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// ==UserScript== // @icon // @name 独轮车-说书人自动弹幕发射器 // @namespace // @author 软中居士 // @description 适配斗鱼/虎牙/b站/ytb直播平台的自动弹幕发射器 抽象独轮车 说书人 Github: // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @version 1.0.2 // @license GPL-2.0-only // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_notification // @namespace // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; let tip = false; let div1 = document.createElement('div');//默认悬浮窗 let div2 = document.createElement('div');//控制台 let div3 = document.createElement('div');//计数器 let div5 = document.createElement('div');//设置 let css1 = 'background: #1A59B7;color:#ffffff;overflow: hidden;z-index: 996;position: fixed;padding:5px;text-align:center;width: 85px;height: 22px;border-radius: 5px;right: 10px;top: 30%;' let css2 = 'background: #FFFFFF;color:#ffffff;overflow: hidden;z-index: 997;position: fixed;padding:5px;text-align:center;width: 155px;height: 370px;box-sizing: content-box;border: 1px solid #ff921a;border-radius: 5px;right: 10px;top: 30%;display: none;'; 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background: #f70; color: #FFFFFF; width: 70px; height: 35px; margin: 2px;">出动</button><button id="DuLunCheYincang" style="display: inline-block; background: #f70; color: #FFFFFF; width:70px; height: 35px; margin: 2px;">隐藏</button></div></div><div style="font-size: 75%;float: left;color: #777;">屏蔽白字黑奴(斗鱼):<input type="checkbox" id="dlc_btn1" value="0" /><br>屏蔽绿字色友(斗鱼):<input type="checkbox" id="dlc_btn2" value="1" /><br>屏蔽粉字男同(斗鱼):<input type="checkbox" id="dlc_btn3" value="2" /><br>临时应急弹幕(斗鱼):<input type="checkbox" id="dlc_btn4" value="2" /></div>'; let div3_innerHTML1 = '<textarea id="DuLunCheCountText" rows="6" cols="19" placeholder="输入计数内容,如:“本局豹女Q命中次数:”" style="margin: 0 auto;overflow: scroll;overflow-wrap: normal;"></textarea><div><h5 style="margin: 5px;">计数方式1</h5><div><input type="text" value="0" id="dlcCount1" style="width:40%;"/> / <input value="0" type="text" id="dlcCount2" style="width:40%;"/></div><div style="margin-top:5px;"><button id="dlcCountBtn1" style="height: 20px;width:40%;font-size:50%;background: #f70; color: #FFFFFF;">增加双值</button>   <button id="dlcCountBtn2" style="height: 20px;width:40%;font-size:50%;background: #f70; color: #FFFFFF;">增加分母</button><div style="margin: 2px;"><button id="dlcCountBtn3" style="width:50%;font-size:50%;background: #f70; color: #FFFFFF;height: 20px;">发送</button></div></div></div><div><h5 style="margin: 5px;">计数方式2</h5><div><input type="text" value="0" id="dlcCount3" style="width:35%;"/> 单位:<input value="次" type="text" id="dlcCountUnit" style="width:30%;"/></div><div style="margin-top:5px;"><button id="dlcCountBtn5" style="height: 20px;width:45%;font-size:50%;background: #f70; color: #FFFFFF;">增加值</button>   <button id="dlcCountBtn6" style="height: 20px;width:45%;font-size:50%;background: #f70; color: #FFFFFF;">发送</button></div><div style="margin: 5px;"><button id="dlcCountBtn0" style="width:50%;font-size:50%;background: #f70; color: #FFFFFF;height: 20px;">重置数据</button></div>'; let max_danmu_long = 43;//弹幕字数限制 let min_danmu_long = 18;//最小弹幕长度 let error_danmu_long = 25;//防止无法断句弹幕长度 let cycle_time;//弹幕周期,单位毫秒 建议设定至6000毫秒以上 过低有系统屏蔽风险 let story;//textarea内容 let story_arr = [];//story分段 let time_arr = [];//时间记录 let index;//小说分段 let interval;//小说定时器 let danmu_interval;//等待弹幕div加载定时器 let color_box = [];//禁止的弹幕颜色 let div_manmu;//网页弹幕div let select_flag = false;//功能标记 let radio_flag = false; let radio_change_flag = false; let danmu_helperX = false;//应急弹幕标记 let danmu_count = 0; let danmu_parent = null; let website;//当前站点 0:斗鱼 1:虎牙 2:p站 3:ytb... let btn = null; //发送按钮 let txt = null; //输入框 let dlc_radio_words; //热词 let ytb_iframe;//ytb直播右侧iframe init();//初始化 //核心功能函数 function init() { let url =; if(url === '') { website = 0; } else if(url === '') { max_danmu_long = 30; min_danmu_long = 12; error_danmu_long = 15; website = 1; } else if(url === '') { max_danmu_long = 20; min_danmu_long = 8; error_danmu_long = 12; website = 2; } else if(url === '') { if ( !== window.self) { throw new Error('Frame error!'); } max_danmu_long = 200; min_danmu_long = 30; error_danmu_long = 180; website = 3; } = 'DuLunChe1'; = 'DuLunChe2'; = 'dlc-select-window'; = 'dlc-radio-window'; = css1; = css2; = css3; = css5; div1.innerHTML = '独轮车控制台'; div2.innerHTML = div2_innerHTML1; div3.innerHTML = div3_innerHTML1; div1.onclick = () => {'display','block'); if(!tip){ tip = true; alert('欢迎使用持续更新的独轮车-说书人自动弹幕发射装置,对本插件的意见和问题可以到Github反馈哦,项目地址: ,NGA用户可以私信:飞天小协警 。多句转轮模式每句之间请用回车分隔,斗鱼字数限制43,为了自己的账号和他人观看体验,建议发言间隔调至8000以上,喜欢的好兄弟打个星星吧~求求了!!!注:编程独轮车教程:奇数行为下一句发送的间隔毫秒时间,偶数行为发送内容,比如第一行8000,第二行啦啦啦,第三行10000,第四行噜噜噜,则先发送啦啦啦,8秒后发送噜噜噜,10秒后再发送啦啦啦,8秒后发送噜噜噜,依此类推 注:部分功能可能在非斗鱼平台上无法使用 定制功能'); } }; document.body.appendChild(div1); document.body.appendChild(div2); div2.appendChild(div3); div2.appendChild(div5); document.getElementById('DuLunCheYincang').onclick = () => {'display','none'); }; document.getElementById('DuLunCheBtn').onclick = () => { if(document.getElementById('DuLunCheBtn').innerText === '出动') run(); else finish(); }; document.getElementById('DuLunCheSelect').onchange = () => { let s_value = document.getElementById('DuLunCheSelect').value; if(s_value === '4'){ select_flag = true;'display','block'); } else if(s_value !== '4' && select_flag){ select_flag = false;'display','none'); } if(s_value === '5'){ radio_flag = true;'display','block'); } else if(s_value !== '5' && radio_flag){ radio_flag = false;'display','none'); } }; document.getElementById('dlcCountBtn1').onclick = () => { document.getElementById('dlcCount1').value = "" + (parseInt(document.getElementById('dlcCount1').value) + 1); document.getElementById('dlcCount2').value = "" + (parseInt(document.getElementById('dlcCount2').value) + 1); }; document.getElementById('dlcCountBtn2').onclick = () => { document.getElementById('dlcCount2').value = "" + (parseInt(document.getElementById('dlcCount2').value) + 1); }; document.getElementById('dlcCountBtn5').onclick = () => { document.getElementById('dlcCount3').value = "" + (parseInt(document.getElementById('dlcCount3').value) + 1); }; document.getElementById('dlcCountBtn3').onclick = () => { openFire(document.getElementById('DuLunCheCountText').value + " " + document.getElementById('dlcCount1').value + "/" + document.getElementById('dlcCount2').value); if(txt === ''){//输入框中有内容时等待用户发送完成后再继续 } }; document.getElementById('dlcCountBtn6').onclick = () => { openFire(document.getElementById('DuLunCheCountText').value + " " + document.getElementById('dlcCount3').value + document.getElementById('dlcCountUnit').value); }; document.getElementById('dlcCountBtn0').onclick = () => { document.getElementById('DuLunCheCountText').value = ""; document.getElementById('dlcCount1').value = "0"; document.getElementById('dlcCount2').value = "0"; document.getElementById('dlcCount3').value = "0"; document.getElementById('dlcCountUnit').value = "次"; }; if(!website) { //斗鱼弹幕屏蔽相关 document.getElementById('dlc_btn1').onclick = () => { if(document.getElementById('dlc_btn1').checked){ color_box.push(''); }else{ for (let i = 0; i < color_box.length; i++){ if(color_box[i] === '') {color_box.splice(i, 1); break;} } } }; document.getElementById('dlc_btn2').onclick = () => { if(document.getElementById('dlc_btn2').checked){ color_box.push('rgb(102, 255, 0)'); }else{ for (let i = 0; i < color_box.length; i++){ if(color_box[i] === 'rgb(102, 255, 0)') {color_box.splice(i, 1); break;} } } }; document.getElementById('dlc_btn3').onclick = () => { if(document.getElementById('dlc_btn3').checked){ color_box.push('rgb(246, 68, 127)'); }else{ for (let i = 0; i < color_box.length; i++){ if(color_box[i] === 'rgb(246, 68, 127)') {color_box.splice(i, 1); break;} } } }; document.getElementById('dlc_btn4').onclick = () => { if(document.getElementById('dlc_btn4').checked){ danmu_helperX = true;'display','block'); }else{ danmu_helperX = false;'display','none'); } }; //右上设置按钮 document.getElementById('dlcSetting1').onmouseover = () => { document.getElementById('dlcSetting1').style.backgroundPositionY="-28px"; }; document.getElementById('dlcSetting1').onmouseout = () => { document.getElementById('dlcSetting1').style.backgroundPositionY="0px"; }; //检测弹幕容器 danmu_interval = setInterval(() => { if(document.getElementsByClassName('danmu-6e95c1')[0].childNodes.length){ div_manmu = document.getElementsByClassName('danmu-6e95c1')[0]; div_manmu.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', function () { let len = div_manmu.childNodes.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++){ if(div_manmu.childNodes[i].style.display === 'none') continue; for (let j = 0; j < color_box.length; j++){ if(div_manmu.childNodes[i].style.color === color_box[j]){ div_manmu.childNodes[i].style.display = 'none'; break; } } } },false); clearInterval(danmu_interval); } }, 1000); //关闭广告 let ad_i1 = setInterval(() => { if(document.getElementsByClassName('liveosTag_1Z4iZj')[0].childNodes.length){ document.getElementsByClassName('liveosTag_1Z4iZj')[0].style.display = 'none';//关手游广告 clearInterval(ad_i1); 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} @keyframes move1 { 0% { visibility: visible; transform: translateX(1600px); -webkit-transform: translateX(1600px); } 100% { visibility: visible; transform: translateX(-600px); -webkit-transform: translateX(-600px); } } </style>`; let ele = document.createElement('div'); ele.innerHTML = danmu_css; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(ele.firstElementChild);//注入css danmu_parent = document.createElement('div'); = 'div_20200604'; = '100%';'92%';'absolute'; = 'none'; document.getElementsByClassName('layout-Player-videoMain')[0].appendChild(danmu_parent); clearInterval(danmu_helper_i); document.getElementsByClassName('Barrage-list')[0].addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', () => { if(danmu_helperX){ let danmu_text = document.getElementsByClassName('Barrage-list')[0].lastChild.getElementsByClassName('Barrage-content')[0].innerText; let danmu_div = document.createElement('div'); = '' + danmu_text.length * 25 + 'px'; danmu_div.innerHTML = danmu_text; if(danmu_parent.childElementCount){ = '' + (++danmu_count % 12 * 30) + 'px'; 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width: 80%; height: 7%; margin: 3px auto; text-align: center; color: white;" id="dlc_radio_change">修改</button> <div style="cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid #ff921a; width: 85%; height: 13%; margin: 1px auto; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;" id="dlc_radio_words0"></div> <div style="cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid #ff921a; width: 85%; height: 13%; margin: 1px auto; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;" id="dlc_radio_words1"></div> <div style="cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid #ff921a; width: 85%; height: 13%; margin: 1px auto; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;" id="dlc_radio_words2"></div> <div style="cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid #ff921a; width: 85%; height: 13%; margin: 1px auto; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;" id="dlc_radio_words3"></div> <div style="cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid #ff921a; width: 85%; height: 13%; margin: 1px auto; display: flex; justify-content: center; 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margin: 5px auto; width: 85%; height: 25px; padding: 3px;" type="text" id="dlc_radio_input3" placeholder="字符限制30以内,超出部分将在保存时剪掉" /> <input style="display: block; margin: 5px auto; width: 85%; height: 25px; padding: 3px;" type="text" id="dlc_radio_input4" placeholder="字符限制30以内,超出部分将在保存时剪掉" /> <input style="display: block; margin: 5px auto; width: 85%; height: 25px; padding: 3px;" type="text" id="dlc_radio_input5" placeholder="字符限制30以内,超出部分将在保存时剪掉" /> <button style="background: #ff921a; width: 30%; height: 12%; margin: 6px auto; text-align: center; color: white;" id="dlc_radio_change1">确认</button> <button style="background: #ff921a; width: 30%; height: 12%; margin: 6px auto; text-align: center; color: white;" id="dlc_radio_change0">取消</button> </div>`; if(window.localStorage) { if(window.localStorage.dlcwords) { dlc_radio_words = window.localStorage.dlcwords.split('@%*'); } else { dlc_radio_words = ['火速展示吧', '刚来,谁的锅', '我看了一下,主播好像是我爹', '主播一年C一把,想看carry局的明年再来', '滚滚滚滚滚滚滚滚滚滚滚滚滚滚滚', '尬尬尬尬尬尬尬尬尬尬尬尬尬尬尬尬']; window.localStorage.setItem('dlcwords', dlc_radio_words.join('@%*')); } } else { dlc_radio_words = ['火速展示吧', '刚来,谁的锅', '我看了一下,主播好像是我爹', '主播一年C一把,想看carry局的明年再来', '滚滚滚滚滚滚滚滚滚滚滚滚滚滚滚', '尬尬尬尬尬尬尬尬尬尬尬尬尬尬尬尬']; } document.getElementById('dlc_radio_change').onclick = () => { if(radio_change_flag) { radio_change_flag = false; document.getElementById('dlc-radio-revise-window').style.setProperty('display','none'); } else { for(let i = 0; i < dlc_radio_words.length; i++) { document.getElementById('dlc_radio_input' + i).value = dlc_radio_words[i]; } radio_change_flag = true; document.getElementById('dlc-radio-revise-window').style.setProperty('display','block'); } } for(let i = 0; i < dlc_radio_words.length; i++) { document.getElementById('dlc_radio_words' + i).innerHTML = '<span">' + dlc_radio_words[i] + '</span>'; document.getElementById('dlc_radio_words' + i).onclick = () => { let txt_store = ''; if(txt.innerText !== '') { txt_store = txt.innerText; txt.innerText = ''; } openFire(dlc_radio_words[i]); if(txt_store.length) { txt.innerText = txt_store; } } } document.getElementById('dlc_radio_change1').onclick = () => { for(let i = 0; i < dlc_radio_words.length; i++) { dlc_radio_words[i] = document.getElementById('dlc_radio_input' + i).value; if(dlc_radio_words[i].length > 30){ dlc_radio_words[i] = dlc_radio_words[i].slice(0,30); } document.getElementById('dlc_radio_words' + i).innerHTML = '<span">' + dlc_radio_words[i] + '</span>'; } if(window.localStorage) { window.localStorage.setItem('dlcwords', dlc_radio_words.join('@%*')); } radio_change_flag = false; document.getElementById('dlc-radio-revise-window').style.setProperty('display','none'); } document.getElementById('dlc_radio_change0').onclick = () => { radio_change_flag = false; document.getElementById('dlc-radio-revise-window').style.setProperty('display','none'); } } //发射弹幕 function run() { let _value = document.getElementById('DuLunCheSelect').value; document.getElementById('DuLunCheBtn').innerText = '中止'; story = document.getElementById('DuLunCheText').value; cycle_time = parseInt(document.getElementById('DuLunCheTime').value); if(_value === '3'){ }else if(!story.length || !cycle_time){ alert('请勿空置运行!'); finish(); return; }else if(cycle_time <= 2999) { alert('请珍惜账号 加大发言间隔!'); finish(); document.getElementById('DuLunCheTime').value = '9999'; return; } //存储运行信息 if(window.localStorage) { window.localStorage.dlctime = cycle_time; window.localStorage.dlcstory = story; } if(_value === '0') { if (story.length > max_danmu_long){ story = story.slice(0, max_danmu_long); } interval = setInterval(() => { openFire(story); }, cycle_time); } else if(_value === '3'){ let temp_arr = story.split('\n'); story_arr = []; time_arr = []; if(temp_arr.length % 2){ alert('程序存在错误!请检查是否有多余的回车或内容与时间是否对应'); finish(); }else{ for(let i = 0; i < temp_arr.length; i++){ if(i % 2){ if(temp_arr[i].length > max_danmu_long){ temp_arr[i] = temp_arr[i].substr(0, max_danmu_long); } story_arr.push(temp_arr[i]); }else{ let time_temp = parseInt(temp_arr[i]); if(!time_temp || time_temp < 3000){ alert('程序存在错误!请检查时间格式或等待时间是否小于3000毫秒或者是否过大'); finish(); break; } time_arr.push(time_temp); } } index = 0; function _f(){ if(index === story_arr.length){ index = 0; } let res = openFire(story_arr[index]); clearInterval(interval); cycle_time = time_arr[index]; if(res) { index++; } interval = setInterval(_f, cycle_time); } interval = setInterval(_f, 1); } } else { if(_value === '1') get_better_sentence(); else multiple(); let len = story_arr.length; index = 0; interval = setInterval(() => { if(index === len){//小说循环 index = 0; } let res = openFire(story_arr[index]); if(res) { index++; } }, cycle_time); } } //结束发射 function finish() { document.getElementById('DuLunCheBtn').innerText = '出动'; clearInterval(interval); story_arr = []; time_arr = []; } //小说分段 function get_better_sentence() { let len = story.length; let flag = 0;//引号标记 let str = ''; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { if((story.charAt(i) === '。' || story.charAt(i) === '!' || story.charAt(i) === '?' || story.charAt(i) === '…' || story.charAt(i) === ' ') && str.length >= min_danmu_long && !flag) { str += story.charAt(i); story_arr.push(str); str = ''; }else if(story.charAt(i) === '“' || story.charAt(i) === '『' || story.charAt(i) === '「') { str += story.charAt(i); flag = 1; }else if(story.charAt(i) === '”' || story.charAt(i) === '』' || story.charAt(i) === '」') { str += story.charAt(i); flag = 0; }else if((story.charAt(i) === ',' || story.charAt(i) === ';' || story.charAt(i) === ':' || story.charAt(i) === '。' || story.charAt(i) === '!' || story.charAt(i) === '?' || story.charAt(i) === '…') && str.length >= error_danmu_long) { str += story.charAt(i); story_arr.push(str); str = ''; }else if(i === len - 1 || str.length >= max_danmu_long) { str += story.charAt(i); story_arr.push(str); str = ''; }else if(story.charAt(i) === ' ' && i < len - 1 && story.charAt(i + 1) === ' ') { continue; }else { str += story.charAt(i); } } } //转轮填充 function multiple() { let len = story.length; let str = ''; let flag = true; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++){ if((story.charAt(i) === '\n') && str.length){ story_arr.push(str); str = ''; }else if(str.length > max_danmu_long){ continue; }else{ str += story.charAt(i); if(i === len - 1){ story_arr.push(str); } } } } //pilipili发射api // async function send_Danmu(danmuContent, roomId) { // console.log('进入bapi'); // return => { // console.log('res:', res); // return BAPI.sendLiveDanmu(danmuContent, => { // console.log('response:', response); // if (response.code === 0 && !response.msg) { // console.log('发送成功'); // } else { // console.log('发送出错'); // } // }, () => { // console.log('发送失败'); // }) // }), () => { // console.log('信息获取失败'); // }; // } //通用发射函数 function openFire(value) { if(txt.innerText === '') { if(website === 3) { txt.textContent = value; } else { txt.value = value; } } else { return false; } if(website === 2) { txt.dispatchEvent(new InputEvent('input')); setTimeout(() => {;}, 50); } else if(website === 3) { txt.dispatchEvent(new InputEvent('input'));; } else if (btn.innerHTML === '发送') { if(website === 1) { btn.setAttribute('class', 'btn-sendMsg hiido_stat enable'); }; } return true; } })();