When updating an existing script, if @name has changed openuserjs creates a totally new script instead of updating existing one.
This creates a problem, because now users won't get updates. On top of that openuserjs also removes @updateURL.

Any suggestions how to handle name change and let existing users know about it? (other then bumping version number of the old-name-scirpt and add brutal alert popup)

if @name has changed openuserjs creates a totally new script

Intended behavior.

On top of that openuserjs also removes @updateURL

Not to my knowledge and no it does not.

Any suggestions how to handle name change and let existing users know about it?

That's entirely up to you... you could change the original script to use the new @downloadURL and something to tell them to remove the old.

@updateURL is actually not removed from installed script, only in source view at website(?) Anyhow it doesn't seem to have any affect on scripts that already installed.
So far the only solution I found is to update the script to display a message where explained that user will have to manually install new version and delete old one. This is sucks.

Re: @vanowm:

It's great for all the other authors save for a few.

Perhaps broadening your authoring skills would be a good thing instead of constant perceived complaining. :)

Re: @vanowm:

@updateURL is actually not removed from installed script, only in source view at website(?)

Is this a question or not? No one but you has removed anything related to that if so.

Re: @vanowm:

On top of that openuserjs also removes @updateURL

I think you are mixing up your sites. That's the other sites requirement not ours.