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This script is a linkchecker designed to check the availability of filehost links on a page. It is currently designed to support checking links at Soon, if there is any interest, it will be expanded to include the rest of the internet. If you're a fiddler, you can manually set it to run on whatever site you'd like in Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey.
This is a resurrected version of The Cavern Link Checker once hosted on It is a total re-write, and not all of the functionality has been replicated to this script. It is currently in alpha status with basic support for several of the most common filehosts.
If you really want to see some feature or filehost included, or if you want to tell me how useful or useless this script is, you can contact me at the following [partially obfuscated] email address:
yah dot avatar at gmail dot com
Hope this is of some help to someone, someplace, sometime, somehow...
Rating: 1