css('border-left-color') }); } if (boxBot) { $cellNum.css({ borderBottom: $li.css('border-bottom'), borderBottomColor: $li.css('border-bottom-color'), borderLeft: $li.css('border-left'), borderLeftColor: $li.css('border-left-color') }); } if (boxBg) { $cellNum.css({ backgroundColor: $li.css('background-color') }); } } $cellNum.html(BIGBYTE.STRING.pad(count, 2) + '.'); $row.append($cellNum); } var $cellMain = $('<td/>'); $cellMain = lib._copyCss($cellMain, li); $cellMain.css({ listStyle: '', //wordWrap: 'normal', lineHeight: '', fontSize: '', fontFamily: '', 'word-wrap': 'break-word' }); if (includeNum) { $cellMain.css({ width: '100%' }); } else { $cellMain.css({ width: '100%', paddingLeft: '10px' }); } if (box) { $cellMain.css({ border: $li.css('border'), borderColor: $li.css('border-color'), borderLeft: (includeNum ? '0' : $li.css('border-left')) }); if (boxTop) { if (includeNum) { $cellMain.css({ borderTop: $li.css('border-top'), borderLeft: '0', borderRight: $li.css('border-right'), borderRightColor: $li.css('border-Right-color') }); } else { $cellMain.css({ borderTop: $li.css('border-top'), borderLeft: $li.css('border-left'), borderLeftColor: $li.css('border-left-color'), borderRight: $li.css('border-right'), borderRightColor: $li.css('border-Right-color') }); } } if (boxMid) { if (includeNum) { $cellMain.css({ borderLeft: '0', borderRight: $li.css('border-right'), borderRightColor: $li.css('border-Right-color') }); } else { $cellMain.css({ borderLeft: $li.css('border-left'), borderLeftColor: $li.css('border-left-color'), borderRight: $li.css('border-right'), borderRightColor: $li.css('border-Right-color') }); } } if (boxBot) { if (includeNum) { $cellMain.css({ borderBottom: $li.css('border-bottom'), borderBottomColor: $li.css('border-bottom-color'), borderLeft: '0', borderRight: $li.css('border-right'), borderRightColor: $li.css('border-Right-color') }); } else { $cellMain.css({ borderBottom: $li.css('border-bottom'), borderBottomColor: $li.css('border-bottom-color'), borderLeft: $li.css('border-left'), borderLeftColor: $li.css('border-left-color'), borderRight: $li.css('border-right'), borderRightColor: $li.css('border-Right-color') }); } } if (boxBg) { $cellMain.css({ backgroundColor: $li.css('background-color') }); } } $cellMain.html($(this).html()); $row.append($cellMain); $tbl.append($row); }); // set the default css styles $tbl = this._copyCss($tbl, el); // corrected css styles $tbl.css({ whiteSpace: 'nowrap', listStyle: '', wordWrap: 'normal', 'border-collapse': 'collapse', 'table-layout': 'fixed', width: '100%' }); return $tbl; } sthl.createToggleButton = function() { var $ = jQuery; if ($('btncustomtoggle').length === 0) { $('<div id="customtoggle"><button id="btncustomtoggle" type="buton" style="display: none">Toggle</button></div>').insertBefore('#htmlToCopy'); $('#btncustomtoggle').click(function() { tinyMCE.execCommand('mceToggleEditor', true, 'htmlToCopy'); }); } }; /* * internal copies specifice class files from toEl to el. */ sthl._copyCss = function(toEl, el) { var $toEl = BIGBYTE.isjquery(toEl); var $el = BIGBYTE.isjquery(el); $toEl.css({ paddingLeft: $el.css('padding-left'), listStyle: $el.css('list-style'), backgroundColor: $el.css('background-color'), lineHeight: $el.css('line-height'), borderLeft: $el.css('border-left'), color: $el.css('color'), fontWeight: $el.css('font-weight'), fontStyle: $el.css('font-style'), fontSize: $el.css('font-size'), fontFamily: $el.css('font-family'), textAlign: $el.css('text-align'), whiteSpace: $el.css('white-space'), wordWrap: $el.css('word-wrap') }) return $toEl; }; sthl.lightBoxAddCss = function() { var bdoc = BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.DOCUMENT; bdoc.addCss_Node(this.lightBoxCss, 'body'); }; sthl.getLightBoxHtml = function(id, title) { id = typeof id !== 'undefined' ? id : 'gminput'; title = typeof title !== 'undefined' ? title : ''; var h = '<div class="gmbackdrop"></div>'; h += '<div id="tinybox" class="gmbox gmbox-window"><div class="gmclose"><i class="fi-x" style="color:black"></i></div>'; h += title; h += '<textarea id="' + id + '" rows="18" cols="68"></textarea>'; h += '</div></div>'; return h; } sthl.writeLightBox = function(id, title) { var html = this.getLightBoxHtml(id, title); var bdoc = BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.DOCUMENT; bdoc.addHtml_Node(html); }; /** * Init that fires when Clibporad Lib is loaded */ sthl.clipboardInit = function() { var clipboard = new Clipboard('#gmcopy', { text: function(trigger) { var $ = jQuery; $.event.trigger({ type: 'codeConversionStart', message: 'convert_list_start', time: new Date(), source: 'gmcopy' }); var contentHtml; try { contentHtml = BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL.getConvertedList(); } catch (e) { // statements console.log(e); } $.event.trigger({ type: 'codeConversionFinish', message: 'convert_list_end', time: new Date(), source: 'gmcopy', html: contentHtml }); return contentHtml; } }); var clipboardTbl = new Clipboard('#gmcopytbl', { text: function(trigger) { var $ = jQuery; $.event.trigger({ type: 'codeConversionStart', message: 'convert_table_start', time: new Date(), source: 'gmcopytbl' }); var contentHtml; try { contentHtml = BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL.getConvertedTable(); } catch (e) { // statements console.log(e); } $.event.trigger({ type: 'codeConversionFinish', message: 'convert_table_end', time: new Date(), source: 'gmcopytbl', html: contentHtml }); return contentHtml; } }); clipboard.on('success', function(e) {'Action:', e.action); //'Text:', e.text);'Trigger:', e.trigger); alert('Data as been copied to the clipboard'); }); clipboard.on('error', function(e) { console.error('Action:', e.action); console.error('Trigger:', e.trigger); alert('Unable to copy data to the clipboard'); }); clipboardTbl.on('success', function(e) {'Action:', e.action);'Trigger:', e.trigger); alert('Data as been copied to the clipboard'); }); clipboardTbl.on('error', function(e) { console.error('Action:', e.action); console.error('Trigger:', e.trigger); alert('Unable to copy data to the clipboard'); }); }; /** * Calls page like method to relaod the code from the origiona source * @return {[boolean]} returns true if the code was reset; Otherwise false */ sthl.reHighlight = function() { if ($("#dropZone").val() == "") { $(".doneButton").attr("disabled", true); return false; } $("#theWholeEnchilada").html('<pre class="shi_pre"></pre>'); $("#theWholeEnchilada .shi_pre").text($("#dropZone").val()); languageSelected = $("#language_selected option:selected").val(); styleSelected = $("#style_selected option:selected").val(); lineNumber = $("#lineNumber").is(":checked"); collapsing = ($("#collapsing").is(":checked") || $("#startCollapsing").is(":checked")); startCollapsing = $("#startCollapsing").is(":checked"); boxStyling = $("#boxStyling").val(); boxColorStyling = $("#boxColorStyling").val(); boxFillStyling = $("#boxFillStyling").val(); $("pre.shi_pre").snippet(languageSelected, { style: styleSelected, showNum: lineNumber, collapse: collapsing, startCollapsed: startCollapsing, box: boxStyling, boxColor: boxColorStyling, boxFill: boxFillStyling }) return true; }; /** * Set the page control value select elements if there are cookie value * otherwise save the cookie values */ sthl.setFromCookies = function() { if (typeof($.cookie('language_selected_val')) == 'undefined') { $.cookie('language_selected_val', $("#language_selected option").filter(":selected").val(), { expires: 14 }); } else { $("#language_selected").val($.cookie('language_selected_val')); } if (typeof($.cookie('style_selected_val')) == 'undefined') { $.cookie('style_selected_val', $("#style_selected option").filter(":selected").val(), { expires: 14 }); } else { $("#style_selected").val($.cookie('style_selected_val')); } }; // #endregion Methods // #region ensure Methods sthl.ensurePlugins = function($) { if (typeof($.fn.enableScroll) == 'undefined') { $.extend($.fn, { enableScroll: function(selector, height) { height = height || 'auto'; if ((typeof(selector) == 'undefined') || (selector == null)) { $(this).css({ 'overflow': 'auto', 'height': height }); } else { $(this).find(selector).css({ 'overflow': 'auto', 'height': height }); } } }); } if (typeof($.fn.disableScroll) == 'undefined') { $.extend($.fn, { disableScroll: function(selector, height) { height = height || '100%'; if ((typeof(selector) == 'undefined') || (selector == null)) { $(this).css({ 'overflow': 'hidden', 'height': height }); } else { $(this).find(selector).css({ 'overflow': 'hidden', 'height': height }); } } }); } if (typeof($.fn.spaceReplace) == 'undefined') { $.extend($.fn, { spaceReplace: function(recurse) { recurse = typeof(recurse) == 'undefined' ? false : recurse; if (recurse) { return this.find('*').each(function(index, value) { try { if (typeof(value) == 'undefined') { return; } $(value)._spaceRepaceSingle(); } catch (e) { console.log('spaceReplace error:', e); } }); } else { return this._spaceRepaceSingle(); } }, _spaceRepaceSingle: function() { this.contents().filter(function() { return this.nodeType == 3; // Text node }).each(function() { = /g, '\u00a0'); }); return this; } }); } if (typeof($.fn.removeAttrib) == 'undefined') { $.extend($.fn, { removeAttrib: function(attributeName, recurse) { recurse = typeof(recurse) == 'undefined' ? false : recurse; if (recurse) { return $(this).find('*').each(function(index, value) { try { if (typeof(value) == 'undefined') { return; } $(value).removeAttr(attributeName); } catch (e) { // statements console.log('error:', e); } }); } else { return $(this).removeAttr(attributeName); } } }); } }; /* * internal method that creates/loads makeCssInlineCode jQuery plugin * this plugin converts specific the css style of the element and child elemets into inline css style */ sthl.ensureMakeCssInlineCodePlugin = function($) { if (typeof($.fn.makeCssInlineCode) == 'undefined') { $.extend($.fn, { makeCssInlineCode: function(forTable) { // forTable if true then will generate css a little diffferently for html table forTable = typeof(forTable) == 'undefined' ? false : forTable; this.each(function(idx, el) { var $this = $(el); var tagName = $this.tagName(true); if ($this.attr('class')) { // if element has a class then set the styles $this.css({ color: $this.css('color'), fontWeight: $this.css('font-weight'), fontStyle: $this.css('font-style'), //fontSize: $this.css('font-size'), //fontFamily: $this.css('font-family'), textAlign: $this.css('text-align'), //whiteSpace: $this.css('white-space'), //wordWrap: $this.css('word-wrap') }); } // get tagname in lowercase format; switch (tagName) { case 'li': $this.css({ paddingLeft: $this.css('padding-left'), listStyle: $this.css('list-style'), backgroundColor: $this.css('background-color'), lineHeight: $this.css('line-height'), //borderLeft: $this.css('border-left'), borderTop: $this.css('border-top'), borderRight: $this.css('border-right'), borderBottom: $this.css('border-bottom'), borderLeftColor: $this.css('border-left-color'), borderTopColor: $this.css('border-top-color'), borderRightColor: $this.css('border-right-color'), borderBottomColor: $this.css('border-bottom-color'), borderLeft: $this.css('border-left'), color: $this.css('color'), fontWeight: $this.css('font-weight'), fontStyle: $this.css('font-style'), //fontSize: $this.css('font-size'), //fontFamily: $this.css('font-family'), textAlign: $this.css('text-align'), whiteSpace: $this.css('white-space'), wordWrap: $this.css('word-wrap'), margin: $this.css('margin'), 'list-style-position': $this.css('list-style-position') }); break; case 'ol': // line numbers var padding = $this.css('-webkit-padding-start'); $this.css({ 'list-style-type': 'decimal', display: 'block', '-webkit-margin-before': '1em', '-moz-margin-before': '1em', '-khtml-margin-before': '1em', '-o-margin-before': '1em', '-webkit-margin-after': '1em', '-moz-margin-after': '1em', '-khtml-margin-after': '1em', '-o-margin-after': '1em', '-webkit-margin-start': '0px', '-moz-margin-start': '0px', '-khtml-margin-start': '0px', '-o-margin-start': '0px', '-webkit-margin-end': '0px', '-moz-margin-end': '0px', '-khtml-margin-end': '0px', '-o-margin-end': '0px', '-moz-padding-start': padding, '-khtml-padding-start': padding, '-o-padding-start': padding, 'padding-start': padding, 'padding-left': padding }); break; case 'ul': // no line numbers $this.css({ 'list-style-type': 'decimal', display: 'block', '-webkit-margin-before': '1em', '-moz-margin-before': '1em', '-khtml-margin-before': '1em', '-o-margin-before': '1em', '-webkit-margin-after': '1em', '-moz-margin-after': '1em', '-khtml-margin-after': '1em', '-o-margin-after': '1em', '-webkit-margin-start': '0px', '-moz-margin-start': '0px', '-khtml-margin-start': '0px', '-o-margin-start': '0px', '-webkit-margin-end': '0px', '-moz-margin-end': '0px', '-khtml-margin-end': '0px', '-o-margin-end': '0px', '-moz-padding-start': '0', '-khtml-padding-start': '0', '-o-padding-start': '0', 'padding-start': '0', 'padding-left': '0' }); break; case 'span': if ((!forTable) && ($this.hasClass('box-sp'))) { $this.css({ display: $this.css('display'), width: $this.css('width') }); } else { $this.css({ display: '', width: '' }); } break; default: // statements_def break; } //var style =; //$this.removeAttr('class'); // remove class from element $this.children().makeCssInlineCode(forTable); }); } }); } }; /* * internal method that creates/loads makeCssInline jQuery plugin * this plugin converts all the css style of the element and child elemets into inline css style */ sthl.ensureMakeCssInlinePlugin = function($) { if (typeof($.fn.makeCssInline) == 'undefined') { $.extend($.fn, { makeCssInline: function(recurse) { recurse = typeof(recurse) == 'undefined' ? false : recurse; if (recurse) { return this.find('*').each(function(index, value) { try { if (typeof(value) == 'undefined') { return; } $(value)._makeCssInlineSingle(); } catch (e) { console.log('makeCssInline error:', e); } }); } else { return this.each(function(index, value) { $(value)._makeCssInlineSingle(); }) } }, _makeCssInlineSingle: function() { var el = this[0]; var style =; var properties = []; for (var property in style) { if (this.css(property)) { properties.push(property + ':' + this.css(property)); } } = properties.join(';'); return this; } }); } if (typeof($.fn.assignStyleFrom) == 'undefined') { /** * Assigns style of one jQuery Object to current object * @param {[jQuery]} el) A jQuery object or dom element * @return {[jQuery]} jQuery object with the new style assigned */ $.extend($.fn, { assignStyleFrom: function(el) { if (typeof(el) == 'undefined') { return this; } var $el; if (el instanceof jQuery) { $el = el; } else { $el = jQuery(el); } if ($el.length === 0) { return this; } var style = $el[0].style; var properties = []; for (var property in style) { if ($el.css(property)) { properties.push(property + ':' + $el.css(property)); } } this[0].style.cssText = properties.join(';'); return this; } }); } }; // #endregion enusre Methods // #region Events /* * Event Handler that is fired when a script is loaded * This event fires each time a script is loaded. */ sthl.onBbScriptLoaded = function(e) { var lib = BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL; // delete the added script delete lib.scripts[]; var done = lib.isScriptsLoaded(); if (done) { var allScriptsLoaded = new CustomEvent( "allScriptsLoaded", { detail: { message: "All Scripts Loaded", time: new Date(), }, bubbles: true, cancelable: false } ); document.dispatchEvent(allScriptsLoaded); //jQuery(document).trigger("allScriptsLoaded"); } else { // add the next script lib.loadScripts(); } } /* * Event Handler that fires when all scripts are loaded * this is main loading point for the script. */ sthl.onAllScriptsLoaded = function(e) { console.log('all scripts have been loaded.'); jQuery(function($, undefined) { var lib = BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL; if (typeof($.fn.tagName) == 'undefined') { // in older version of jquery tagname was retturned in uppercase but now is in lowercase $.fn.tagName = function(toLower) { var tn = this.prop("tagName"); if (toLower) { tn = tn.toLowerCase(); } return tn; }; } // hide the intro section of the webpage $('#intro').hide(); $(document).on("tinymceInit", lib.onTinymceInit); $(document).on("tinymceCancel", lib.onTinymceCancel); $(document).on("codeConversionStart", lib.onCodeConversionStart); $(document).on("codeConversionFinish", lib.onCodeConversionFinish); // $(document).on("clipboardLoaded", lib.clipboardInit); lib.clipboardInit(); $('button.startOver').on('click', lib.onStartOverClick); $('button.doneButton').unbind('click').on('click', lib.onDoneButtonClick); // load the values from cookies and set page controls lib.setFromCookies(); // events for page change $('#dropZone').on('change', { source: 'dropZone', type: 'textarea' }, lib.onPageMainChanged); $('select#language_selected').on("change", { source: 'language_selected', type: 'dropdown' }, lib.onPageMainChanged); $('select#style_selected').on('change', { source: 'style_selected', type: 'dropdown' }, lib.onPageMainChanged); $('input#lineNumber').on('change', { source: 'lineNumber', type: 'checkbox' }, lib.onPageMainChanged); $('input#boxColorStyling').on('change', { source: 'boxColorStyling', type: 'input' }, lib.onPageMainChanged); $('input#boxFillStyling').on('change', { source: 'boxFillStyling', type: 'input' }, lib.onPageMainChanged); $('button.startOver').on('click', { source: 'button.startOver', type: 'button' }, lib.onPageReset); $(document).on('tinymceFullScreen', lib.onTinyMceFulllscreen); $('body').append('<input id="gmhidden" type="hidden" value="" />'); lib.ensureMakeCssInlinePlugin($); lib.ensureMakeCssInlineCodePlugin($); lib.ensurePlugins($); lib.initToolbar($); lib.lightBoxAddCss(); lib.writeLightBox(); lib.createToggleButton(); // create the toggle button to toggle tinymce lib.TMCE.init(); sthl.initLineNumbers($); $('.gmclose').click(function() { $.event.trigger({ type: "tinymceCancel", message: 'cancel', time: new Date(), tinyMceId: 'gminput' }); }); }); }; /** * Event that fires when the page code elements have changed */ sthl.onPageMainChanged = function(e) { var lib = BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL; var $ = jQuery; if ($("#dropZone").val() == "") { lib.toggleButtons(false); } else { lib.toggleButtons(true); } switch ( { case 'language_selected': // dropeown language has been changed $.cookie('language_selected_val', $("#language_selected option").filter(":selected").val(), { expires: 14 }); break; case 'style_selected': $.cookie('style_selected_val', $("#style_selected option").filter(":selected").val(), { expires: 14 }); break; default: // statements_def break; } }; /** * Event that fire when the page reset takes place * @param {[objece]} e event args */ sthl.onPageReset = function(e) { var lib = BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL; lib.toggleButtons(false); lib.isCodeStyled = false; // set elements from cookies lib.setFromCookies(); }; sthl.onDoneButtonClick = function(e) { if ($("#dropZone").val() == "") { return } var lib = BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL; // highlight the code again if it has been styled if (lib.isCodeStyled == true) { lib.reHighlight(); lib.isCodeStyled == false; } if ($("#step4:visible")) { $("#step4").slideToggle() } $("#step5").slideToggle(); $(this).parents(".wrapper").slideToggle(); $("#theWholeEnchilada").css("height", "0"); $("#htmlToCopy").val($("#theWholeEnchilada").html()); document.getElementById($("#style_selected").val()).style.display = "block" // add tiny mce toggle option on top of the // formated source code window var nsTmce = BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL.TMCE; jQuery('#btncustomtoggle').show(); nsTmce.initHtmlTocopy(); tinyMCE.execCommand('mceToggleEditor', true, 'htmlToCopy'); }; sthl.onStartOverClick = function(e) { var $ = jQuery; var lib = BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL; tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveEditor', true, 'htmlToCopy'); $('btncustomtoggle').hide(); // fixes issue with theWholeEnchilada have a height of auto after reset // this fix is only needed due to this script making a chnage somewhere // along the way $('#theWholeEnchilada').css({ height: 'auto' }); lib.isCodeStyled = false; }; sthl.onCodeConversionStart = function(e) { var lib = BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL; if (lib.reHighlight()) { //console.log('code is rewritten'); } else { //console.log('unable to rewrite code'); } }; sthl.onCodeConversionFinish = function(e) { var lib = BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL; lib.toggleButtons(true); // set the property that indicates // if the colorized code has had syyles added to it lib.isCodeStyled = true; }; /** * Event that fire when TinyMce is initiated */ sthl.onTinymceInit = function(e) { //console.log('Tiny Mce Init was triggered'); }; /** * Event that fire when TinyMce save is clicked */ sthl.onTinymceSave = function(e) { var $ = jQuery; if (e.tinyMceId == 'gminput') { //console.log('Tiny Mce save was triggered'); BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL.lightBoxReset(); var libTmce = BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL.TMCE; if ($('body').hasClass('mce-fullscreen')) { $('body').removeClass('mce-fullscreen'); } $(document).enableScroll('html, body'); // $('body').animate({ scrollTop: this.windowScrollPos}, 'slow'); $('body').scrollTop(this.windowScrollPos); } }; /** * Event that fire when TinyMce close is clicked */ sthl.onTinymceCancel = function(e) { var $ = jQuery; if (e.tinyMceId == 'gminput') { BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL.lightBoxReset(); tinymce.get('gminput').setContent(''); // clean up tinymce var libTmce = BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL.TMCE; if ($('body').hasClass('mce-fullscreen')) { $('body').removeClass('mce-fullscreen'); } $(document).enableScroll('html, body'); $('body').scrollTop(this.windowScrollPos); } }; sthl.onTinyMceFulllscreen = function(e) { var $ = jQuery; if (e.tinyMceId == 'gminput') { if (e.state) { if ($('#tinybox').hasClass('gmbox-window')) { $('#tinybox').removeClass('gmbox-window'); } } else { if (!$('#tinybox').hasClass('gmbox-window')) { $('#tinybox').addClass('gmbox-window'); } } } }; // #endregion Events // #endnsregion // #nsregion BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL.TMCE // #region Create NS var tmce = BIGBYTE.createNS("BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL.TMCE"); tmce.ns = 'BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL.TMCE'; // #endregion Create ns // #region Properties tmce.scriptOutputted = false; tmce.fullscreen = false; tmce.loopcount = 0; tmce.version = '4.3.4'; // #endregion Properties // #region init if (typeof(tmce.init) == 'undefined') { tmce.init = function() { var ver = this.version; var id = 'gminput'; tinyMCE.init({ selector: 'textarea#' + id, visual: false, // turn off visual aids by default //entity_encoding: 'named', //entities: '160,nbsp', init_instance_callback: function() { jQuery('.mce-i-mysave').addClass('fi-save').css({ color: 'black' }); // add x icon to button jQuery('.mce-i-myexit').addClass('fi-x').css({ color: 'black' }); jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "tinymceInit", message: 'init', time: new Date(), tinyMceId: id }); }, height: 260, // extended_valid_elements : "span[!class]", inline: false, browser_spellcheck: true, plugins: "", menubar: "edit insert format view tools table", toolbar1: 'mysave myexit insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link', toolbar2: 'fullscreen print preview media | forecolor backcolor | insertdatetime table searchreplace code', external_plugins: { 'fullscreen': '' + ver + '/plugins/fullscreen/plugin.min.js', 'textcolor': '' + ver + '/plugins/textcolor/plugin.min.js', 'nonbreaking': '' + ver + '/plugins/nonbreaking/plugin.min.js', 'insertdatetime': '' + ver + '/plugins/insertdatetime/plugin.min.js', 'code': '' + ver + '/plugins/code/plugin.min.js', 'hr': '' + ver + '/plugins/hr/plugin.min.js', 'searchreplace': '' + ver + '/plugins/searchreplace/plugin.min.js', 'table': '' + ver + '/plugins/table/plugin.min.js' }, //valid_elements: 'ol ul', //extended_valid_elements: 'ol[|class|style] ul[class|style]', keep_styles: false, setup: function(ed) { // Add a custom button ed.on('FullscreenStateChanged', function(e) { this.fullscreen = e.state; jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "tinymceFullScreen", message: 'fullscreen toogle', time: new Date(), state: e.state, tinyMceId: id }); }); ed.addButton('myexit', { title: 'Close', onclick: function() { jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "tinymceCancel", message: 'cancel', time: new Date(), tinyMceId: id }); } }); } }); }; } if (typeof(tmce.initHtmlTocopy) == 'undefined') { tmce.initHtmlTocopy = function() { var ver = this.version; var id = 'htmlToCopy' tinyMCE.init({ selector: 'textarea#' + id, visual: false, // turn off visual aids by default init_instance_callback: function() { jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "tinymceInit", message: 'initHtmlTocopy', time: new Date(), tinyMceId: id }); }, height: 260, // extended_valid_elements : "span[!class]", inline: false, browser_spellcheck: true, plugins: "", menubar: "edit insert format view tools table", toolbar1: 'myexit insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link', toolbar2: 'fullscreen print preview media | forecolor backcolor | insertdatetime table searchreplace code', external_plugins: { 'fullscreen': '' + ver + '/plugins/fullscreen/plugin.min.js', 'textcolor': '' + ver + '/plugins/textcolor/plugin.min.js', 'nonbreaking': '' + ver + '/plugins/nonbreaking/plugin.min.js', 'insertdatetime': '' + ver + '/plugins/insertdatetime/plugin.min.js', 'code': '' + ver + '/plugins/code/plugin.min.js', 'hr': '' + ver + '/plugins/hr/plugin.min.js', 'searchreplace': '' + ver + '/plugins/searchreplace/plugin.min.js', 'table': '' + ver + '/plugins/table/plugin.min.js' }, //theme : "advanced", theme_advanced_toolbar_location: "top", theme_advanced_toolbar_align: "left", theme_advanced_statusbar_location: "bottom", theme_advanced_resizing: true, content_css: 'shi/css/shi_default.min.css', setup: function(ed) { // Add a custom button ed.on('FullscreenStateChanged', function(e) { jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "tinymceFullScreen", message: 'fullscreen toogle', time: new Date(), state: e.state, tinyMceId: id }); }); } //theme_advanced_styles : "Header 1=header1;Header 2=header2;Header 3=header3;Table Row=tableRow1" }); }; } // #endregion init // #endnsregion BIGBYTE.USERSCRIPT.STHL.TMCE // init the lib objects. sthl.init();