
I've googled this over the last week and no joy in seeing anyone creating anything similar at all for any site.

So.....is there anyone out there who could create a TamperMonkey script to hide visited thumbnail images/links in a booru site e.g. Rule34.xxx , Gelbooru.com etc etc.

From what I've searched across on the web, I've seen people discussing hiding links and such but I've never seen anything relating to thumbnails.

Is this possible?

It certainly can be built but the volume of images one actually visits on boorus is just so enormous that perhaps only some recent 5-10k can ever be reliably tracked.

I am in the process of planning to build such function for my scripts for adult video sites, because I know that rare few will open thousands of videos per month. My script libraries can be used for booru sites but I think it would be better that you use the Grabber application from Jack Vasti which maintains many such features for boorus. I personally use it for my booru cravings.