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// ==UserScript== // @name 传智考试答题(支持选填) // @namespace* // @namespace* // @version 3.3 // @description 传智教育答题 // @author yichen11818 二开作者HCG_Sky 原作者:土豆 // @connect * // @match* // @match* // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== // API配置 const API_KEY = ''; // 在这里填入你的AI API密钥 const API_URL = ''; // chatgpt proxy地址 const QUESTION_API_URL = ''; // 题库接口地址 请前往获取key const QUESTION_API_KEY = ''; // 在这里填入题库API密钥 // 其他全局变量 var tibody; // 题目数组 var total = 0; // 题目总数量 var index = 0; // 搜题索引自动增加 var questionNumber = "" // ai搜索题号 var questionInputMode = false; // 是否处于输入题号模式 var answersVisible = true; // 是否显示答案 ["visibilitychange", "blur", "focus", "focusin", "focusout"].forEach((e) => { window.addEventListener( e, (e) => { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); return false; }, true ); }); document.hasFocus = () => true; Object.defineProperty(document, "hidden", { get() { return false; }, }); window.onload = function () { tibody = document.getElementsByClassName("questionItem question-item-box"); total = tibody.length; // 添加按键事件监听器 document.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) { if (event.keyCode == 192) { // 检测键码为192的键(~键) if (index < total) { index = index + 1; answer(tibody[index]); } } // 检测键码为191的键(?键) if (event.keyCode == 191) { if (questionInputMode && questionNumber.length > 0) { // 如果已经在输入题号模式,并且输入了题号 gptSearch(questionNumber); // 调用 ai 搜索 questionNumber = ""; // 清空 questionNumber questionInputMode = false; // 退出输入题号模式 } else { questionInputMode = true; // 进入输入题号模式 } } // 检测主键盘数字键(48-57)和小键盘数字键(96-105) if (questionInputMode && ((event.keyCode >= 48 && event.keyCode <= 57) || (event.keyCode >= 96 && event.keyCode <= 105))) { // 对于小键盘数字,减去48得到实际数字 var keyNum = event.keyCode >= 96 ? event.keyCode - 96 : event.keyCode - 48; questionNumber += keyNum.toString(); // 添加数字到 questionNumber console.log(questionNumber); } if (event.keyCode == 77) { toggleAnswersVisibility(); } if (event.keyCode == 78) { toggleAnswersblibility(); } }); answer(tibody[index]); // 初始化时自动搜索第一个答案 } function toggleAnswersVisibility() { answersVisible = !answersVisible; const spans = document.querySelectorAll('.question-title-box span'); spans.forEach(span => { = answersVisible ? '0.1' : '0'; }); } function toggleAnswersblibility() { const spans = document.querySelectorAll('.question-title-box span'); spans.forEach(span => { = answersVisible ? '0.1' : '0.3'; }); } function gptSearch(questionNumber) { // 确保题号在范围内 const questionIndex = parseInt(questionNumber) - 1; if (questionIndex < 0 || questionIndex >= tibody.length) { console.error('Invalid question number:', questionNumber); return; } console.log(questionIndex); const ti = tibody[questionIndex]; console.log(ti); const questionText1 = ti.querySelector(".question-title-box .myEditorTxt").innerText.trim(); // Get the options const options = Array.from(ti.querySelectorAll(".radio_item .myEditorTxt")).map(option => option.innerText.trim()); // Combine question text and options const questionText = `${questionText1}\n选项:\n${options.join('\n')}`; console.log(questionText); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'POST', url: API_URL, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': API_KEY }, data: JSON.stringify({ model: 'gpt-4o', // 根据需要选择模型 messages: [{ role: 'user', content: questionText }] }), onload: function (response) { if (response.status === 200) { const data = JSON.parse(response.responseText); let daan = data.choices[0].message.content.trim(); // 处理答案 let answerarray = daan.split('#'); // 根据需要调整分隔符 let daanlength = ti.getElementsByClassName("radio_item question-option-item-box").length; // 多少个选项 for (let i = 0; i < daanlength; i++) { for (let i2 = 0; i2 < answerarray.length; i2++) { let optionText = ti.getElementsByClassName("radio_item question-option-item-box")[i].innerText; optionText = optionText.replace(/[\s、]/g, ''); // 去除多余的空格和标点符号 if (optionText == answerarray[i2]) { ti.getElementsByClassName("radio_item question-option-item-box")[i]; } } } // 显示答案 let newdaan = ' '; for (let i = 0; i < answerarray.length; i++) { newdaan = newdaan + '<br>' + answerarray[i]; } let fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); // 创建文档片段 let span = document.createElement('span'); newdaan = newdaan.replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">"); console.log(newdaan); = '0.1'; span.innerHTML = `d:${newdaan}`; fragment.appendChild(span); ti.getElementsByClassName("question-title-box")[0].appendChild(fragment); // 一次性添加到DOM中 } else { console.error('Error:', response.statusText); } }, onerror: function (error) { console.error('Request failed:', error); } }); } function answer(ti) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({//油猴脚本提供的异步函数 method: 'POST', url: QUESTION_API_URL, headers: { 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': QUESTION_API_KEY, }, data: 'question=' + encodeURIComponent(ti.getElementsByClassName("question-title-box")[0].innerText), timeout: 2000, onload: function (xhr) { // 自动选择答案 let json = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); let daan =; if (json.code == -1) { daan = " "; } let answerarray = daan.split('#'); // 答案数组 let daanlength = ti.getElementsByClassName("radio_item question-option-item-box").length; // 多少个选项 for (let i = 0; i < daanlength; i++) { for (let i2 = 0; i2 < answerarray.length; i2++) { if (answerarray[i2] == '正确') { answerarray[i2] = '对'; } if (answerarray[i2] == '错误') { answerarray[i2] = '错'; } let optionText = ti.getElementsByClassName("radio_item question-option-item-box")[i].innerText; optionText = optionText.replace(/[\s、]/g, ''); // 去除多余的空格和标点符号 if (optionText == answerarray[i2]) { ti.getElementsByClassName("radio_item question-option-item-box")[i]; } } } // 显示答案 let newdaan = ' '; for (let i = 0; i < answerarray.length; i++) { newdaan = newdaan + '<br>' + answerarray[i]; } let fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); // 创建文档片段 let span = document.createElement('span'); newdaan = newdaan.replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">"); console.log(newdaan); = '0.1'; span.innerHTML = `d:${newdaan}`; fragment.appendChild(span); ti.getElementsByClassName("question-title-box")[0].appendChild(fragment); // 一次性添加到DOM中 } }) }