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// ==UserScript== // @name Citi Utils // @namespace // @author zarjay // @version 1.1.0 // @description Library of Citi-specific functions runnable from the browser console. // @match* // @license MIT License; // ==/UserScript== /** Injects u library onto the page so it can be run from the browser console. */ function main() { /** Formats value into money format. */ function format(money) { money = money.toFixed(2); money = money.replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g,'$1,'); money = '$' + money; return money; } var u = {}; /** Removes rows that don't fall within date range (endDate is optional). */ u.filter = function(start, end) { start = Date.parse(start); end = (typeof end === undefined) ? Infinity : Date.parse(end); jQuery('#postedTansactionTable tbody tr').filter(function() { var date = Date.parse(this.querySelector('.cT-bodyTableColumn1 .cT-line1').textContent); console.log(date, start, end); return date < start || end < date; }).remove(); }; /** Returns an array of transaction values */ u.values = function() { return jQuery('#postedTansactionTable .cM-numberCell').map(function() { return this.textContent.replace('–','-').replace(/[^\d.-]/g,''); }).get(); }; /** Returns the sum of transaction values */ u.sum = function(values, formatResult) { values = values || this.values(); var result = values.reduce(function(a, b) { return +a + +b; }, 0); if (typeof formatResult === 'undefined' || formatResult) { result = format(result); } return result; }; /** Returns the average transaction value */ u.average = function(values) { values = values || this.values(); return format(this.sum(values, false) / values.length); }; /** Returns the highest transaction value */ u.max = function(values) { values = values || this.values(); return format(Math.max.apply(null, values)); }; /** Returns the lowest transaction value */ u.min = function(values) { values = values || this.values(); return format(Math.min.apply(null, values)); }; /** */ u.stats = function() { return { sum: u.sum(), average: u.average(), min: u.min(), max: u.max() } }; /** Adds a <link> or <script> to the page and returns a promise that resolves when loaded. */ u.include = function(url, type) { // Get type or assume from file extension type = (type || url.split('.').pop()).toLowerCase(); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var elem; if (type === 'css') { elem = document.createElement('link'); elem.rel = 'stylesheet'; elem.onload = resolve; elem.href = url; } else if (type === 'js') { elem = document.createElement('script'); elem.async = false; elem.onload = resolve; elem.src = url; } else { reject(new Error('Userscript: Failed to include ' + url + ' due to unknown file type')); } document.head.appendChild(elem); }); }; if (window.u) { console.warn('Userscript: u variable is taken!'); } else { window.u = u; console.log('Userscript: u is loaded.'); } } function exec(fn) { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.textContent = '(' + fn + ')();'; document.head.appendChild(script); } // Inject function into the page. exec(main);