Zorg User

Re: @gaspar_schot:
What about GM_ functions? It's not the browser's localStorage, if I got it right. And works at least for one - the most popular - userscript manager. Even if it won't work for some others, it can be a good option for most of the users.

As far as I understood:

  1. All the columns are disabled initially.
  2. The first click on a column enables its descending order, the second - ascending.
  3. You can't disable all sortings after you've enabled any without reloading the page.
  4. Sortings doesn't mix with each other.
  5. Sortings never separate dirs and files.

Feature requests:

  1. How can I get my initial sorting order back without reloading the page?
  2. It's not really obvious that the sortings don't mix. Maybe, show it with icons, as it is in the most file managers?
  3. What about additional setting for default preferred sorting?
  4. Directories and files separation?

Because it's really uncomfortable to re-add my settings each time the script updates.

  1. Open a dir with both font and image content, that can be displayed in a grid.
  2. Open Main Grid or Font Grid, select any font to preview.
  3. Without closing open Main Grid or Image Grid.
  4. Select any image to preview.
  5. Result:

Font covers image

When I do the same thing with two images or when I use the sidebar list for previewing the same font + image instead of grids, that doesn't happen. Shouldn't the font & image thing work the way image & image works?

Updated. If I open, for example, a .html file and then a text file, for a brief moment I see the .html page with inverted colors. Seems like the css filter doesn't wait for the new iframe content to load.

Re: @gaspar_schot:
Yes and yes. They're incorrect only in the current path and in the dropdown near it.

I've edited the 125-th line, the next works fine for me:

var $location = decodeURIComponent(window.location.pathname);

I assume, since all modern browsers can handle non-latin characters in URLs, it should work fine for all these browsers.

I've outlined the clickable area of the Button with green:

enter image description here

It's not very intuitive, I need a few clicks each time to get why it doesn't redirect me to the parent directory. Maybe, you should extend the clickable area to the whole button?

Add .ext column and an ability to sort by it (optional).

I can change the manager appearance with custom css, but, I think, it's something that should be by default.

.txt file:

enter image description here

other text extensions:

enter image description here

Sorry, mistook two userscripts. Will close the issues.

Add Linux support by replacing 'users/' to 'home/' for the OS.

I've outlined the clickable area of the Button with green:

Clickable area of the Button is in green.

It's not very intuitive, I need a few clicks each time to get why it doesn't redirect me to the parent directory. Maybe, you should extend the clickable area to the whole button?

Add .ext column and an ability to sort by it (optional).

I can change the manager appearance with custom css, but, I think, it's something that should be by default.

Add Linux support by replacing 'users/' to 'home/' for the OS.