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yourAnswer = Array.from(el.querySelectorAll('button')).map(el => el.textContent).join(' '); } } else if (document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge challenge-listen"]')) { yourAnswer = document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge-translate-input"]').textContent; } else if (document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge challenge-listenTap"]')) { yourAnswer = Array.from(document.querySelector('._2-F7v').querySelectorAll('button')).map(it => it.textContent).join(' ') } else if (document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge challenge-match"]')) { if (matchTexts.line1) { question = matchTexts.line1; yourAnswer = matchTexts.line2; matchTexts.line1 = ''; matchTexts.line2 = ''; } else { const ar = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('[data-test="challenge-tap-token-text"]')).map(it => it.textContent); question = ar.slice(0, 5).join(' | '); yourAnswer = ar.slice(5).join(' | '); } } else if (document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge challenge-speak"]')) { question = document.querySelector('span[aria-hidden=true]').parentElement.parentElement.textContent; 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const word = document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge-text-input"]').value; yourAnswer = `${article}${word}`; } else if (document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge challenge-assist"]')) { question = document.querySelector('[aria-label="choice"]')?.previousElementSibling?.textContent; yourAnswer = document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge-choice"][aria-checked="true"] [data-test="challenge-judge-text"]').textContent; } else if (document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge challenge-listenComplete"]')) { question = document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge-text-input"]').parentElement.parentElement.textContent; yourAnswer = document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge-text-input"]').value; if (question.includes(`_${yourAnswer}_`)) yourAnswer = null; } else if (document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge challenge-listenMatch"]')) { yourAnswer = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('[data-test="challenge-tap-token-text"]')).map(it => it.textContent).join(', ') } else if (document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge challenge-listenIsolation"]')) { question = Array.from(document.querySelector('[aria-hidden="true"]').parentElement.children).map(it => { const txt = it.textContent; return it.classList.contains('_3ykJt') ? `_${txt}_` : txt; }).join('').replace(/__/g, ''); } else if (document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge challenge-select"]')) { yourAnswer = document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge-choice"][aria-checked="true"] .AKwIn')?.textContent; } else if (document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge challenge-definition"]')) { yourAnswer = document.querySelector('[aria-checked="true"] [data-test="challenge-judge-text"]').textContent; question = document.querySelector('[role="radiogroup"]').previousElementSibling.textContent; } else if (document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge challenge-tapComplete"]')) { question = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('[aria-hidden="true"]')).map(el => el.textContent).join('').replace(/\s([,.!?\s])/g, ' ___$1');; const el = document.querySelector('[aria-hidden="true"]').parentElement.parentElement.parentElement; const ar = Array.from(el.querySelectorAll('[data-test="challenge-tap-token-text"]')).map(it => it.innerText).filter(i => i); 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yourAnswer = Array.from(document.querySelector('label').children).filter(it => !it.classList.contains('_31xxw')).map(it => it.textContent).join(''); } else if (document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge challenge-readComprehension"]')) { footerHidden = localStorage.getItem('footerHidden') === "true" if (footerHidden) hideShowFooter(true); question = document.querySelector('[aria-hidden=true]').parentElement.parentElement.textContent; const selEl = document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge-choice"][aria-checked="true"]'); question2 = selEl.parentElement.previousElementSibling.textContent; yourAnswer = selEl.querySelector('[data-test="challenge-judge-text"]').textContent; } else if (document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge challenge-name"]')) { question = document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge-header"]').textContent; yourAnswer = document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge-text-input"]').value; } else if (document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge challenge-listenComprehension"]')) { question = document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge-choice"][aria-checked="true"]').parentElement.previousElementSibling.textContent; 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'#279f09' : '#e7559e'; divMain.appendChild(div); } const review = document.querySelector('#session\\/PlayerFooter').querySelector('[data-test="blame blame-incorrect"], [data-test="blame blame-correct"]'); if (review) { const node = review.children[1].children[0].cloneNode(true); divMain.appendChild(node); } if (color === 'right') { if (document.querySelector('.panel').previousElementSibling.querySelector('[data-test="blame blame-correct"]')) { tempAlert(document.querySelector('.panel').previousElementSibling.querySelector('[data-test="blame blame-correct"]').children[1].firstChild.firstChild); } } resolve(); }); return promise; } function mayISwipe(event) { if (!event) return true; const el = document.querySelector('#new-draggable .eWdJ5'); if (el?.contains( return false; return true; } function createAutoClickButton(isStories) { let storiesAuto = localStorage.getItem('stories_autoclick') === 'yes'; let testingAuto = localStorage.getItem('autoclick') === 'yes'; const bu = document.createElement('BUTTON'); = 'my-autoclick-bu'; = isStories ? 10000 : 10; = 'pointer'; if (isStories) { bu.innerText = storiesAuto ? 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footerHidden = false; } else if (mutation.addedNodes[0].contains(document.querySelector('textarea, input'))) { document.querySelector('textarea, input').addEventListener('focus', (event) => {{ block: 'end' }); setTimeout(() => {{ block: 'end' }); setTimeout(() =>{ block: 'end' }), 100); }, 200); }); setTimeout(() => { document.querySelector('textarea, input').focus({ preventScroll: true }); }, 200); } else if (mutation.addedNodes?.[0]?.querySelector('[data-test="challenge challenge-match"]')) { setLernerMatchObserver(); } } } } let targetNode = document.querySelector('[data-test*="challenge "]')?.parentElement?.parentElement; if (!targetNode) { document.querySelector('[data-test="player-next"]')?.click(); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 700)); if (!document.querySelector('[data-test*="challenge "]')) { document.querySelector('#session\\/PlayerFooter button').addEventListener("click", setLearnObserver); return; } targetNode = document.querySelector('[data-test*="challenge "]').parentElement.parentElement; } const config = { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true, characterData: false }; const observer = new MutationObserver(callback); observer.observe(targetNode, config); const callback2 = function (mutationsList, observer) { for (const mutation of mutationsList) { if ( mutation.attributeName === "class" && === 'session/PlayerFooter' &&'_399cc') ) { if (footerHidden && document.querySelector('[role=progressbar]') && document.querySelector('[role=progressbar]').getAttribute('aria-valuenow') !== '1') hideShowFooter(true); } if (mutation?.addedNodes?.[0]?.nodeType !== 1) continue; if (mutation.addedNodes?.[0]?.querySelector('[data-test="blame blame-correct"]')) { if (!document.querySelector('[data-test="blame blame-correct"]').querySelector('._20psa')) { // can't listen/speak skip neco('right').then(() => { changeCounter('right'); if (document.querySelector('#my-autoclick-bu').innerText === 'A') { document.querySelector('[data-test="player-next"]')?.click(); } else { hideShowFooter(false); 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}, delay); } } }); } const targetNode2 = document.querySelector('[data-test="stories-player-continue"]') const config2 = { attributes: true, childList: false, subtree: false, characterData: false }; const observer2 = new MutationObserver(storiesElementsContainerObserverFun); observer2.observe(targetNode2, config2); } function getDelay() { const el = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll('[data-test="stories-element"]._3sNGF:not(._1Mwcz, ._2n3Ta), [data-test="stories-element"]._35e5D') ).filter(el => !!el.childElementCount && !el.querySelector('[data-test="stories-element"]')).pop(); if (document.querySelector('.TVxEB') && !el?.querySelector('._2mWtz')) return 0; let str = el?.querySelector('._2mWtz')?.textContent || el?.textContent?.split(/\s/)?.pop() || document.querySelector('[data-test="stories-element"]').textContent return str?.length ? 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