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// ==UserScript== // @name PTP Poster Replacer (TMDb) // @namespace // @version 0.3.1 // @description Change movie page poasters to TMDb posters // @author yoharnu // @downloadurl // @match http*://** // @icon // @license MIT // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @connect // ==/UserScript== const movies = document.getElementsByClassName('cover-movie-list__movie'); (function () { 'use strict'; if ('?id=')) { let imdbID = document.getElementById('imdb-title-link'); if (imdbID) { imdbID = imdbID.href.split('/title/tt')[1].split('/')[0]; getTMDBposter(imdbID, 'l', posterURL => { let poster = document.querySelector('img.sidebar-cover-image'); if (poster) { poster.src = posterURL; } }); } } else { for (let i = 0; i < movies.length; i++) { let rating = movies[i].querySelector('div.cover-movie-list__movie__undercover div.cover-movie-list__movie__rating-and-tags a.cover-movie-list__movie__rating'); if (rating) { let imdb_id = rating.href.split('/title/tt')[1].split('/')[0]; if (imdb_id) { setPosterTile(imdb_id, i); } } } } })(); function setPosterTile(imdb_id, number) { getTMDBposter(imdb_id, 's', posterURL => { let poster = movies[number].getElementsByClassName('cover-movie-list__movie__cover-link')[0]; = "url('" + posterURL + "')"; = 'no-repeat'; = '176px 246px'; }); } // imdb_id does not include leading "tt" // img_size options = ['s', 'm', 'l'] function getTMDBposter(imdb_id, img_size = 'm', callback) { let cache = sessionStorage.getItem('poster_' + img_size + '_' + imdb_id); if (cache) { if (img_size === 's') { cache = cache.replace('w300_and_h450', 'w150_and_h225'); cache = cache.replace('w600_and_h900', 'w150_and_h225'); } else if (img_size === 'm') { cache = cache.replace('w150_and_h225', 'w300_and_h450'); cache = cache.replace('w600_and_h900', 'w300_and_h450'); } else if (img_size === 'l') { cache = cache.replace('w150_and_h225', 'w600_and_h900'); cache = cache.replace('w300_and_h450', 'w600_and_h900'); } callback(cache); return; } GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: '' + imdb_id, onload: function (xhr) { if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) { let newDoc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(); newDoc.body.innerHTML = xhr.responseText; let poster = newDoc.querySelector('img.poster'); if (poster) { let posterURL = '' + poster.src.split('')[1].replace('_filter(blur)', ''); if (img_size === 's') { posterURL = posterURL.replace('w300_and_h450', 'w150_and_h225'); } else if (img_size === 'l') { posterURL = posterURL.replace('w300_and_h450', 'w600_and_h900'); } sessionStorage.setItem('poster_' + imdb_id, posterURL); callback(posterURL); } } } }); }