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// ==UserScript== // @name VoR Pro Mode // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description Add more graph to the tracker // @author You // @match // @grant none // @require // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; document.body.innerHTML += '<div id="configPro" style="width:100%;height:10%;opacity:1;z-index:100;background:#000;"><select id="ProSelect"><option value="1" selected="selected">Speed</option><option value="2" >VMG</option><option value="3">TWA</option><option value="4">TWS</option></select></div>'; document.body.innerHTML += '<div id="tester" style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;opacity:1;z-index:100;background:#000;"></div>'; var UInt8Array = Uint8Array; var text =""; var filename =""; var Speeds = []; var VMGs = []; var TWAs = []; var TWSs = []; var boatIDs = [51,53,57,54,56,55,58]; for ( var id in boatIDs) { Speeds[boatIDs[id]] = []; VMGs[boatIDs[id]] = []; TWAs[boatIDs[id]]= []; TWSs[boatIDs[id]] = []; } var TESTER = document.getElementById('tester'); var Dates = []; var Graphdata =""; var layout = ""; ยต.loadHwxFile("","json", function(data){ for (var i = 0; i < data.reports.history.length; i++) { text += data.reports.history[i].date; Dates.push(data.reports.history[i].date); text += JSON.stringify(data.reports.history[i].lines); for (var j=0;j< data.reports.history[i].lines.length;j++) { Speeds[parseInt(data.reports.history[i].lines[j][0])].push(data.reports.history[i].lines[j][8]); VMGs[parseInt(data.reports.history[i].lines[j][0])].push(data.reports.history[i].lines[j][9]); TWAs[parseInt(data.reports.history[i].lines[j][0])].push(data.reports.history[i].lines[j][14]); TWSs[parseInt(data.reports.history[i].lines[j][0])].push(data.reports.history[i].lines[j][12]); } text +="\n"; filename = "report_"+data.reports.history[i].date+".txt"; } var a = document.createElement("a"); //a.href = "data:text,"+encodeURI(text); //content // = filename; //file name //; layout = {margin: { t: 0 }, paper_bgcolor : '#000',plot_bgcolor :'#000000',legend: {traceorder: 'normal',font: {color: '#FFFFFF'}},xaxis: {showticklabels: true,tickfont: {color: '#FFF'}},yaxis: {showticklabels: true,tickfont: {color: '#FFF'}}}; Graphdata =[{x: Dates,y: Speeds[51],name: 'DFRT',line: {color: '#DB3E3E',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: Speeds[53],name: 'Brunel',line: {color: '#F6E700',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: Speeds[57],name: 'Mapfre',line: {color: '#FFFFFF',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: Speeds[54],name: 'Vestas', line: {color: '#EF7622',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: Speeds[56],name: 'Turn the Tide',line: {color: '#7D99CF',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: Speeds[55],name: 'Sacllywag',line: {color: '#919090',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: Speeds[58],name: 'Akzo Nobel',line: {color: '#724DCB', width: 2}}]; Plotly.plot( TESTER,Graphdata, layout ); }); $('#ProSelect').on('change', function() { switch(this.value){ case "1": Graphdata = [{x: Dates,y: Speeds[51],name: 'DFRT',line: {color: '#DB3E3E',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: Speeds[53],name: 'Brunel',line: {color: '#F6E700',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: Speeds[57],name: 'Mapfre',line: {color: '#FFFFFF',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: Speeds[54],name: 'Vestas', line: {color: '#EF7622',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: Speeds[56],name: 'Turn the Tide',line: {color: '#7D99CF',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: Speeds[55],name: 'Sacllywag',line: {color: '#919090',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: Speeds[58],name: 'Akzo Nobel',line: {color: '#724DCB', width: 2}}]; Plotly.purge(TESTER); Plotly.plot( TESTER,Graphdata, layout ); break; case "2": Graphdata = [{x: Dates,y: VMGs[51],name: 'DFRT',line: {color: '#DB3E3E',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: VMGs[53],name: 'Brunel',line: {color: '#F6E700',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: VMGs[57],name: 'Mapfre',line: {color: '#FFFFFF',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: VMGs[54],name: 'Vestas', line: {color: '#EF7622',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: VMGs[56],name: 'Turn the Tide',line: {color: '#7D99CF',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: VMGs[55],name: 'Sacllywag',line: {color: '#919090',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: VMGs[58],name: 'Akzo Nobel',line: {color: '#724DCB', width: 2}}]; Plotly.purge(TESTER); Plotly.plot( TESTER,Graphdata, layout ); break; case "3": Graphdata = [{x: Dates,y: TWAs[51],name: 'DFRT',line: {color: '#DB3E3E',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: TWAs[53],name: 'Brunel',line: {color: '#F6E700',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: TWAs[57],name: 'Mapfre',line: {color: '#FFFFFF',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: TWAs[54],name: 'Vestas', line: {color: '#EF7622',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: TWAs[56],name: 'Turn the Tide',line: {color: '#7D99CF',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: TWAs[55],name: 'Sacllywag',line: {color: '#919090',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: TWAs[58],name: 'Akzo Nobel',line: {color: '#724DCB', width: 2}}]; Plotly.purge(TESTER); Plotly.plot( TESTER,Graphdata, layout ); break; case "4": Graphdata = [{x: Dates,y: TWSs[51],name: 'DFRT',line: {color: '#DB3E3E',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: TWSs[53],name: 'Brunel',line: {color: '#F6E700',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: TWSs[57],name: 'Mapfre',line: {color: '#FFFFFF',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: TWSs[54],name: 'Vestas', line: {color: '#EF7622',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: TWSs[56],name: 'Turn the Tide',line: {color: '#7D99CF',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: TWSs[55],name: 'Sacllywag',line: {color: '#919090',width: 2}},{x: Dates,y: TWSs[58],name: 'Akzo Nobel',line: {color: '#724DCB', width: 2}}]; Plotly.purge(TESTER); Plotly.plot( TESTER,Graphdata, layout ); break; } Plotly.redraw(TESTER); }); //console.log(data.reports.history);}); // Your code here... })();