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Name | Installs | Rating | Updated |
Deimos alianza vista vayan a pestaña Alianza y chat by Amynka |
365 |
0 |
Deimos (version Modificado) CHAT by Amynka |
91 |
0 |
OGameRediseño Recursos Ampliados para OPERA 1.37.7 by Amynka |
189 |
0 |
Retour flotte p opera
by Amynka
La hora y segundo exacto que retorna la flota para cancelar justo a tiempo. |
53 |
0 |
by Amynka
Acceso a volver flota desde evento |
241 |
0 |
OGame Trade Calculator
by Amynka
Adds a trade calculator to the OGame interface |
504 |
0 |
OGame:guarda cordenadas (acceso directo) 1.3 by Amynka |
162 |
0 |
OGame VersionCheck
by Amynka
Checks the OGame version for userscripts |
17561 |
1 |
XiTools II for OGame. para OPERA chrome y Fire
by Amynka
XiTools v6.1 |
683 |
0 |
XiTools II for OGame.gral
by Amynka
XiTools v6.0 |
217 |
0 |
OGame 2016: Show Ships in Stats Muestra el total de naves en sobre la lista de clasificacion
by Amynka
Shows in a separate column on the Military Points page the number of ships of the players |
279 |
0 |
OGame : Imperio
by Amynka
imperio |
646 |
1 |
XiTools II CHROME 2016
by Amynka
XiTools v6.1 |
233 |
0 |
OGame Redesign: Simulator Retreat Ratio by Amynka |
14444 |
1 |
OGame 2016 Muestra los recursos volando
by Amynka
Shows the sum of flying resources in the event list. |
2223 |
1 |
Find Player Details (by Eleria)
by Amynka
Find all coordinates and other details from players within the standard ogame search - actuality one week! |
890 |
2 |
by Amynka
En galaxia muestra informacion del player |
395 |
1 |
OGame: Moon Spy and Recycler
by Amynka
OGame: directly spy a moon and send recyclers from galaxy view |
3530 |
0 |
OGame: Moon Spy and Recycler espiar luna para opera fire y chrome
by Amynka
OGame: directly spy a moon and send recyclers from galaxy view |
975 |
0 |
OGame: Search players/buscar player y Miembros de alianza
by Amynka
OGame: Displays players' info in the search page |
879 |
0 |
Resources in Flight (by Eleria)
by Amynka
Shows summary of all resources on movement-page |
1205 |
0 |
Recursos Ampliados 2016
by Amynka
Detalla la produccion de recursos en Opciones de Recursos |
94296 |
1 |
XiTools II 2016 para OPERA chrome y Fire
by Amynka
XiTools v6.1 |
1217 |
1 |
OGame:2016 Cargos necessary
by Amynka
OGame: Number of cargos necessary to transport all resources |
1646 |
1 |
Recursos en vuelo +mision 2.1.1 by Amynka |
127 |
0 |