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// ==UserScript== // @name Strava route planner: Realistic topo maps // @version 0.1 // @grant none // @include* // @include*/edit* // @require // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== runAsClient(() => { const addButton = (src, handler) => { img = document.createElement("img"); img.src = src; Object.assign(,{ height: "48px", padding: "10px", cursor: "pointer", }); document.querySelector('header [class^="Header--actions"]').prepend(img); img.addEventListener('click', handler); return img; }; const addHillShadeLayer = (map) => { if (!map.getSource('dem')) { map.addSource('dem', { 'type': 'raster-dem', 'url': 'mapbox://mapbox.terrain-rgb' }); } if (!map.getLayer('improved-hillshading')) { map.addLayer({ 'id': 'improved-hillshading', 'type': 'hillshade', 'source': 'dem', }, map.getLayer('global-heatmap') ? 'global-heatmap' : undefined); } else map.setLayoutProperty('improved-hillshading', 'visibility', 'visible'); map.setLayoutProperty('hillshade-greys', 'visibility', 'none'); }; const hideHillShadeLayer = (map) => { map.setLayoutProperty('hillshade-greys', 'visibility', 'visible'); map.setLayoutProperty('improved-hillshading', 'visibility', 'none'); }; const waitFor = (f, freq = 1000) => new Promise((resolve) => { const interval = setInterval(() => { const result = f(); if (result !== undefined) { clearInterval(interval); resolve(result); } }, freq); }); (async () => { const mapInstance = await waitFor(() => { const mapElem = document.querySelector(".mapboxgl-map"); if (!mapElem) return; const [key, reactElement] = Object.entries(mapElem).find(([key]) => /^__reactInternalInstance/.test(key)) ?? []; return reactElement.memoizedProps?.children?.props?.value?.map; }); = mapInstance; let showHillShade = false; addButton("", () => { showHillShade = !showHillShade; if (showHillShade) addHillShadeLayer(mapInstance); else hideHillShadeLayer(mapInstance); }); })().catch(console.error); });