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// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube Sanity - 1080p & Anti-Nextvid // @author yakumo_ran // @license LGPL v3 // @include ** // @version 1.2 // @grant metadata // ==/UserScript== ! function(e) { "use strict"; function t() { var e = document.getElementsByClassName("autoplay-bar")[0]; e && (e.removeAttribute("class"), document.getElementsByClassName( "checkbox-on-off")[0].remove()) } function n(e) { return e && "function" == typeof XPCNativeWrapper && "function" == typeof XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap ? XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap(e) : e } function a() { var e = i.document; return e.getElementById("movie_player") } function o() { r = !1, i = "undefined" != typeof unsafeWindow ? unsafeWindow : n( window) } window.addEventListener("readystatechange", t, !0), window.addEventListener( "spfdone", t), setTimeout(function() { var e, t, n = a(); r = !0, t = 1 == i.ytplayer.config.html5, i.ytplayer && i.ytplayer .config && i.ytplayer.config.args && (e = i.ytplayer.config .args), t && "hd1080" !== n.getPlaybackQuality() && n.setPlaybackQuality( "hd1080") }, 0); var r, i; o() }();