asensualmarquee Author

After some testing, it appears that the 10 second wait is now enforced by the server instead of the client. Frankly, this is what the developers should've done in the first place. As such, it's either impossible to bypass the timer, and/or I lack the skills to implement such behavior. At most, this script could be redesigned such that, while you'd still have to wait, there would be no redirects or ads. However, I'm unsure if that alone is worth it.

It's been a good run.

Take it easy,

Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

TSR has changed a bit. The most notable difference for us is that there is some primitive verification performed to ensure that a download link isn't 100% available and universal. I believe I can workaround this, but such a fix could easily be annulled by the developers. With that said, I'll still do it. I'll close this issue once the changes done.

Take it easy,