This script adds an audio player to the top of Evernote Shared Notebooks. Any audio files will be played
- Evernote account. Free version is fine, but it will take a looooong time to get many audio files uploaded due to the monthly limit.
- Audio Files: MP3 are the only types supported in the script for now.
- Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey installed.
- Browser: Firefox and Chrome have been tested.
- Create a Notebook in Evernote and Share it publicly.
- Create a note in the shared notebook to hold songs. You can create as many notes as you need.
- Insert/upload audio files into the note. Arrange them in the order you want them to play. The Web interface works better for audio uploads in our experience but YMMV.
- Install this script.
- Browse to the notebook's public link.
- If the initial note that is displayed has any audio files, the player automatically starts. If not, you can just click on a note to get the player to start. You will see it at the top in the center of the page.
Loops all songs continuously
Pause / Play
Volume adjust
Working on:
Hover over player to open up playlist and enable direct select.
#Settings - Allow manually entering in #settings in note:
Looping method (#loopall, #loopsingle, #random)
Other file types (OGG, etc);