CollinChaffin User

The new site redesign has totally changed everything and obviously broken this script. Any chance you are working on a rewrite?

Hey Paxae3!

Here's a bit of code I've used in the past that might help you here with the non-zipped ones. I too noticed that I haven't tried adding/changing the code myself but maybe I'll play with it too. I did, however, a while back when I wrote the above comment quickly duplicated the main save routine and just did a super quick and dirty filter by URL and if the magazine url then fire the duplicated routine, where the only change I made was literally the save URL string change for magazines and sure enough, it now saves for mags too so I'm certain your routines you have will also work just fine (you should just release them, wink!).

Anyway, example of what I've used lately (note the append and remove child really help with FF!):

var filePath= "FILE PATH HERE"; 
var forceSave = document.createElement('a');  
forceSave.href = filePath; = "FILENAME.PDF (OR USE CODE TO GENERATE/ASSIGN THIS)"; = '_blank'; 

This usually works now in Firefox, IE, and also when done this way - newer Chrome too to bypass opening PDFs and other docs and saving instead so maybe this could help you with the non-zipped ones as I also hate them opening in the darn browser viewer!


Not sure if this is more a feature request, but since it's really just the "category", this script works perfectly on the "magazines" section EXCEPT in the end does not work only because when IN URL contains "" the direct download url becomes "" instead of what is coded now of when default books url which is "" then the direct download is "" so as you can see, the logic addition is really just if inurl could be detected, it looks like the rest of the code still applies to magazines as well.

The other categories (journals and movies) for some reason both have totally different url domains, and looks like slightly different AJAX design so could be an issue - but the magazines being literally identical other than the end URL string and the matching end download url string it would be awesome if you could maybe add this small logic.

Thanks so much love the script!