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// ==UserScript== // @name images predownload // @license MIT // @namespace // @version 2024-08-29 // @description predownload the images in web // @author xgame-0 // @match *://* // @match *://* // @icon  // @grant none // ==/UserScript== let CONFIGS = [{ host: [''], attr: 'data-original', }, { host: [''], attr: 'data-src', }] function checkConfigHost(cfgHost) { if (Array.isArray(cfgHost)) { for (let i in cfgHost) { if (checkConfigHost(cfgHost[i])) { return true; } } return false } let host =; return cfgHost && host.indexOf(cfgHost) >= 0 } function getConfig() { 'use strict'; let res = []; for (let i in CONFIGS) { let cfg = CONFIGS[i]; if (checkConfigHost( { res.push(cfg) } } return res; } function predownloadImage(attrName) { 'use strict'; let l = document.querySelectorAll('img'); // console.log('images:', l); l = l || []; l.forEach((e) => { // console.log('image:', e); let attrValue = e.getAttribute(attrName); // console.log('attr:', attrValue); if (!attrValue) { return; } window.setTimeout(function () { let img = new Image(); img.src = attrValue; }); }) } function main(ev) { 'use strict'; console.log('event:', ev); let cfgs = getConfig() || []; console.log('host:',, ', cfgs:', cfgs) cfgs.every(cfg => { console.log('cfg:', cfg); predownloadImage(cfg.attr); }) }; // console.log('state:', document.readyState); if (['complete', 'loaded', 'interactive'].indexOf(document.readyState) >= 0) { // console.log('state:', document.readyState); main(); } else { window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', main); window.addEventListener('load', main); } // setTimeout(main, 0);