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// ==UserScript== // @name docjar-helper // @namespace com.docjar-helper // @description hide line numbers for docjar // @include*.java.html* // @version 1 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== var pre = document.getElementsByTagName("pre")[0]; var ognlHTML = pre.innerHTML; function clipLineNumber(ognlHTML) { return ognlHTML.replace(new RegExp("[\\s0-9]{5}\\s \\s", "ig"), ""); } var clippedHTML = clipLineNumber(ognlHTML); var headDiv = document.getElementsByTagName("div")[0]; var sharp = document.createTextNode("# "); var hideArchor = document.createElement("a"); var showArchor = document.createElement("a"); hideArchor.innerHTML = "hide line numbers"; showArchor.innerHTML = "show line numbers"; headDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode("# [")); headDiv.appendChild(hideArchor); headDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" | ")); headDiv.appendChild(showArchor); headDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode("]")); function hideLineNum() { pre.innerHTML = clippedHTML; showArchor.onclick = showLineNum; hideArchor.onclick = null; showArchor.href = "#show-line-numbers"; hideArchor.removeAttribute("href"); location.hash = "hide-line-numbers"; } function showLineNum() { pre.innerHTML = ognlHTML; hideArchor.onclick = hideLineNum; showArchor.onclick = null; hideArchor.href = "#hide-line-numbers"; showArchor.removeAttribute("href"); location.hash = "show-line-numbers"; } if (location.hash !== "#show-line-numbers") { hideLineNum(); } else { showLineNum(); }