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// ==UserScript== // @name 会场店铺商品列表爬虫 // @namespace // @version 1.0 // @description 天猫会场页商品列表爬虫,爬取页面的商品ID和链接 // @icon // @author // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_notification // @grant unsafeWindow // @require // @match https://*/* // @require // @require // @updateURL会场店铺商品列表爬虫.meta.js // ==/UserScript== /* jshint ignore:start */ var inline_src = (<><![CDATA[ # JS动态生成数据文件并且下载的库 # # [DEBUG] file in CDN: # [DEBUG] file in CDN: # XPATH的能力是基于 # # [DEBUG] file in CDN: # [DEBUG] file in CDN: # 业务代码写在Job模型中 class Job @JOBS: [] @JOBSOBJ: {} constructor: (@title) -> # @data变量用来存储测试结果 # 需要下载的数据存在该变量数组中 # 测试结束按SSS的时候会下载下来 @data = [] start: () -> console.log("Started") console.log("Data size #{@data.length}, content: \n#{@data}") stop: () -> console.log("Stoped") if @data.length > 0 console.log("download data #{@data.length} lines") blob = new Blob(@data, {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"}); saveAs(blob, "ttt-data.csv"); console.log("clear data buffer.") @data = [] class Worker @RUNNINGKEY = "running_key" constructor: (jobs) -> # 整理任务数组 for job in jobs Job.JOBS.push(job) Job.JOBSOBJ[] = job @work: (jobs...) -> instance = new Worker(jobs) work: -> @kt = new KeyTrigger(@) # 监听按键 document.addEventListener("keydown", @kt.keydown) start: -> console.log("Working") # 如果没有任务执行 # 则询问用户找到一个任务 unless @job content = "Press JOB Number to Start:\n" for i in [0..Job.JOBS.length-1] job = Job.JOBS[i] content += "#{i}. #{job.title}" content += "\n" idx = prompt(content, "0") @job = Job.JOBS[idx] if idx if @job @job.start() GM_notification("任务执行完毕") else GM_notification("未找到可执行的任务") stop: -> if @job GM_notification("任务执行完毕,成功分析#{}条数据") @job.stop() @job = null else GM_notification("无任务等待结束") # 启动任务 # 连续按三个T # 结束任务 # 连续按三个S class KeyTrigger constructor: (@worker) -> @keys = [] @status = "" dispatch: (rk) -> @keys.push rk if @check() if @status == "on" @keys = [] @worker.start() @status = "" else if @status == "off" @keys = [] @worker.stop() else console.log("not valid key") check: -> last_3_keys = @keys.slice(-3) if @keys.length >= 3 and ("#{last_3_keys}" is "#{['T', 'T', 'T']}") @status = "on" return true else if @keys.length >= 3 and "#{last_3_keys}" is "#{['S', 'S', 'S']}" @status = "off" return true else "check False! TTT:"+last_3_keys + " keys: "+@keys return false keydown: (e) => keycode = e.which; realkey = String.fromCharCode(e.which); @dispatch(realkey) class Logger constructor: () -> @logContent = document.createElement('div') = "logContent" = "position:fixed;color:black;background-color:#fff;left:10px;bottom:10px;z-index:99999;font-size:24px;max-height:800px;_height:expression((document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight)<800?'800px':''); overflow:hidden;" document.body.appendChild(@logContent) @logContent.setAttribute("readonly", "false") @logLines = 0 info: (str) -> logEle = document.createElement('div') myDate = new Date() if myDate.toLocaleTimeString mytime = myDate.toLocaleTimeString() else mytime = myDate.getHours() + ":" + myDate.getMinutes() + ":" + myDate.getSeconds() @logLines++ logEle.innerHTML = @logLines + " " + mytime + " " + str @logContent.appendChild(logEle) while @logContent.childElementCount > 100 @logContent.innerHTML = "" @logContent.scrollTop = @logContent.scrollHeight ############################################################################# # 业务逻辑 ############################################################################# class SubsiteItemListJob extends Job constructor: (@xpath) -> @title = "店铺分会场数据爬虫" super(@title) @getURLParameter: (name, url) -> if url.indexOf("//") == 0 url = "http:#{url}" uri = new URL(url) uri.searchParams.get(name) start: () -> console.log("XPATH: "+@xpath) @line = 0 @data = ["#,title,price,tid,url,img\n"] @getElements(true) # 根据页面判断执行什么爬虫策略 getElements: (run) -> href = unsafeWindow.location.href if href.indexOf("") >= 0 if run @getBiQiangElements() else GM_notification("当前页面支持爬虫分析") else if href.indexOf("") >= 0 if run @getMiaoElements() else GM_notification("当前页面支持爬虫分析") else console.log("当前页面不支持爬虫分析,无法获取商品数据") # GM_notification("当前页面不支持爬虫分析,无法获取商品数据") # 必抢 getBiQiangElements: () -> # items = @xpath.findAll('//div[@class="good-item "]/a[@class="goods-content"]') debugger for item in items title = @xpath.find('div[@class="info"]/div[@class="desc"]', item) price = @xpath.find('div[@class="info"]/div[@class="price"]/div[@class="current-price"]/span[@class="int"]', item) # 淘宝页面写的就是有空格 # 注意item-img 别去掉空格!!! img = @xpath.find('div[@class="img-wrapper"]/img[@class="lazyImg"]', item) # 图片都是异步加载的 img_src = img.getAttribute('data-ks-lazyload') # 用户看了之后就没有懒加载属性了 # 要通过src读取已经加载的地址 if !img_src img_src = img.getAttribute('src') href = item.getAttribute('href') tid = SubsiteItemListJob.getURLParameter("id", href) obj = href: href tid: tid title: title price: price img_src: img_src @collectData(obj) # 喵生鲜 getMiaoElements: () -> # items = @xpath.findAll('//div[@class="itemOuter"]/div[@class="itemWrapper"]/a') for item in items title = @xpath.find('div[@class="item-info"]/h6/span', item) price = @xpath.find('div[@class="item-info"]/div[@class="priceSection"]/div[@class="priceNumber"]/span[@class="mainPrice"]', item) # 淘宝页面写的就是有空格 # 注意item-img 别去掉空格!!! img = @xpath.find('img', item) # 图片都是异步加载的 img_src = img.getAttribute('data-ks-lazyload') # 用户看了之后就没有懒加载属性了 # 要通过src读取已经加载的地址 if !img_src img_src = img.getAttribute('src') href = item.getAttribute('href') tid = SubsiteItemListJob.getURLParameter("id", href) obj = href: href tid: tid title: title price: price img_src: img_src @collectData(obj) # obj => { # href: "", # tid: "", # title: "", # price: "", # img_src: "" # } collectData:(obj) -> if obj.href.indexOf("http") < 0 href = "http:#{obj.href.trim()}" else href = obj.href tid = SubsiteItemListJob.getURLParameter("id", href).trim() title = obj.title.textContent.replace(/\s+/, "") price = obj.price.textContent.replace(/\s+/, "") if obj.img_src.indexOf("http") < 0 img_src = "http:#{obj.img_src.trim()}" else img_src = obj.img_src @data.push("#{@line}, #{title}, #{price}, #{tid}, #{href}, #{img_src}\n") @line += 1 console.log(obj) # job = new SubsiteItemListJob(xpath) # 先提醒用户是否支持网页爬虫 job.getElements(false) ]]></>).toString(); var compiled = this.CoffeeScript.compile(inline_src); eval(compiled); /* jshint ignore:end */