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// ==UserScript== // @name renhanglogin // @namespace renhang // @description Helps me to login renhang // @author xiaojiang // @license MIT // @version 0.0.2 // @encoding utf-8 // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @include http://*/* // @include https://*/* // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_getResourceURL // @grant GM_log // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_setClipboard // @grant GM_info // @grant GM_getMetadata // @run-at document-start // @connect * // ==/UserScript== /*jshint evil:true newcap:false*/ /*global unsafeWindow, GM_addStyle, GM_getValue, GM_setValue, GM_xmlhttpRequest, GM_registerMenuCommand, GM_deleteValue, GM_listValues, GM_getResourceText, GM_getResourceURL, GM_log, GM_openInTab, GM_setClipboard, GM_info, GM_getMetadata, $, document, console, location, setInterval, setTimeout, clearInterval*/ /*===================================================== Thanks ====================================================== Donors: M. Howard, Shunjou, Charmine, Kierek93, G. Barnard, H. Young, Seinhor9, ImGlodar, Ivanosevitch, HomeDipo, R. Martin, DrFiZ, Tippy, B. Rohner, P. Kozica, M. Patel, W4rell, Tscheckoff, AdBlock Polska, AVENIR INTERNET, coolNAO, Ben, J. Park, C. Young, J. Bou, M. Cano, J. Jung, A. Sonino, J. Litten, M. Schrumpf, G. Pepe, A. Trufanov, R. Palmer, J. Rautiainen, S. Blystone, M. Silveira, K. MacArthur, M. Ivanov, A. Schmidt, A. Waage, F. Tismer, S. Ehnert, J. Corpus, J. Dluhos, Maklemenz, Strobelix, Modellpilot.EU, E. Benedetti, V. Venditti, Shakos, A. Eliason, A. Saloranta, S. Geiger, A. Otterloo, M. Coppen, S. Fischer, H. Becker, D. Ackerman, S. Pitsch, K. Pertcheck, S. Abel, K. O'Connor, B. Obrien, S. Vogler, S. Goebl, A. Biar, S. Scott,, S. Große, M. Peot, R. Chan Balam, L. Bond-Kennedy, R. Emond, A. Pavlov, W. Tracey, A. Sergey, R. López López, R. Reddy Kasireddy, A. Moujeer, M. Betz, M. Lefèvre, R. McCurdy, LR Geeks, M. Beauregard, CasperTech Ltd, M. Dudas, S. Scharf, S. Prokhorov, K. Papalias, J. Wojnowski, B. Curtis, D. Lawrence, D. He, N. Kelsall, Idogewallet, J. Spaulding, S. Lafon, Mat, H. Roberts, C. Hedlund, J. Hawkins, J. Andersen, M. Bjorksten, B. Wolfe III, T. Yocom, Š. Intas, S. Moenich, J. Chang, C. Munk, A. Naruta, Б. Михаил, J. Benz, F. Sloot, J. Creed, M. Gillam, C. Leicht, A. Gnana, S. Sundaram, A. Koller, M. Kotlar, S. Abel, T. Flanagan, M. Arduini, P. Stackhouse, B. Oliver, M. Johnson, R. Mannert, E. Siordia Collaborators: InfinityCoding, Couchy, Dindog, Floxflob, U Bless, Watilin, @prdonahue, Hoshie, 3lf3nLi3d, Alexo, Crits, Noname120, Crt32, JixunMoe, Athorcis, Killerbadger, SMed79, Alexander255, Anonsubmitter, RaporLoLpro, Maynak00, Robotex, Vinctux, Blahx, MajkiIT, F4z, Angelsl, Mikhaelk, Marek, Hamsterbacke, Gorhill, Hacker999, xxcriticxx, Skr4tchGr3azyMonkiBallllllZzzz, Giwayume, MrSherlockHolmes, xDarkARG, Noahp78, Mapx- Users: Thank you to all those who use Anti Adblock Killer, who report problems, who write the review, which add to their favorites, making donations, which support the project and help in its development or promote. ======================================================= Mirrors ======================================================= Github: Greasyfork: Openuserjs: MonkeyGuts: Userscripts: ======================================================= Documentation ======================================================= Greasemonkey: Scriptish: Tampermonkey: Violentmonkey: NinjaKit: ======================================================= Script ======================================================*/ // ==UserScript== // @name renhang // @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts // @match *://*/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // // 已经登陆 if(1){ console.log() } // 未登录 else{ } document.getElementsByName("CookieDate")[0].value="3" console.log("test")