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// ==UserScript== // @name HiPDA BlackList // @description hi-pda.com论坛的黑名单插件, 支持使用iCloud账号同步, 支持与iOS客户端同步 // @version 0.1 // @author Jichao Wu // @license MIT // @namespace com.jichaowu.hipda // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @match* // @require // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // ================= helpers ================== console.log("running at " + window.location.href); function q(s){if(document.body){return document.body.querySelector(s);}return null;} function xpath(s) { return document.evaluate(s, document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); } // ================= UI ================== // hi-pda-tools-by-2200 function addConfigDiv() { // GM_addStyle('\ // #hp_blacklist_config_div {position:fixed;align:center;width: 303px;padding: 15px;bottom:20px;right:20px;z-index:99;color:#fff;background:#9287AE;border:2px solid #bfbfbf;-moz-border-radius:5px;opacity:0.95;text-align:left;font-size:14px !important;}\ // #hp_blacklist_config_div hr {color: #bfbfbf;border: 1px solid;margin: 8px 0;}\ // #hp_blacklist_config_div a {-moz-border-radius: 4px;background: #eef9eb;width: 50px;border: 1px solid #aaa;}\ // #hp_blacklist_config_div a:hover {border: 1px solid #aaa;background: #fff;color: #000;}\ // #hp_blacklist_sync_button,#hp_blacklist_sync_button {padding:2px 5px;}\ // #hp_blacklist_blacklist {margin-left:5px;max-height:600px;overflow:auto;}\ // '); var hp_cfg = document.createElement("div"); = "hp_blacklist_config_div"; = "position:fixed;align:center;width: 303px;padding: 15px;top:20px;right:20px;z-index:99;color:#fff;background:#9287AE;border:2px solid #bfbfbf;-moz-border-radius:5px;opacity:0.95;text-align:left;font-size:14px !important; overflow-y: scroll; height:80%;"; // = "none"; hp_cfg.innerHTML = '\ <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="hp_blacklist_close_button" style="position:fixed; top:25px; right:25px; color:white">关闭</a>\ <div id="hp_blacklist_blacklist"></div><br /><br />\ 先登录iCloud才能同步\ <div id="apple-sign-in-button"></div>\ <div id="apple-sign-out-button"></div>\ <button id="hp_blacklist_sync_button" style="height: 40px; width: 218px; cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 5px; display: block; opacity: 1; background-color: white; font-size:18px">同步</button>\ <input id="hp_blacklist_username_input" type="text" value="name"/><br />\ <button id="hp_blacklist_add_btn">add user</button>\ <button id="hp_blacklist_remove_btn">remove user</button>\ '; q('#header').insertBefore(hp_cfg, q('#header').firstChild); q('#hp_blacklist_sync_button').addEventListener('click', function(){ if (!isCloudLogin) { alert('先登录iCloud才能同步'); return; } var b = q('#hp_blacklist_sync_button'); b.innerHTML = '同步中...'; console.log('sync...'); update(function(error) { if (!error) { b.innerHTML = '同步成功'; } else { b.innerHTML = '同步失败'; } console.log('sync result: ', _list); }); }, false); q('#hp_blacklist_close_button').addEventListener('click', function(){ = 'none'; }, false); q('#hp_blacklist_add_btn').addEventListener('click', function(){ addUser(q('#hp_blacklist_username_input').value); }, false); q('#hp_blacklist_remove_btn').addEventListener('click', function(){ removeUser(q('#hp_blacklist_username_input').value); }, false); if (1) { q('#hp_blacklist_username_input').style.display = 'none'; q('#hp_blacklist_add_btn').style.display = 'none'; q('#hp_blacklist_remove_btn').style.display = 'none'; } document.getElementById('umenu').appendChild(document.createTextNode(" | ")); var menuitem=document.createElement('a'); menuitem.innerHTML="黑名单"; menuitem.href='javascript:void(0)'; document.getElementById('umenu').appendChild(menuitem); menuitem.addEventListener('click', function(){ = === 'none' ? '' : 'none'; }, false); = 'none'; } addConfigDiv(); // hi-pda-tools-by-2200 function appendControl(){ // 添加[屏蔽]按钮 var s = xpath("//div[@class='authorinfo']"); for (var i = s.snapshotLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var t = s.snapshotItem(i); var a1=document.createElement('a'); a1.innerHTML = '屏蔽'; a1.href = '###'; a1.addEventListener('click', onBlockUser, false); t.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" | ")); t.appendChild(a1); } } appendControl(); function updateUI() { updateBlockListUI(); removeBlockedPost(); } function updateBlockListUI() { var dom = q('#hp_blacklist_blacklist'); var list = []; for (var i = 0; i < _list.length; i++) { var username = _list[i]; list.push('<span class="hp_blacklist_username" style="font-size:12px">' + username + '</span>  <a username="'+username+'">x</a>'); } dom.innerHTML = list.join('\n<br />'); var buttons = dom.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { var b = buttons[i]; var u = b.getAttribute('username'); (function(username){ b.addEventListener('click', function(){ removeUser(username); }, false); })(u); } } // hi-pda-tools-by-2200 function removeBlockedPost() { if (location.href.indexOf('viewthread.php') !== -1) { var s = xpath("//div[@class='postinfo']"); for (var i = s.snapshotLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var t = s.snapshotItem(i); var a = t.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; if( a != undefined){ = isUserInBlockList(a.text) ? 'none' : ''; } } } if (location.href.indexOf('forumdisplay.php') !== -1) { var s = xpath("//td[@class='author']"); console.log(s.snapshotLength); for (var i = s.snapshotLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // 屏蔽BLACK_LIST的发帖 var t = s.snapshotItem(i); var a = t.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; if( a != undefined){ = isUserInBlockList(a.text) ? 'none' : ''; } } } } // hi-pda-tools-by-2200 function onBlockUser(e){ // [屏蔽] 按钮触发 var node ='postinfo')[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; var username = node.text; addUser(username); }; // ================= icloud auth ================== var isCloudLogin = false; window.addEventListener('cloudkitloaded', function() { CloudKit.configure({ locale: 'zh-cn', containers: [{ containerIdentifier: 'iCloud.wujichao.HiPDA', apiTokenAuth: { apiToken: 'a85b21e1fe1f4ad1c7f01bdff3b13a71005e410ed64c6471dad9a0512668e731', persist: true, signInButton: { id: 'apple-sign-in-button', theme: 'white-with-outline' // 'black', 'white', 'white-with-outline' }, signOutButton: { id: 'apple-sign-out-button', theme: 'white-with-outline' // 'black', 'white', 'white-with-outline' } }, environment: 'development' }] }); demoSetUpAuth(); init(); console.log('config', _list); // console.log('test update'); // update(function(error) { // console.log('update result: ', _list); // }); //test(); }); function displayUserName(name) { console.log(name); } function showDialogForPersistError(err) { console.warn(err); } function demoSetUpAuth() { // Get the container. var container = CloudKit.getDefaultContainer(); function gotoAuthenticatedState(userIdentity) { var name = userIdentity.nameComponents; if(name) { displayUserName(name.givenName + ' ' + name.familyName); } else { displayUserName('User record name: ' + userIdentity.userRecordName); } isCloudLogin = true; console.log('login then check update...'); // update(function(error) { // console.log('update result: ', _list); // }); // 每24h更新一次 var ts = getLastUpdateTime(); var interval = +new Date() - ts; console.log('interval ' + interval); if (interval > 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) { console.log('update...'); update(function(error) { console.log('update result: ', _list); saveLastUpdateTime(+new Date()); }); } container .whenUserSignsOut() .then(gotoUnauthenticatedState); } function gotoUnauthenticatedState(error) { isCloudLogin = false; if(error && error.ckErrorCode === 'AUTH_PERSIST_ERROR') { showDialogForPersistError(); } displayUserName('Unauthenticated User'); container .whenUserSignsIn() .then(gotoAuthenticatedState) .catch(gotoUnauthenticatedState); } // Check a user is signed in and render the appropriate button. return container.setUpAuth() .then(function(userIdentity) { // Either a sign-in or a sign-out button was added to the DOM. // userIdentity is the signed-in user or null. if(userIdentity) { gotoAuthenticatedState(userIdentity); } else { gotoUnauthenticatedState(); } }); } // ================= blocklist service ================ var recordName = 'blocklist'; var _list = []; var _hashTable = {}; function init() { rebuildWithList(getSavedList()); migrateOldData(); updateUI(); } function rebuildWithList(list) { //console.log('rebuildWithList_with', list); _list = list; _hashTable = {}; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { _hashTable[list[i]] = true; } //console.log('rebuildWithList_result', _list, _hashTable); } function rebuildWithRecord(record) { var list = record.fields['list'] ? record.fields['list'].value : []; rebuildWithList(list); } function update(callback) { if (!isCloudLogin) { console.log('updateList -> not login'); return; } fetchRecord(function(record, error) { if (!error) { rebuildWithRecord(record); saveAll(); updateUI(); } callback(error); }); } // ================= icloud database ================== function fetchRecord(callback) { console.log('fetchRecord...'); var container = CloudKit.getDefaultContainer(); var privateDatabase = container.privateCloudDatabase; privateDatabase.fetchRecords(recordName).then(function(response) { var error = response.hasErrors ? response.errors[0] : null; var fetchedRecord = error ? null : response.records[0]; console.log('fetchRecord result', error, fetchedRecord); if (error && error.ckErrorCode === "NOT_FOUND") { var record = { recordName: recordName, recordType: 'BlockList', }; saveRecord(record, function(savedRecord, error) { callback(saveRecord, error); }); return; } callback(fetchedRecord, error); }); } function saveRecord(record, callback) { console.log('saveRecord...', record); var container = CloudKit.getDefaultContainer(); var privateDatabase = container.privateCloudDatabase; privateDatabase.saveRecords(record).then(function(response) { var error = response.hasErrors ? response.errors[0] : null; var savedRecord = error ? null : response.records[0]; console.log('saveRecord result', error, savedRecord); callback(savedRecord, error); }); } var working = false; function updateList(action) { console.log('updateList'); if (working) { console.log('working'); alert('操作中, 请稍后再试'); return; } working = true; // update local data console.log('update local data'); action(); saveAll(); // update ui updateUI(); if (!isCloudLogin) { console.log('updateList -> not login'); return; } //fetch latest data console.log('fetch latest data'); fetchRecord(function(record, error) { if (!error) { rebuildWithRecord(record); action(); saveAll(); // update ui updateUI(); record.fields['list'] = {value: _list}; //console.log('fetch latest result', record); saveRecord(record, function(savedRecord, error) { //console.log('saveRecord result', record); working = false; }); } }); } // ================= blacklist ================== function isUserInBlockList(username) { var a = _hashTable[username]; return !!a; } function addUser(username) { addUsers([username]); } function removeUser(username) { removeUsers([username]); } function addUsers(usernames) { console.log('addUsers', usernames); updateList(function() { for (var i = 0; i < usernames.length; i++) { var username = usernames[i]; if (isUserInBlockList(username)) { continue; } _list.push(username); _hashTable[username] = true; } }); } function removeUsers(usernames) { console.log('removeUsers', usernames); updateList(function() { for (var i = 0; i < usernames.length; i++) { var username = usernames[i]; if (!username) { throw new Error(); } if (!isUserInBlockList(username)) { continue; } var index = _list.indexOf(username); if (index > -1) { _list.splice(index, 1); } else { throw new Error(); } _hashTable[username] = false; } }); } // ================= persistence ================== function saveAll() { console.log('saveAll'); saveList(_list); } function getSavedList() { var value = GM_getValue('HPSavedList_V2') || []; return value; } function saveList(list) { GM_setValue('HPSavedList_V2', list); } function getLastUpdateTime() { var value = GM_getValue('HPLastUpdateTime') || 0; return value; } function saveLastUpdateTime(ts) { GM_setValue('HPLastUpdateTime', ts); } // ================= migrate ================== function migrateOldData() { } // ================= test ================== function assert(v1, v2) { if (v1 !== v2) { throw new Error(); } } function test() { // console.log('test update'); // update(function(error) { // console.log('update result: ', _list); // }); console.log('test current config'); console.log(_list); console.log(_hashTable); console.log('test add user'); addUser('test_a'); assert(isUserInBlockList('test_a'), true); assert(isUserInBlockList('test_b'), false); console.log('test add users'); addUsers(['test_a', 'test_a', 'test_b', 'test_c', 'test_d']); assert(isUserInBlockList('test_a'), true); assert(isUserInBlockList('test_b'), true); assert(isUserInBlockList('test_c'), true); assert(isUserInBlockList('test_d'), true); console.log('log current config'); console.log(_list); console.log(_hashTable); console.log('test remove user'); removeUser('......'); removeUser('test_a'); assert(isUserInBlockList('test_a'), false); console.log('test remove users'); removeUsers(['test_a', 'test_b', 'test_c']); assert(isUserInBlockList('test_a'), false); assert(isUserInBlockList('test_b'), false); assert(isUserInBlockList('test_c'), false); assert(isUserInBlockList('test_d'), true); console.log('log current config'); console.log(_list); console.log(_hashTable); } })();