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// ==UserScript== // @id // @name BaiduPan Download // @version 2017.08.16 // @namespace // @author thuytinhtim // @description BaiduPan Download Firefox // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_setClipboard // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @homepageURL // @require // 兼容 GM 1.x, 2.x // @require // @license GPL version 3 // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== (function() { // 下面的去除云管家,会对上传插件无法显示上传文件夹 var tmpScript = document.createElement('script'); tmpScript.textContent = "navigator.__defineGetter__('platform', function() {return 'Linux x86';});navigator.__defineGetter__('userAgent', function() {return 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:48.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/48.0';});"; document.head.appendChild(tmpScript); document.head.removeChild(tmpScript); //阻止百度网盘wap版自动跳转,来自 document.addEventListener('beforescriptexecute', function(e) { if ( == 'platform') { e.preventDefault(); } }); })(); document.onreadystatechange = function() { //alert(document.readyState); if (document.readyState == "interactive") { var isChrome = !!; function HttpSendRead(info) { if (info.contentType !== null) info.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: info.type, url: info.url, dataType: info.dataType, onreadystatechange: function(response) { if (response.readyState == 4) { if ((response.status == 200 && response.status < 300) || response.status == 304) { clearTimeout(timeId); if (info.dataType == "json") { deferred.resolve(JSON.parse(response.responseText), response.status, response); } else if (info.dataType == "SCRIPT") { // eval(response.responseText); deferred.resolve(response.responseText, response.status, response); } } else { clearTimeout(timeId); deferred.reject(response, response.statusText, response.status); } } } }); }; var SetMessage = function(msg, type) { var Toast = require("common:widget/toast/toast.js"); Toast.obtain.useToast(cloneInto({ toastMode: Toast.obtain[type], msg: msg, sticky: false }, unsafeWindow)); }; function decode(url, i) { var newUrl; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'get', url: url, headers: { "Referer": "", "Range": "bytes=0-1", }, onload: function(response) { var newUrl = response.finalUrl; debug(newUrl); $('.dlinks')[i].href = newUrl; $('.dlinks')[i].style.color = "red"; } }); }; var Config = { // 默认的设置 debug: false, trim_titles: [ // Share Home 标题移除的文字广告 "[v.BDpan.COM]" ], lineBreak: isChrome ? '\r' : '\n', }; var debug = Config.debug ? console.debug.bind(console) : function() {}; // 最新的改版,在个人主页页面已失效,改用下面的 require var FileUtils = unsafeWindow.FileUtils, Utilities = unsafeWindow.Utilities, disk = unsafeWindow.disk, Page = unsafeWindow.Page; // 个人主页存在,其它页面可能不存在 var require = unsafeWindow.require; var Utils = { r1: function(reg, str) { var m = str.match(reg); return m ? m[1] : null; }, getParam: function(name, url) { var regexp = new RegExp("(?:^|\\?|#|&)" + name + "=([^&#]*)(?:$|&|#)", "i"), matches = regexp.exec(url || location.href); return matches ? decodeURIComponent(matches[1]) : ""; }, }; var mHome = (function() { // 个人主页 if (!require) return; var downloadAll = function() { var context=require("system-core:context/context.js"); var dlinkService=require("disk-system:widget/system/fileService/fileDownLoad/dlinkService.js"); var downloadController=require("file-widget-1:download/controller/downloadController.js"); // 得到选中的条目,过滤文件夹 var selected=context.prototype.list.getSelected(); var fileList = []; $(selected).each(function(i, self) { var $self = $(self); if ($'extname') === 'dir') return; fileList.push({ fs_id: $self[0].fs_id, server_filename: $self[0].server_filename, }) }); if (fileList.length === 0) return; var type = 'dlink', callback = function(result) { if (!result.dlink) return; result.dlink.forEach(function(info) { for (var i = fileList.length - 1, file; i >= 0; i--) { file = fileList[i]; if (file.fs_id == info.fs_id) { file.dlink = info.dlink; break; } } }); Pan.checkedItems = fileList; Pan.showPanel(fileList); delete unsafeWindow.gm_pan_callback; }; // 兼容 Greasemonkey 2.0+ exportFunction(callback, unsafeWindow, { defineAs: "gm_pan_callback" }); dlinkService.getDlinkPan(dlinkService.getFsidListData(selected), type, unsafeWindow.gm_pan_callback); }; var setDocumentTitle = function() { // 设置页面标题,根据 hash 变化而变化,方便历史记录检索 var path = Utils.getParam('dir/path') || Utils.getParam('path'); if (path === "") { var key = Utils.getParam('key') if (key) { path = "搜索:" + key; } } if (path) { // 不知道是否是百度盘的问题,需要 2 次 decodeURIComponent document.title = '百度云 网盘-' + decodeURIComponent(path); } }; var addButton = function() { $('<a class="icon-btn-download g-button"><span class="g-button-right"><em class="icon icon-offline-download" title="批量下载"></em><span style="width: auto;" class="text">批量下载</span></span></a>') .insertAfter('a.g-button[data-button-id="b13"]') .click(downloadAll); }; var init = function() { addButton(); setDocumentTitle(); window.addEventListener('hashchange', setDocumentTitle, false); }; return { init: init } })(); var Pan = { fetchCount: 0, init: function() { var pageType = this.determineCurrentPageType(); debug('pageType is ', pageType); if (pageType !== null) { this.pageType = pageType; this.processPage(pageType); } }, determineCurrentPageType: function() { var pageType = null; var loc = window.location.href.toLowerCase(); if (loc.indexOf('/disk/home') != -1) pageType = 'diskHome'; else if (loc.indexOf('/share/link') != -1 || loc.indexOf('/s/') != -1) { var type = unsafeWindow.yunData.SHAREPAGETYPE; if (type == 'multi_file') pageType = 'shareDir'; else if (type == 'single_file_page') pageType = 'shareOne'; } else if (loc.indexOf('/share/home') != -1) pageType = 'shareHome'; else if (loc.indexOf('/pcloud/album/info') != -1) pageType = 'albumInfo'; else if (loc.indexOf('/pcloud/album/file') != -1) pageType = 'albumFile'; else if (loc.indexOf('/share/init?') != -1) pageType = 'shareInit'; return pageType; }, processPage: function(pageType) { if (pageType !== null) { var pageProcessor = pageType + 'PageProcessor'; this.pageType = pageType; if (typeof(this[pageProcessor]) == 'function') { GM_addStyle(panelCSS); this[pageProcessor](); } } }, diskHomePageProcessor: function() { // 个人主页 mHome.init(); }, shareDirPageProcessor: function() { var self = this; // 添加批量下载按钮 $('<a class="bbtn" style="padding-left:10px"><b>批量下载</b></a>') .appendTo('.module-list-toolbar>.bar')[0].onclick = function(e) { self.downloadAll(); }; }, shareOnePageProcessor: function() { }, shareHomePageProcessor: function() { }, albumInfoPageProcessor: function() { var self = this; var _mAlbumId, _mUk, _mPage; _mAlbumId = (disk.ui.album.albuminfo && disk.ui.album.albuminfo.album_id) || disk.getParam("album_id"); _mUk = (disk.ui.album.uinfo && || disk.getParam("uk") || disk.getParam("query_uk"); _mPage = { count: 0, totalPage: 0, nowPage: 1, limit: 60, handle: false }; var getList = function() { var nowPage = $('#albumPage .page-input-wrap > input').val(); _mPage.nowPage = parseInt(nowPage); var restUrl = "/pcloud/album/listfile?album_id=" + _mAlbumId + "&query_uk=" + _mUk + "&start=" + (_mPage.nowPage - 1) * 60 + "&limit=" + _mPage.limit; $.get(restUrl, function(result) { if (result && result.errno == 0 && result.list) { Pan.showPanel(result.list); Pan.toast.setVisible(false); } else { Pan.useToast("获取数据出错, " + restUrl); } }); }; // 内容由 js 生成 var clicked = function(e) { var $quickFileSave = $('#quickFileSave'); if ($quickFileSave[0]) { $('<a class="bbutton" style="margin-left:10px;padding-left:5px;">\ <b style="padding-right: 5px;">批量下载</b></a>') .insertAfter($quickFileSave)[0].onclick = getList; $('body').unbind('click'); } }; $('body').bind('click', clicked); }, shareInitPageProcessor: function() { }, // -------------------- downloadAll: function() { var self = this; var file_list = []; yunData=unsafeWindow.yunData; if (yunData.SHAREPAGETYPE == "single_file_page") { var fid_list = 'fid_list=' + JSON.stringify([yunData.FS_ID]); set_share_data(yunData, fid_list); } else { var File = require("common:widget/data-center/data-center.js"); var Filename = File.get("selectedItemList"); var file_info = File.get("selectedList"); if (file_info.length == 0) { SetMessage("先选择一下你要下载的文件哦", "MODE_CAUTION"); return; } var count=0; for (var i = 0; i < Filename.length; i++) { if (Filename[i].attr("data-extname") != "dir") { var lastFlag=false; fid_list = 'fid_list=' + JSON.stringify([Filename[i].attr("data-id")]); yunData["isdir"] = 0; set_share_data(yunData, fid_list, file_list); } } } function set_share_data(obj, fid_list, file_list) { var data = "encrypt=0&product=share&uk=" + yunData.SHARE_UK + "&primaryid=" + yunData.SHARE_ID + "&" + fid_list; if (yunData.SHARE_PUBLIC == 0) { var Service = require("common:widget/commonService/commonService.js"); data = data + "&extra=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({ sekey: Service.getCookie("BDCLND") })); } if (obj.isdir == 1) { data = data + "&type=batch"; } get_share_dlink(obj, data, file_list); } function get_share_dlink(obj, data, file_list) { var download = "http://" + + "/api/sharedownload?channel=chunlei&clienttype=0&web=1&app_id=" + yunData.FILEINFO[0].app_id + "×tamp=" + yunData.TIMESTAMP + "&sign=" + yunData.SIGN + "&bdstoken=" + yunData.MYBDSTOKEN; var pic = "http://" + + "/api/getcaptcha?prod=share&channel=chunlei&clienttype=0&web=1&bdstoken=" + yunData.MYBDSTOKEN + "&app_id=" + yunData.FILEINFO[0].app_id; var parameter = { 'url': download, 'dataType': 'json', type: 'POST', 'data': data }; $.ajax(parameter) .done(function(json, textStatus, jqXHR) { if (json.errno == -20) { $.ajax({ 'url': pic, 'dataType': 'json', type: 'GET' }) .done(function(json, textStatus, jqXHR) { if (data.indexOf("input") != -1) { json.auth = true; } SetMessage("需输入验证码,无法继续", "MODE_FAILURE"); console.log('需输入验证码,无法继续'); }) .fail(function(json, textStatus, jqXHR) { SetMessage("获取验证码失败?", "MODE_FAILURE"); }); } else if (json.errno == 0) { if (obj.isdir == 1) { self.get_dir(JSON.stringify(json)); return; } else { for (var i = 0; i < json.list.length; i++) { var list = json.list[i]; file_list.push({ server_filename: list.path.slice(yunData.PATH.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, list.path.length), dlink: list.dlink }); } count++; debug(count,Filename.length); if(count==Filename.length) Pan.showPanel(file_list); } } else { debug(json); SetMessage("出现异常!", "MODE_FAILURE"); } }) .fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { SetMessage("获取地址失败?", "MODE_FAILURE"); }); } }, getList: function(item) { var self = this; var dir, restUrl; dir = item && item.path || disk.getParam('path'); restUrl = this.API_URL + (dir ? '&dir=' + encodeURIComponent(dir) : ''); debug('获取数据', restUrl); $.get(restUrl, function(result) { self.fetchCount -= 1; if (result && result.errno == 0 && result.list) { if (item) { item.children = result.list; } else { // 专辑获取到的结果为 checkedItems self.checkedItems = result.list; } self.handleResult(result.list); } else { Pan.useToast("获取数据出错, " + restUrl); } }); }, handleResult: function() { // 全部获取完成 if (this.fetchCount > 0) return; var self = this; debug('得到选择的数据', this.checkedItems); }, showPanel: function(checkedItems, dlinkMap) { if (!this.panel) { this.panel = this.createPanel(); } var linksHTML = this.createDLinksHtml(checkedItems, dlinkMap); $("#mDownload-links").html(linksHTML); = "block"; $('.dlinks').each(function(i) { var temp=$('.dlinks')[i].href.replace("https","http"); decode(temp, i); }); }, createPanel: function() { var self = this; var container = document.createElement("div"); = "mDownload-container"; var links_div = document.createElement("div"); = "mDownload-links"; var closeButton = document.createElement("button"); = "mDownload-close-button"; closeButton.innerHTML = "关闭"; closeButton.onclick = function() { = "none"; }; var exportButton = document.createElement("button"); = "mDownload-export-button"; exportButton.innerHTML = "导出"; exportButton.onclick = function() { GM_openInTab('data:text/html;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(links_div.innerHTML)); }; var copyButton = document.createElement("button"); = "mDownload-copy-button"; copyButton.innerHTML = "复制"; copyButton.onclick = function() { self.copyDlinks(null); }; container.appendChild(closeButton); container.appendChild(exportButton); container.appendChild(copyButton); container.appendChild(links_div); document.body.appendChild(container); return container; }, dir_tpl: "<b style='padding-left:{padding_left}'>{server_filename}</b>", dlinks_tpl: "<a class='dlinks' href={dlink} style='padding-left:{padding_left}'>{server_filename}</a>", createDLinksHtml: function(checkedItems, dlinkMap) { var self = this, htmls = [], isAdded = false; checkedItems.forEach(function(item) { item.padding_left = "0px"; if (item.isdir == 1) { htmls.push(template(self.dir_tpl, item)); if (Array.isArray(item.children)) { item.children.forEach(function(i) { i.padding_left = "15px"; if (dlinkMap) { i.dlink = dlinkMap[i.fs_id]; } var tpl = i.dlink ? self.dlinks_tpl : self.dir_tpl; htmls.push(template(tpl, i)); }); } } else { if (!isAdded) { htmls.push("<b>---------------</b>"); isAdded = true; } if (dlinkMap) { item.dlink = dlinkMap[item.fs_id]; } htmls.push(template(self.dlinks_tpl, item)); } }); return htmls.join("<br>"); }, copyDlinks: function(items, type) { var arr = []; items = $('.dlinks'); items.each(function(i) { arr.push(items[i].href); //console.log('copy+'+items[i].href) }); this.copy(arr); }, copy: function(arr, isDlink) { if (typeof isDlink == 'undefined') isDlink = true; GM_setClipboard(arr.join(Config.lineBreak), 'text'); Pan.useToast('已经复制 <b>' + arr.length + '</b> 条' + (isDlink ? '下载' : '') + '链接到剪贴板'); }, useToast: function(msg, sticky) { // disk.ui.Toast.MODE_FAILURE 错误 // disk.ui.Toast.MODE_CAUTION 警告 // disk.ui.Toast.MODE_LOADING 载入 // disk.ui.Toast.MODE_SUCCESS 正常 if (Utilities) { return Utilities.useToast(cloneInto({ toastMode: disk.ui.Toast.MODE_CAUTION, msg: msg, sticky: sticky || false }, unsafeWindow)); } else if (require) { var Toast = require("common:widget/toast/toast.js"); Toast.obtain.useToast(cloneInto({ toastMode: Toast.obtain.MODE_CAUTION, msg: msg, sticky: sticky || false, }, unsafeWindow)); } } }; var panelCSS = "#mDownload-container{position:fixed;z-index:1000;left:314px;top:120px;background:white;padding:10px;border:1px solid rgb(153,153,153);box-shadow:0px 0px 9px rgb(153,153,153);}#mDownload-containerbutton{margin-right:10px;}#mDownload-links{margin-top:10px;max-height:400px;overflow:auto;}#mDownload-linksb{color:red;}#mDownload-containerbutton{color:black !important;}"; function template(tpl, data) { return tpl.replace(/\{([\w\.]*)\}/g, function(str, key) { var keys = key.split('.'), value = data[keys.shift()]; keys.forEach(function(key) { value = value[key]; }); return (value === null || value === undefined) ? '' : value; }); } Pan.init(); } };