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// ==UserScript== // @name 复制粘贴填写成绩 - // @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts // @match *://* // @grant none // @version 2024.1.13.03 // @run-at document-idle // @author - // @license MIT // @description 代码从2018年开始建立,经过多次的修改,形成了稳定版本。 // @downloadURL // @updateURL // ==/UserScript== (function () { const msg = "粘贴学号和成绩"; const hit = "自助版批量粘贴成绩"; const pingshichengji = "input[name*=_pscj_]"; const qimochengji = "input[name*=_mkcj_]"; const re = /(\d{12})\D*([0-9\.]*)\D*([0-9\.]*)/; const uid = hit; const getwin = win => { if (win) { if (win.document.querySelector(pingshichengji)) { return win; } for (let i = 0; i < win.frames.length; i++) { const frame = getwin(win.frames[i]); if (frame) { return frame; } } } }; const win = getwin(window); if (!win) return; const pdoc = win.parent.document; if (pdoc.querySelector("#" + uid)) { pdoc.querySelector("#" + uid).remove(); pdoc.querySelector("#b" + uid).remove(); } const dc = {}; win.document.querySelectorAll(".datalist table tr").forEach(function (e) { const yhxh = e.querySelector("td[name=yhxh]") if (yhxh) { dc["xs" + yhxh.innerText] = [e.querySelector(pingshichengji), e.querySelector(qimochengji) ] }; }); const createElement = (type, attrs, events) => { const ele = document.createElement(type); for (const attr in attrs) ele[attr] = attrs[attr]; for (const event in events) ele.addEventListener(event, e => events[event](e)); return ele; }; const ta = createElement( "textarea", { id: uid, innerText: msg, style: "width:100%;height:125px" }, { change: () => { const txt = ta.value; const dds = txt.split("\n"); for (const eachd in dds) { const matchs = re.exec(dds[eachd]); if (matchs && matchs.length == 4) { const xh = matchs[1] const ps = matchs[2] const qm = matchs[3] if (dc["xs" + xh]) { dc["xs" + xh][0].focus(); dc["xs" + xh][0].value = ps; dc["xs" + xh][0].blur(); dc["xs" + xh][1].focus(); dc["xs" + xh][1].value = qm; dc["xs" + xh][1].blur(); } } } } } ); pdoc.body.firstChild.before(ta); pdoc.getElementById("btnQry").before( createElement( "span", { id: "b" + uid, innerText: hit, type: 'button', style: "padding:6px 12px; border: 1px solid #0085C2;border-radius: 3px;background-color: #F5FAFF;color:red; margin-right: 5px; cursor: pointer; " }, { click: () => { = !== "none" ? "none" : "block"; }, } ) ); })();