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// ==UserScript== // @name 人邮学院自动学习脚本 // @namespace // @version 1.0 // @description 人邮学院自动看视频和答题 赣南科技学院 自动学习脚本 // @author yichen // @match* // @icon // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; class CourseManager { constructor() { this.lessonIds = []; this.currentIndex = 0; this.finish = false; this.maxAttempts = 5; // 最大尝试次数 this.loopCount = 0; // 当前尝试次数 } // 初始化 initialize() { try { // 判断是否在课程列表页面 if (window.location.href.includes('/course/show/50')) { console.log('当前在课程列表页面,开始获取课程ID...'); // 清理旧数据 localStorage.removeItem('lessonIds'); localStorage.removeItem('currentIndex'); this.getLessonIds(); if (this.lessonIds.length > 0) { this.startLearning(); } else { console.error('未能获取到课程列表'); } } // 判断是否在学习页面 else if (window.location.href.includes('/course/learn/50')) { console.log('当前在学习页面,处理视频...'); // 确保有存储的课程数据 const storedIds = localStorage.getItem('lessonIds'); if (!storedIds) { console.log('未找到课程数据,返回课程列表页面...'); window.location.href = '/course/show/50'; return; } this.handleVideo(); } } catch (error) { console.error('初始化时发生错误:', error); } } // 获取所有课程ID getLessonIds() { const lessonItems = document.querySelectorAll('.lesson-item'); lessonItems.forEach(item => { // 获取data-id属性 const id = item.getAttribute('data-id'); // 检查是否有考试标记 const isExam = item.querySelector('.type'); if (id && !isExam) { this.lessonIds.push(id); console.log(`获取到课程ID: ${id}`); } }); // 保存到localStorage localStorage.setItem('lessonIds', JSON.stringify(this.lessonIds)); localStorage.setItem('currentIndex', '0'); console.log('总共获取到 ' + this.lessonIds.length + ' 个课程'); } // 开始学习流程 startLearning() { const firstId = this.lessonIds[0]; if (firstId) { console.log('开始第一课...'); window.location.href = `/course/learn/50?lessonId=${firstId}`; } } // 处理视频播放 handleVideo() { const video = document.querySelector('video'); if (video) { console.log('找到视频元素'); video.addEventListener('play', () => { console.log('正在播放'); setTimeout(1000); video.currentTime = video.duration; }); this.checkVideoFinished(); } else { console.log('未找到视频元素'); } } // 检测视频完成 checkVideoFinished() { const checkInterval = setInterval(() => { const finishedElement = document.querySelector("#CourseFinished"); const video = document.querySelector('video'); if (finishedElement || (video && (video.ended || video.currentTime >= video.duration - 1))) { clearInterval(checkInterval); console.log('视频播放完成,准备答题...'); this.finish = true; // 视频完成后调用答题流程 this.startAnswerProcess(); } }, 1000); } // 新增:开始答题流程 startAnswerProcess() { console.log('开始答题流程'); this.clickNextButton(); } // 修改:点击下一页按钮 clickNextButton() { const nextButton = document.querySelector('.btn-nextLessonItem'); if (nextButton) { console.log('找到下一页按钮,点击...');; setTimeout(() => this.answerQuestion(), 1000); } else { console.log('未找到下一页按钮'); if (this.loopCount < this.maxAttempts) { console.log(`尝试点击下一页按钮 (${this.loopCount + 1}/${this.maxAttempts})`); this.loopCount++; setTimeout(() => this.clickNextButton(), 1000); } else { console.log('已达到最大尝试次数,进入下一课'); this.goToNextLesson(); } } } // 修改:答题方法 answerQuestion() { const checkbox = document.querySelector('.choice-item'); if (checkbox) { console.log('找到选项,开始答题');; setTimeout(() => this.submitAnswer(), 1000); } else { const correctAnswer = document.querySelector('#radio2'); if (correctAnswer) { console.log('找到正确答案选项');; setTimeout(() => this.submitAnswer(), 1000); } else { console.log('未找到答题选项,可能不是答题页面'); this.goToNextLesson(); } } } // 修改:提交答案 submitAnswer() { const submitButton = document.querySelector('.btn-primary'); if (submitButton) { console.log('提交答案');; // 等待答题结果,然后进入下一课 setTimeout(() => this.goToNextLesson(), 2000); } else { console.log('未找到提交按钮'); this.goToNextLesson(); } } // 跳转到下一课 goToNextLesson() { try { if (!this.finish) { console.log('视频未完成,不进行跳转'); return; } const ids = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lessonIds') || '[]'); let currentIndex = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('currentIndex') || '0'); if (!Array.isArray(ids) || ids.length === 0) { console.error('未找到课程列表,重新获取...'); this.getLessonIds(); return; } currentIndex++; if (currentIndex < ids.length) { localStorage.setItem('currentIndex', currentIndex.toString()); const nextLessonId = ids[currentIndex]; console.log(`准备进入下一课 (${currentIndex + 1}/${ids.length}), 课程ID: ${nextLessonId}`); setTimeout(() => { const nextUrl = `/course/learn/50?lessonId=${nextLessonId}`; console.log('跳转到:', nextUrl); window.location.href = nextUrl; this.finish = false; }, 2000); } else { console.log('所有课程已完成!'); localStorage.removeItem('lessonIds'); localStorage.removeItem('currentIndex'); } } catch (error) { console.error('goToNextLesson发生错误:', error); this.initialize(); } } } // 启动脚本 const courseManager = new CourseManager(); console.log('脚本启动'); courseManager.initialize(); })();