DarKZonEDZ User

I tested in IE / Opera / Firefox / WaterFox / CyberFox / Edge All can't access trying to change other IP it's not work I can access website but redirect to file not found, It's working fine in chrome

uploadsmith.com have been fixed only Chrome can access to download files from these website i trying to change user agent to chrome in firefox but did't work want to known how they block other browser is'nt chrome and have anyway to avoid block and access to download files without chrome ?


I want to load and start this project via greasemonkey and using files from local example 'worker.js/eng.traineddata.gz/' but can't load can load only tesseract.js but can't make and startup working path core path

Load/Work On WebUI : http://tesseract.projectnaptha.com/
GitHub : https://github.com/naptha/tesseract.js
Issuse : https://github.com/naptha/tesseract.js/issues/217

// ==UserScript==
// @name http://tesseract.projectnaptha.com/
// @namespace http://tesseract.projectnaptha.com/
// @description http://tesseract.projectnaptha.com/
// @require https://cdn.rawgit.com/naptha/tesseract.js/1.0.10/dist/tesseract.js
// @require https://cdn.rawgit.com/naptha/tesseract.js/1.0.7/dist/worker.js
// @require https://cdn.rawgit.com/naptha/tessdata/gh-pages/3.02/eng.traineddata.gz
// @require https://cdn.rawgit.com/naptha/tesseract.js-core/0.1.0/index.js
// @include *
// @Version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

window.Tesseract = Tesseract.create({
workerPath: 'file:///E:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Mozilla%20Firefox/profile/profile.default/gm_scripts/tesseract.projectnaptha.com/worker.js',
langPath: 'file:///E:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Mozilla%20Firefox/profile/profile.default/gm_scripts/tesseract.projectnaptha.com/eng.traineddata.gz',
corePath: 'file:///E:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Mozilla%20Firefox/profile/profile.default/gm_scripts/tesseract.projectnaptha.com/index.js',
Tesseract.recognize('base64 IMAGE').then(function(result){