Raw Source
zazon / FUT Autobuyer

// ==UserScript==
// @name        FUT Autobuyer
// @version     0.1.2
// @description Automatically search and buy items matching search criteria, currenly based on max buy now value
// @license     MIT
// @author      Tim Klingeleers
// @match       https://www.easports.com/fifa/ultimate-team/web-app/*
// @match       https://www.easports.com/*/fifa/ultimate-team/web-app/*
// @namespace   https://github.com/Mardaneus86
// @updateURL   https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mardaneus86/futwebapp-tampermonkey/master/autobuyer.user.js
// @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mardaneus86/futwebapp-tampermonkey/master/autobuyer.user.js
// @supportURL  https://github.com/Mardaneus86/futwebapp-tampermonkey/issues
// @grant       GM_setValue
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @grant       GM_notification
// @grant       window.focus
// ==/UserScript==
// ==OpenUserJS==
// @author Mardaneus86
// ==/OpenUserJS==

(function () {
  'use strict';

  var delayHour = 1;

  GM_setValue('log', ''); // clear the log on restart
  GM_setValue('isSearching', false);

  var addMessage = function addMessage(msg) {
    var oldLog = GM_getValue('log', '');
    var message = "[" + new Date() + "] " + msg + "\n";
    GM_setValue('log', oldLog + message);
    $('#progressAutobuyer').val(oldLog + message);

  var scrollLogToBottom = function scrollLogToBottom() {
    var log = $('#progressAutobuyer');
    if (log.length) {
      log.scrollTop(log[0].scrollHeight - log.height());

  var isNotExactTraining = function isExactTraining(crit) {
    if (crit.category === enums.SearchCategory.POSITION) {
      return crit.position === "any";
    } else if (crit.category === enums.SearchCategory.PLAYSTYLE) {
      return crit.playStyle === -1;
    } else {
      return true; // can't search specific enough on the rest of the categories

  // page
  pages.Autobuyer = function () {
    this.updateHeader(components.Header.DEFAULT_CHILD_PAGE, "Auto buyer");
    this.$_root.find('.search-container').css('width', '50%');
    var log = GM_getValue('log', '');
    this.$_root.append('<article class="SearchWrapper" style="width: 50%; left: 50%"><textarea id="progressAutobuyer" style="width: 100%;height: 98%;">' + log + '</textarea></article>');

  utils.JS.inherits(pages.Autobuyer, pages.Search);

  // controller
  pages.controllers.AutobuyerController = function (view) {
    pages.controllers.SearchController.call(this, view);
    this._viewmodel = new viewmodels.BucketedItemSearch();
    this._isSearching = GM_getValue('isSearching', false);

  utils.JS.inherits(pages.controllers.AutobuyerController, pages.controllers.SearchController);

  pages.controllers.AutobuyerController.prototype._isSearching = false;

  pages.controllers.AutobuyerController.prototype.onScreenStarted = function () {

    this._view._searchButton1.$_text.text(this._isSearching ? "Cancel" : "BIN snipe");

  pages.controllers.AutobuyerController.prototype.onSearchButtonClicked = function () {
    if (this._viewmodel.searchCriteria.maxBuy === 0) {
      addMessage("Can't BIN snipe without a max buy now value");

    if (this._viewmodel.searchCriteria.type === "player" && !this._viewmodel.searchCriteria.maskedDefId ||
        this._viewmodel.searchCriteria.type === "training" && isNotExactTraining(this._viewmodel.searchCriteria) ||
        this._viewmodel.searchCriteria.type === "clubInfo" && (this._viewmodel.searchCriteria.club === -1 && this._viewmodel.searchCriteria.league === -1) ||
        this._viewmodel.searchCriteria.type === "staff" && this._viewmodel.searchCriteria.category === "any") {
      addMessage("Can't BIN snipe without a specific item");
    this._isSearching = !this._isSearching;

    if (this._isSearching) {
    } else {
      addMessage('Cancelled search');
      GM_setValue('searchStartDate', null);
      this._view._searchButton1.$_text.text('BIN snipe');

    GM_setValue('isSearching', this._isSearching);

    var startSearch = function startSearch(searchCriteria, controller) {
      // TODO: need a better way to do RPM limiting
      var delay = 0;
      var runningTime = new Date().getTime() - GM_getValue('searchStartDate');
      if (runningTime > 1 * 60 * 60 * 1000) { // if search has been started more than 1 hours ago
        addMessage('Running for 1h, waiting for an hour to prevent Captcha');
        GM_getValue('searchStartDate', new Date());
        delay = delayHour * 60 * 60 * 1000; // wait an hour
      } else {
        // randomly wait between 10 and 30 seconds
        delay = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 10) * 1000;

        setTimeout(function () {
          var o = new communication.SearchAuctionDelegate(searchCriteria);
          o.addListener(communication.BaseDelegate.SUCCESS, this, function marketSearch(sender, response) {
            var rareItems = response.auctionInfo;
            if (rareItems && rareItems.length > 0) {
              rareItems.forEach(function (i, index) {
                var bid = new communication.BidDelegate(i.tradeId, i.buyNowPrice);
                bid.addListener(communication.BaseDelegate.SUCCESS, this, function _bidSuccess(sender, response) {
                  addMessage(i.tradeId + ' bought for ' + i.buyNowPrice);

                    text: "Item bought for " + i.buyNowPrice,
                    title: "FUT 18 Web App",
                    onclick: function () { window.focus(); },
                bid.addListener(communication.BaseDelegate.FAIL, this, function _bidFailure(sender, response) {
                  addMessage('Failed to buy ' + i.tradeId + ' for ' + i.buyNowPrice);
            } else {
              addMessage('No items found on market, retrying...');

            startSearch(searchCriteria, controller);
          o.addListener(communication.BaseDelegate.FAIL, this, function marketSearchFailure(sender, response) {
            var reason = JSON.stringify(response);

            if (reason._code === enums.HTTPStatusCode.RATE_LIMIT) {
              addMessage('Rate limit reached while searching, cancelling');
            } else if (
              reason._code === enums.HTTPStatusCode.NO_INTERNET_CONNECTION ||
              reason._code === enums.HTTPStatusCode.NETWORK_ERROR ||
              reason._code === enums.HTTPStatusCode.REQUEST_TIME_OUT
            ) {
              addMessage('Network error, retrying...');
              startSearch(searchCriteria, controller);
            } else if (
              reason._code === enums.HTTPStatusCode.FUN_CAPTCHA_REQUIRED ||
              reason._code === enums.HTTPStatusCode.CAPTCHA_REQUIRED) {
              addMessage('Captcha is required, cancelling');
            } else {
              addMessage('Something went wrong while searching, cancelling: ' + JSON.stringify(response));

        }, delay)

    if (this._isSearching) {
      var t = gAuthenticationModel.getUser().marketSearchCriteria;
      t.maskedDefId = 0;

      GM_setValue('searchStartDate', new Date().getTime());

      var searchCriteria = this._viewmodel.searchCriteria;
      addMessage("Starting search");
      startSearch(searchCriteria, this);

  Screens.Register('AUTOBUYER', 'Autobuyer', "AUTO_BUYER");

  // TODO: find a cleaner way to add new navigation buttons in the sidebar
  gFooter._btnAutobuyer = new components.FooterButton();
  gFooter._btnAutobuyer.addTarget(gFooter, function () {
  }, enums.Event.TAP);

  // Override default selection logic for side navigation bar
  components.Footer.prototype._onScreenRequested = function _onScreenRequested(t, i, s, o) {
    return s === NavManager.SCREEN_TYPE.ROOT ? (this._btnHome.toggleClass(enums.UIState.SELECTED, i === Screens.getView("HOME")),
      this._btnSquads.toggleClass(enums.UIState.SELECTED, i === Screens.getView("SQUADS_HUB")),
      this._btnSBC.toggleClass(enums.UIState.SELECTED, i === Screens.getView("SBC_HUB")),
      this._btnTransfers.toggleClass(enums.UIState.SELECTED, i === Screens.getView("TRANSFERS_HUB")),
      this._btnStore.toggleClass(enums.UIState.SELECTED, i === Screens.getView("STORE_HUB")),
      this._btnClub.toggleClass(enums.UIState.SELECTED, i === Screens.getView("CLUB_HUB")),
      this._btnSettings.toggleClass(enums.UIState.SELECTED, i === Screens.getView("APP_SETTINGS")),
      this._btnAutobuyer.toggleClass(enums.UIState.SELECTED, i === Screens.getView("AUTOBUYER"))) : o !== Screens.APP_SECTION.SETTINGS;