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// ==UserScript== // @name Download YouTube Videos // @namespace // @description Adds a download menu to YouTube videos. // @include http://** // @include* // @include https://** // @include* // ==/UserScript== ((function (code) { "use strict"; // run script inside of the document so it can access JavaScript objects created by YouTube var s = document.createElement("script"); s.appendChild(document.createTextNode("("+code.toString()+")();")); document.head.appendChild(s); })(function () { "use strict"; function clickButton (event) { var els = this.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("yt-uix-button-toggled"); for (var i = 0; i < els.length; ++ i) { els[i].classList.remove("yt-uix-button-toggled"); } this.classList.add("yt-uix-button-toggled"); event.preventDefault(); } function createMenu (videos) { var lists = []; var types = {}; for (var i = 0; i < videos.videos.length; ++ i) { var video = videos.videos[i]; var res = video.size ? video.size.height+'p' : 'Unknown Size'; var type = video.type.split(';')[0].split('/')[1].replace(/^x-/,''); var url = video.url; if (video.sig) url += "&signature="+video.sig; var item = [video.size ? video.size.height : 0, res, url]; if (type in types) { types[type].push(item); } else { lists.push([type, (types[type] = [item])]); } } lists.sort(function (lhs,rhs) { lhs = lhs[0]; rhs = rhs[0]; return lhs < rhs ? -1 : (lhs > rhs ? 1 : 0); }); var filename = (videos.title + (videos.user ? " by " + videos.user : "")). replace(/["\?]/g,''). replace(/[:;<>\*\|\/\\]/g,' '). replace(/\s\s+/g,' '). replace(/^\s+/,''). replace(/\s+$/,'')+"."; var menu = document.createElement('div'); = "action-panel-download"; menu.className = "action-panel-content hid"; menu.setAttribute("data-panel-loaded","true"); = "1.5"; for (var i = 0; i < lists.length; ++ i) { var type = lists[i]; var downloads = type[1]; var div = document.createElement('div'); var ul = document.createElement('ul'); var title = document.createElement('strong'); type = type[0]; title.appendChild(document.createTextNode(type)); = "right"; = "none"; = "0"; = "0"; = "20px"; = "inline-block"; = "top"; downloads.sort(function (lhs,rhs) { return lhs[0] - rhs[0]; }); for (var j = 0; j < downloads.length; ++ j) { var download = downloads[j]; var li = document.createElement('li'); var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = download[2]; a.setAttribute("download", filename+type); a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(download[1])); li.appendChild(a); ul.appendChild(li); } div.appendChild(title); div.appendChild(ul); menu.appendChild(div); } return menu; } function createMenuButton () { var btn = document.createElement('button'); var span = document.createElement('span'); btn.type = 'button'; span.className = 'yt-uix-button-content'; span.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Download')); btn.appendChild(span); btn.className = 'action-panel-trigger yt-uix-button yt-uix-button-text yt-uix-button-download'; btn.addEventListener('click', clickButton, false); btn.setAttribute('data-trigger-for','action-panel-download'); btn.setAttribute('role','button'); return btn; } function createSidebar (videos) { var toolbar = document.getElementById("docs-toolbar-wrapper"); var sidebar = document.createElement('div'); var hdr = document.createElement('div'); var close = document.createElement('div'); var icon = document.createElement('div'); var img = document.createElement('div'); var details = document.createElement('div'); var menu = createMenu(videos); = 'docs-details-sidebar'; = toolbar ? (toolbar.offsetTop + toolbar.offsetParent.offsetTop)+'px' : '0px'; = '0px'; = 'docs-details-sidebar-header'; = 'docs-details-sidebar-close'; close.tabindex = '0'; close.title = 'Close'; close.setAttribute('onclick', 'this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode.parentNode);'); icon.className = 'docs-icon goog-inline-block '; img.className = 'docs-icon-img-container docs-icon-img docs-icon-close-white'; details.className = 'docs-details-sidebar-details jfk-sidebar'; = '10px'; = 'center'; img.appendChild(document.createTextNode('\u00A0')); icon.appendChild(img); close.appendChild(icon); hdr.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Download')); hdr.appendChild(close); sidebar.appendChild(hdr); details.appendChild(menu); sidebar.appendChild(details); return sidebar; } function insertForm (videos) { var actions = document.getElementById("watch7-secondary-actions"); if (!actions) { var sidebar = document.getElementById("docs-details-sidebar"); if (sidebar) { sidebar.parentNode.removeChild(sidebar); } document.body.appendChild(createSidebar(videos)); return; } var after = document.getElementById("watch-actions-share"); if (!after || after.parentNode != actions) { if (actions.getElementsByClassName) { after = actions.getElementsByClassName("clear"); after = after[after.length-1]; } } if (!after) { after = actions.lastElementChild; } var menu = createMenu(videos); var btn = createMenuButton(); = 'none'; if (after) { actions.insertBefore(btn, after); } else { actions.appendChild(btn); } document.getElementById('watch7-action-panels').appendChild(menu); } function parseVars (vars) { vars = vars.split("&"); var map = {}; for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; ++ i) { var v = vars[i]; var j ="="); if (j < 0) j = v.length; var key = decodeURIComponent(v.slice(0,j).replace(/\+/g, ' ')); var value = decodeURIComponent(v.slice(j+1).replace(/\+/g, ' ') || ""); if (key in map) { var old = map[key]; if (typeof(old) === "string") { map[key] = [old, value]; } else { old.push(value); } } else { map[key] = value; } } return map; } function findJSConfig () { if (window.ytplayer && window.ytplayer.config) { return window.ytplayer.config.args; } if ( && { return; } var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); for (var i = scripts.length - 1; i >= 0; -- i) { var script = scripts[i]; var code = script.textContent || script.text; var m = /;\s*ytplayer\.config\s*=\s*(.*);\(function\(\).*\(\)\);\s*$/m.exec(code) || /\byt\.playerConfig\s*=\s*(.*);\s*$/m.exec(code); if (m) { try { return JSON.parse(m[1]).args; } catch (e) {} } } return null; } function findFlashConfig () { var movie_player = document.getElementById("movie_player") || document.getElementById("vpl1"); if (!movie_player) { return null; } var flashvars; if (movie_player.nodeName === 'OBJECT') { flashvars = movie_player.querySelector('param[name=flashvars]'); if (!flashvars) { return null; } flashvars = flashvars.getAttribute('value'); } else { flashvars = movie_player.getAttribute('flashvars'); } if (!flashvars) { return null; } return parseVars(flashvars); } function parseFmtStreamMap (map, sizes) { var videos = []; map = map.split(','); for (var i = 0; i < map.length; ++ i) { var video = parseVars(map[i]); var size = video.size; if (size) { size = size.split('x'); video.size = { width: parseInt(size[0], 10), height: parseInt(size[1], 10) }; } else { video.size = sizes[video.itag]; } videos.push(video); } return videos; } function getVideos () { var config = findFlashConfig(); if (!config) { config = findJSConfig(); } if (!config || !config.url_encoded_fmt_stream_map) { return null; } var fmt_list = config.fmt_list ? config.fmt_list.split(',') : []; var sizes = {}; for (var i = 0; i < fmt_list.length; ++ i) { var v = fmt_list[i].split('/'); var size = v[1].split('x'); sizes[v[0]] = { width: parseInt(size[0], 10), height: parseInt(size[1], 10) }; } var videos = parseFmtStreamMap(config.url_encoded_fmt_stream_map, sizes); // these aren't really files but streams in some obscure binary format that separates audio and video // if (config.adaptive_fmts) { // videos.push.apply(videos, parseFmtStreamMap(config.adaptive_fmts, sizes)); // } var title = config.title; if (!title) { title = document.querySelector("*[itemscope] *[itemprop='name'], head meta[name='title']"); if (title) { title = title.getAttribute("content"); } else { title = config.video_id; } } var user = document.querySelector("a[rel='author']"); if (user) { user = (user.getAttribute("title") || user.textContent || user.text || '').replace(/^\s+/,'').replace(/\s+$/,'') || null; } if (!user) { user = document.querySelector("*[itemscope][itemprop='author'] link[itemprop='url']"); if (user) { user = user.getAttribute("href").split("/").pop(); } } return {title: title, user: user, videos: videos}; } var retry_count = 0; function retryLater () { setTimeout(function () { var videos = getVideos(); if (videos) { insertForm(videos); } else if (retry_count < 5) { ++ retry_count; retryLater(); } }, 1000); } var videos = getVideos(); if (videos) { insertForm(videos); handleDynamicUpdates(); } else if (!document.body) { window.addEventListener("load",function () { var videos = getVideos(); if (videos) { insertForm(videos); } else { retryLater(); } handleDynamicUpdates(); },false); } else { retryLater(); handleDynamicUpdates(); } function handleDynamicUpdates () { var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver; if (!MutationObserver) return; var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { for (var i = 0; i < mutations.length; ++ i) { var mutation = mutations[i]; if (mutation.type === "childList") { for (var j = 0; j < mutation.addedNodes.length; ++ j) { var node = mutation.addedNodes[j]; if (node.nodeType === 1 && ( === "watch7-container" || node.querySelector("#watch7-container"))) { var videos = getVideos(); if (videos) { insertForm(videos); } } } } } }); observer.observe(document.body, {childList: true, subtree: true}); } }));