Amourspirit / Syntax-Highlight-Style


Version: 1.1.2+8f0ef1e updated

Summary: Adds extra code highlighting frormating options ot


License: MIT


Syntax-Highlight-Style is a userscript for Greasemonkey/TamperMonkey.

Syntax-Highlight-Stylel adds the ability to website to convert
css styles into inline styles.

While the css style are a nice lightweight way to format code it is sometimes
usefull to have the code styled with all the styles inline. This is espically usefull
if you want to format your code and copy it into a program such as Evernote

To paste code directly into Evernote Web you might use TinyMce For Evernote userscript.

Basic useful feature list:

  • Adds Full CSS inline styling of code
  • Popup tinyMCE of formated with inline style code as List ( ol or ul )
  • Popup tinyMCE of Formated with inline style code as Table
  • Copy code formated with inline style as list directly to clipboard
  • Copy code formated with inline style as table directly to clipboard
  • Add a toggle button to outputted code to use inline tinyMce editor
  • Fullscreen option for tinyMce
  • Language choice is remembered between sessions
  • Theme choice is remembered between sessions

New buttons (Popup List, Popup Table, Copy List and Copy Table) added to manage output.
New buttons added

Popup tinyMCE code window with sytles applied inline.
Popup tinyMCE

Any formating and highlighting are also styled inline

View/edit TinyMCE source code as another way to copy modify/code.
This is an example of list outut

Source code example of table output



Paul Moss


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