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// ==UserScript== // @name Tibia Charbazar Auctions History // @namespace ziirgg // @description This script improves Charbazar Auctions History with additional filters. // @match*subtopic=pastcharactertrades* // @run-at document-end // @license MIT // @version 1.0.0 // ==/UserScript== const AUCTION_CONTAINER_SELECTOR = '.Auction'; const AUCTION_HEADER_SELECTOR = '.AuctionHeader'; const AUCTION_CHARACTER_NAME_LINK_SELECTOR = '.AuctionCharacterName a'; const AUCTION_CHARACTER_WORLD_LINK_SELECTOR = 'a[href*=worlds]'; const AUCTION_DETAILS_LINK_SELECTOR = 'a[href*=auctionid]'; const AUCTION_WINNING_BID_SELECTOR = '.ShortAuctionDataValue b'; const AUCTION_DATES_SELECTOR = '.ShortAuctionDataValue'; const RESULTS_ADJACENT_NODE_SELECTOR = '.InnerTableContainer table tbody'; const FILTERS_CONTAINER_SELECTOR = '.HintBox'; const DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_PAGES = 10; const DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_WORKERS = 2; const ORIGIN = ''; const BASE_PATH = '/charactertrade/?subtopic=pastcharactertrades'; const PAGE_PARAM_NAME = 'currentpage'; const MONTHS = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', ]; const FIELDS = [{ label: 'Number Of Pages', name: 'numberOfPages', defaultValue: DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_PAGES, placeholder: DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_PAGES, }, { label: 'Number Of Workers', name: 'numberOfWorkers', defaultValue: DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_WORKERS, placeholder: DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_WORKERS, }, { label: 'Minimum Level', name: 'minLevel', placeholder: '8' }, { label: 'Maximum Level', name: 'maxLevel', placeholder: '100' }, { label: 'World', name: 'world', placeholder: 'Adra' }, { label: 'Vocation', name: 'vocation', placeholder: 'Sorcerer' }, ]; function processAuctionNode(node) { const row = node.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode .parentNode.parentNode; const header = node.querySelector(AUCTION_HEADER_SELECTOR); const name = header.querySelector(AUCTION_CHARACTER_NAME_LINK_SELECTOR) .innerText; const summary = Array.from(header.childNodes).find( (child) => child.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ).textContent; let [level, vocation, gender] = summary .split(' | ') .map((str) => str.split(': ').pop()); level = Number.parseInt(level, 10); const world = header.querySelector(AUCTION_CHARACTER_WORLD_LINK_SELECTOR) .textContent; const bidContainer = node.querySelector(AUCTION_WINNING_BID_SELECTOR); const bid = (bidContainer && Number.parseInt(bidContainer.textContent.replace(',', ''))) || Number.NaN; const details = node.querySelector(AUCTION_DETAILS_LINK_SELECTOR).href; const [start, end] = Array.from(node.querySelectorAll(AUCTION_DATES_SELECTOR)) .slice(0, 2) .map(({ textContent }) => { let [date, time] = textContent.split(','); let [month, day, year] = date.split(date.split('')[3]); month = MONTHS.indexOf(month); const hour = time.trim().split(':')[0]; return new Date(year, month, day, hour); }); return { name, level, vocation, gender, world, bid, start, end, details, node, row, }; } function processDocument(doc) { console.log('Processing document...'); const auctionNodes = Array.from( doc.querySelectorAll(AUCTION_CONTAINER_SELECTOR) ); return; } const worker = (next_, results, fn) => async () => { let next; while ((next = next_())) { const result = await fn(next); results.push(result); } }; function fetchAndParseHTML(url) { console.log('Fetching page...'); return fetch(url) .then((res) => res.text()) .then((html) => new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, 'text/html')) .catch((err) => console.error(err)); } let auctions = null; let adjacentNode = null; let resultsContainer = null; async function handleFiltersFiltersFormSubmit(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); const form =; const button = form.querySelector('button'); button.setAttribute('disabled', true); const params = {}; for (let [key, value] of new FormData(form)) { params[key] = value; } const { numberOfPages, numberOfWorkers } = params; const pages = Array.from( new Array(Number.parseInt(numberOfPages)), (_, i) => `${ORIGIN}${BASE_PATH}&${PAGE_PARAM_NAME}=${i + 1}` ); let documents = []; const workers = []; console.log( `Preparing ${numberOfWorkers} workers, to fetch & parse ${pages.length} pages.` ); for (let i = 0; i < Number.parseInt(numberOfWorkers); i++) { workers.push(worker(pages.pop.bind(pages), documents, fetchAndParseHTML)()); } await Promise.all(workers); console.log(`Workers are finished.`); auctions = documents.reduce((acc, doc) => { let pageAuctions; try { pageAuctions = processDocument(doc); } catch (err) { console.error(err); // pass } if (pageAuctions) acc.push.apply(acc, pageAuctions); return acc; }, []); console.log(`Extracted ${auctions.length} auctions.`); const { world, minLevel, maxLevel, vocation } = params; const filtered = auctions .filter((auction) => !world || === world) .filter( (auction) => !vocation || new RegExp(vocation, 'i').test(auction.vocation) ) .filter( (auction) => minLevel === '' || auction.level >= Number.parseInt(minLevel, 10) ) .filter( (auction) => maxLevel === '' || auction.level <= Number.parseInt(maxLevel, 10) ); console.log(`Filtered ${filtered.length} auctions`); try { adjacentNode = adjacentNode || document.querySelector(RESULTS_ADJACENT_NODE_SELECTOR); const results = filtered .map((auction) => auction.row) .reduce((acc, row) => { acc += row.outerHTML; return acc; }, ''); resultsContainer = resultsContainer || adjacentNode.parentElement; resultsContainer.innerHTML = results; button.removeAttribute('disabled'); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } let filtersContainer = document.querySelector(FILTERS_CONTAINER_SELECTOR); filtersContainer.outerHTML = '<div class="HintBox" style="text-align: right;"></div>'; filtersContainer = document.querySelector(FILTERS_CONTAINER_SELECTOR); const filtersForm = document.createElement('form'); FIELDS.forEach(({ label, name, defaultValue, placeholder }) => { const field = document.createElement('div'); = 'display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center;'; const input = document.createElement('input'); = name; input.placeholder = placeholder; = `charbazar-history-${name}`; input.value = defaultValue || ''; const labelEl = document.createElement('label'); labelEl.textContent = label || name; labelEl.setAttribute('for',; field.append(labelEl, input); filtersForm.appendChild(field); }); const submitButton = document.createElement('button'); submitButton.textContent = 'Filter'; filtersForm.appendChild(submitButton); filtersContainer.appendChild(filtersForm); filtersForm.addEventListener('submit', handleFiltersFiltersFormSubmit);