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// ==UserScript== // @namespace // @name Gitlab MR Auto Checker // @description Showing the current basic and recommended format for a User script. // @copyright 2020, yuanoook ( // @license MIT // @version 1.0.1 // @include https://git* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserJS== // @author yuanoook // ==/OpenUserJS== // ==Configuration== // localStorage.defaultReviewerId // localStorage.defaultReviewerName // localStorage.jiraHost // ==/Configuration== const triggerEvent = (target, name) => { if (typeof target[name] === 'function') { target[name](); return; } const oldFashion = 'createEvent' in document; const event = oldFashion ? document.createEvent('Event') : new Event(name, { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, }); if (oldFashion) { event.initEvent(name, true, true); } target.dispatchEvent(event); }; const isMRReady = () => Boolean(window.merge_request_title && window.merge_request_title.value); const getSearchArray = () => { return decodeURIComponent( || '').split(/[\=\&\?]/); }; const getSourceBranch = () => { const searchArray = getSearchArray(); const sourceBranchKeyIndex = searchArray.indexOf('merge_request[source_branch]'); const sourceBranchValueIndex = sourceBranchKeyIndex + 1; return searchArray[sourceBranchValueIndex]; }; const getIssueNumber = () => { const sourceBranch = getSourceBranch(); const matchRes = (sourceBranch || '').match(/[A-Z]+-\d+/); if (matchRes) { return matchRes[0]; } }; const updateDescription = () => { const issueNumber = getIssueNumber(); if (!issueNumber) { return; } const issueLink = `${localStorage.jiraHost}${issueNumber}`; window.merge_request_description.value = issueLink + '\n\n' + merge_request_description.value; }; const updateAssignee = () => { const assigneeInput = document.querySelector('[name="merge_request[assignee_ids][]"'); assigneeInput.value = localStorage.defaultReviewerId; const assigneeText = assigneeInput.parentElement.querySelector('.dropdown .dropdown-toggle-text'); assigneeText.innerText = localStorage.defaultReviewerName; }; const checkMergeOptions = () => { const removeSourceBranchCheckbox = document.querySelector('[for="merge_request_force_remove_source_branch"]'); const squashCheckbox = document.querySelector('[for="merge_request_squash"]'); triggerEvent(removeSourceBranchCheckbox, 'click'); triggerEvent(squashCheckbox, 'click'); }; const prepareForMR = () => { updateDescription(); updateAssignee(); checkMergeOptions(); }; const 等待 = (时间 = 1) => new Promise(释放 => setTimeout(释放, 时间 * 1000)); const startPrepareForMR = () => { if (!isMRReady()) { setTimeout(startPrepareForMR, 300); } else { prepareForMR(); } }; (async () => { await 等待(1); startPrepareForMR(); })();