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// ==UserScript== // @name MusicBrainz Batch Query AcoustID // @namespace // @version 2023.10.8 // @description Batch query AcoustID of recordings on release and collection page. // @author y-young // @license MIT; // @supportURL // @downloadURL // @include* // @include* // @icon // @run-at document-idle // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // ==/UserScript== "use strict"; const ACOUSTID_STYLES = ` margin-left: 5px; width: 18px; text-align: center; aspect-ratio: 1; background: #d83434; color: white; display: inline-block; `; const NOTICE_STYLES = ` display: inline; font-size: 0.7em; margin-left: 10px; color: #969696; font-weight: normal; `; const LOADING_NOTICE = `<span class="loading-message">Loading AcoustIDs</span>`; function getGidFromUrl(url) { const path = new URL(url).pathname.split("/"); return path[2]; } function queryTable(table) { const rows = Array.from(table.querySelectorAll("tr.odd, tr.even")); const params = new URLSearchParams({ format: "json", batch: 1 }); const recordings = Object.fromEntries( rows .map((row) => row.querySelector("td a[href^='/recording']")) .filter((link) => link) .map((link) => [getGidFromUrl(link.href), link]) ); const mbids = Object.keys(recordings); if (!mbids.length) { alert("No recording found."); return; } mbids.forEach((mbid) => params.append("mbid", mbid)); const CONTAINER_CLASS = "query-acoustid-track"; setLoadingStatus(LOADING_NOTICE); let acoustIdsCount = 0; fetch("", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }, body: params, }) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((response) => { response.mbids.forEach(({ mbid, tracks }) => { acoustIdsCount += tracks.length; const html = tracks .map( (track, index) => `<a href="${ }" style="${ACOUSTID_STYLES}" target="_blank">${ index + 1 }</a>` ) .join(""); const cell = recordings[mbid].parentElement; const existingContainer = cell.querySelector( `span.${CONTAINER_CLASS}` ); if (existingContainer) { cell.removeChild(existingContainer); } recordings[mbid].insertAdjacentHTML( "afterend", `<span class="${CONTAINER_CLASS}">${html}</div>` ); }); setLoadingStatus( `Loaded ${acoustIdsCount} AcoustID${ acoustIdsCount > 1 ? "s" : "" }` ); }) .catch((error) => { alert("Failed to query AcoustID: " + error); console.error(error); setLoadingStatus(""); }); } function queryAllTables() { const tables = document.querySelectorAll("table.tbl"); if (!tables) { alert("No tracklist found."); return; } tables.forEach((table) => { queryTable(table); }); } function setLoadingStatus(html) { const header = document.querySelector("div.releaseheader") || document.querySelector("div.collectionheader"); const title = header.querySelector("h1"); const CONTAINER_ID = "query-acoustid-notice"; const existingContainer = title.querySelector(`div#${CONTAINER_ID}`); if (existingContainer) { title.removeChild(existingContainer); } const container = `<div id="${CONTAINER_ID}" style="${NOTICE_STYLES}">${html}</div>`; title.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", container); } GM_registerMenuCommand("Query AcoustID", queryAllTables);