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// ==UserScript== // @name WhatsApp Emoticon // @description Tools yang digunakan untuk mengubah emoticon menjadi emoji berdasarkan dengan emoKey. // @copyright 2018, rzlnhd ( // @license GPL-3.0-or-later; // @icon // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @version 1.3.2 // @date 2020-01-23 // @author Rizal Nurhidayat // @match // @grant none // @updateURL // @downloadURL // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserJS== // @author rzlnhd // ==/OpenUserJS== /* Global Variables */ var emoti = [" :)", " :D", " <:3", " (/)", " :%", " :z", " :p", " :\')", " :\'D", " :L", " :g", " :^", " :v", " :@", " :o", " ^^", " :*"], emoji = ["🙂", "😁", "😍", "🙏", "👏", "✅", "😋", "😂", "🤣", "💪", "👻", "👆", "👇", "😡", "😱", "😊", "😘"], version = "v1.3.2", classIn = "_3u328" /*input chat*/ , i_alt = ["❤", "☺"], p_def = 1, k_bool = true, c_index = 0; /* First Function */ var timer = setInterval(general, 1000); function general() { if (document.getElementsByClassName("app")[0] != null) { document.addEventListener("click", function () { initListener(false) }); document.addEventListener("keyup", function () { initListener(true) }); console.log("WhatsApp Emoticon " + version + " - Free Emoticon!"); console.log("Tambahkan spasi sebelum menuliskan emoKey."); clearInterval(timer); } } /*===================================== Initial Function : Set Listener =====================================*/ function initListener(bool) { var obj = document.querySelector("div." + classIn + ".copyable-text.selectable-text"); if (obj != null) { p_def = getCaretPosition(obj); k_bool = bool; obj.addEventListener("input", eEmoji) }; } /*===================================== Main Function : Change Emoticon to Emoji. =====================================*/ function eEmoji(e) { var i, html = this.innerHTML, pos, j, emo = this.getElementsByTagName("img"); for (i = 0; i < emoti.length; i++) { if (html.includes(emoti[i])) { html = html.replace(emoti[i], emoji[i]); j = i; } } pos = p_def; if (emo.length != 0) { j = -2; for (i = 0; i < i_alt.length; i++) { if (emo[0].getAttributeNode("alt").value === i_alt[i]) { j = -1; if (i == 0 && k_bool) { j = -3; } } } for (i = 0; i < emo.length; i++) { html = html.replace(emo[i].outerHTML, emo[i].getAttributeNode("alt").value) if (i > 0) { pos = html.length; j = -3; } } this.innerHTML = html; setCaretPosition(this, pos, j); } else if (this.innerHTML != html) { this.innerHTML = html; setCaretPosition(this, pos, j); } } /*===================================== Utilities Function : Get and Set Cursor Position =====================================*/ /* Get Cursor Position */ function getCaretPosition(el) { var caretPos = 0, sel, range, i; if (window.getSelection) { sel = window.getSelection(); if (sel.rangeCount) { range = sel.getRangeAt(0); for (i = 0; i < el.childNodes.length; i++) { if (range.commonAncestorContainer.nodeValue === el.childNodes[i].nodeValue) { c_index = i; } } if (range.commonAncestorContainer.parentNode == el) { caretPos = range.endOffset; } } } else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { range = document.selection.createRange(); if (range.parentElement() == el) { var tempEl = document.createElement("span"); el.insertBefore(tempEl, el.firstChild); var tempRange = range.duplicate(); tempRange.moveToElementText(tempEl); tempRange.setEndPoint("EndToEnd", range); caretPos = tempRange.text.length; } } return caretPos; } /* Set Cursor Position */ function setCaretPosition(el, p, i) { var range, sel; if (i == 2 || i == 3 || i == 7 || i == 8) { p -= 2; } else if (i == -1) { p += 1; } else if (i == -2) { p += 2; } else if (i == -3) { p = p; } else { p -= 1; } if (document.createRange) { range = document.createRange(); sel = window.getSelection(); range.setStart(el.childNodes[c_index], p); range.collapse(true); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); } }