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This is how i would like things to look:

I need to mention again that i have never done this before and i know i am going to have a very hard time figuring things out.
Any help will be appreciated.

Hello everyone,

I am a complete noob when it comes to these things but i really want to learn how to do this. The problem is i am being overwhelmed by these kind of things so i need to take it slow.

Right... I need to make a TM script for OGame that will take advantage of 16:9 Aspect ratio in any browser (mainly Chrome).
The whole idea revolves around the page layout of OGame. Since everything is in the middle, there are 2 huge areas to the left and right of the main content. Those areas can be used for useful stuff like an expanded chat and various other functions that make life easier.
Black areas, left and right

The first thing that i would like to add is the main chat, that would have a tiny refresh button that will trigger only the side bar to refresh and could even have a auto-refresh function that can be toggled on/off.
Main Chat


This is how i would like things to look:

I need to mention again that i have never done this before and i know i am going to have a very hard time figuring things out.
Any help will be appreciated.