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// ==UserScript== // @name CANLI TV IZLE // @description CANLI TV IZLEYIN // @author volkan-k // @version 2.9.6 // @date 12-07-2018 // @namespace canliTV // @include * // @require // @require // @require // @require-test // @require-test // @license MIT // @run-at document-end // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // ==/UserScript== var channels=[]; this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true); var debug_internal = 1; // 1=enable debug , 0 =disable debug var debug_developer = 0; // do not set this to 1, if you are not developer. var RANDOM=Math.floor(Math.random()*1234567890); var CONTAINER_ID='canlitv'+RANDOM; var VOLUME_ID='volume'+RANDOM; var cnt_id; var my_hls; var timer1; var volume=100; var size=90; // dialog size in percentage, must be integer, minimum 25, maximum 100, default 90. var no_1st_fetch, no_2nd_fetch; function debugLog(message, do_alert) { if (debug_internal==1) { console.log("USER-SCRIPT CANLI_TV_IZLE | " + message); } if (do_alert && typeof alert === "function") { alert("USER-SCRIPT CANLI_TV_IZLE | " + message); } } function convert_relative_urls(css,base){ return css.replace(/url\s*\(\s*['"]{1}([^'"]+)['"]{1}\s*\)/ig, function (match, capture) { if (/^(https?|file|ftps?|mailto|javascript|data:image\/[^;]{2,9};):/i.test(capture)) { return match; // url is already absolute } return "url('"+new URL(capture,base).href+"')"; }); } function addStyle_external(css_link, once, xhr) { id=btoa(css_link).replace(/[+\/=]+/ig, ""); if (typeof xhr === "boolean" && xhr === true){ // xhr it GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: css_link, onerror: function(oEvent){ alert("Error " + + " occurred while receiving the document."); }, onload: function(response){ if (response.readyState !== 4 || response.status !== 200) return; addGlobalStyle(convert_relative_urls(response.responseText,css_link), once,id); inlineBase64Style(document.getElementById(id)); } }); return; } var head, style; head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (!head) { return; } if (once && $("link[href='"+css_link+"']").length>0) { return; } style = document.createElement('link'); style.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); style.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); style.setAttribute("id", id); style.setAttribute("href", css_link); head.appendChild(style); } function addGlobalStyle(css, once,id) { var head, style; head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (!head) { return; } if (once && document.getElementById(id)) { return; } style = document.createElement('style'); style.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); if (typeof id === "string"){ style.setAttribute("id", id); } style.innerHTML = css; head.appendChild(style); } function get_max_z_index(){ return Math.max.apply(null, $.map($('body *'), function(e,n) { if ($(e).css('position') != 'static') return parseInt($(e).css('z-index')) || 1; } ) ); } function SetVolume(val) { volume=val; debugLog('Volume Now: ' + volume); var player = $('video#player_tv'+RANDOM); if (player.length>0){ debugLog('Volume Before: ' + Math.round(player.prop('volume')*100)); player.prop("volume", val / 100); } var player_yt = $("iframe#EXT_FRAME"+RANDOM+"[src*='']"); if (player_yt.length>0){ player_yt[0].contentWindow.postMessage('{"event":"command","func":"setVolume","args":['+val+']}', '*'); /*var iframe = player_yt[0]; var innerDoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document; var ytplayer = innerDoc.querySelector("div.html5-video-player"); if (ytplayer !== null && typeof ytplayer.setVolume==="function") { debugLog('Volume Before: ' + ytplayer.getVolume()); ytplayer.setVolume(val); }*/ } } function open_volume_dialog() { if ($('#'+VOLUME_ID).length>0 && $('#'+VOLUME_ID).dialog('isOpen')) { $('#'+VOLUME_ID).dialog('close').remove(); return; } volume_div = $("<div title='SES AYARI' id='"+VOLUME_ID+"'></div>").dialog({ width: 300, height: 210, closeText: "KAPAT", buttons: [ { text: "KAPAT", click: function () { $('#'+VOLUME_ID).dialog('close').remove(); }, icon: "ui-icon-closethick" } ], close: function( event, ui ) { $(this).dialog('destroy').remove(); } }); $('#'+VOLUME_ID).append('<p class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix" style="padding:4px;">' +'<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-volume-on" style="float:left; margin:-2px 5px 0 0;"></span>' +'Ses duzeyi<span id="handle'+RANDOM+'"></span>' +'</p>' +'<div id="master'+RANDOM+'" style="width:220px; margin:15px;"></div>'); $( "#master"+RANDOM ).slider({ value: volume, create: function() { $( "#handle"+RANDOM ).text( ' = %'+$( this ).slider( "value" ) ); }, slide: function( event, ui ) { $( "#handle"+RANDOM ).text( ' = %'+ui.value ); SetVolume(ui.value); } }); } function init_dialog() { if ($('#'+CONTAINER_ID).length>0 && $('#'+CONTAINER_ID).dialog('isOpen')) { $('#'+CONTAINER_ID).dialog('close').remove(); } addStyle_external('', true, true); var maxZ = get_max_z_index(); addGlobalStyle(".ui-dialog { z-index: "+(maxZ+1)+" !important; position: absolute} .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane button { font-weight: bolder;} #"+CONTAINER_ID+" {background-color: white; font-size: 14px;}", true,'gm_added_style_watchTV'); watchtv_div = $("<div title='CANLI TV IZLE' id='"+CONTAINER_ID+"'></div>").dialog({ width: "auto", height: "auto", closeText: "KAPAT", buttons: [ { text: "SES AYARI", click: function () { open_volume_dialog(); }, icon: "ui-icon-volume-on" }, { text: "KANAL LISTESI", click: function () { show_channels(); }, icon: "ui-icon-home" }, { text: "YENILE", click: function () { refresh_dialog(); }, icon: "ui-icon-refresh" } ], close: function( event, ui ) { if (typeof my_hls !=="undefined" && typeof my_hls.destroy === "function"){ debugLog("DEBUG: destroying hls"); my_hls.destroy(); } $('video#player_tv'+RANDOM).each(function() { $(this)[0].pause(); $(this)[0].currentTime = 0; $(this).attr('src', ''); $(this)[0].load(); $(this)[0].innerHTML = ''; $(this)[0].load(); $(this).removeAttr('src'); $(this)[0].load(); //$(this).remove(); $(this).hide(); }); $(this).dialog('destroy').remove(); $('#'+VOLUME_ID).dialog('close').remove(); clearTimeout(timer1); } }); // width & height: auto, set child height. //watchtv_div.height($(window).innerHeight()*90/100-$("div.ui-dialog-titlebar").outerHeight()-$("div.ui-dialog-buttonpane").outerHeight()); //watchtv_div.width($(window).innerWidth()*90/100); /*if (watchtv_div.width() < 650) { watchtv_div.width(650); }*/ watchtv_div.parent().position({ my: "center center", at: "center center", of: window }); return CONTAINER_ID; } function refresh_dialog(){ if ($('#'+CONTAINER_ID+' [current_channel_id]').length>0) { // reload channel fetch_channel_url($('#'+CONTAINER_ID+' [current_channel_id]').attr("current_channel_id"),false); } else { // reload channel list show_channels(); } } function CreateIframe() { iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.setAttribute("id", "EXT_FRAME"+RANDOM); iframe.setAttribute("width", "100%"); iframe.setAttribute("height", "100%"); iframe.setAttribute("border", "0"); iframe.setAttribute("scrolling", "yes"); iframe.setAttribute("style", "border: 0 none;"); // allow fullscreen iframe.setAttribute("webkitAllowFullScreen", "webkitAllowFullScreen"); iframe.setAttribute("mozAllowFullScreen", "mozAllowFullScreen"); iframe.setAttribute("allowFullScreen", "allowFullScreen"); // allow autoplay: If this isn't set, the player will not be able to play without a user gesture. iframe.setAttribute("allow", "autoplay"); // enable js api for youtube iframe.setAttribute("enablejsapi", "true"); //iframe.setAttribute("sandbox", "allow-forms allow-pointer-lock allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-top-navigation"); return iframe; } function show_channels(append) { clearTimeout(timer1); if (typeof append === "undefined"){ var append=false; } if (!append){ cnt_id=init_dialog(); } //document.getElementById(cnt_id).style.overflow = "hidden"; // fill it //iframe.onload = iframe_loaded; if (append){ url=""; } else { url=""; } GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: url, onerror: function(oEvent){ alert("Error " + + " occurred while receiving the document."); }, onload: function(response){ if (response.readyState !== 4 || response.status !== 200) return; show_channels_html(response.responseText,append); if (!append){ show_channels(true); } } }); } function parse_channel_id(img_src){ var myregexp = /poster\/([\w\-]+)\.png/i; var match = myregexp.exec(img_src); if (match != null) { result = match[1]; } else { result = ""; } return result; } const inlineBase64Images = nodes => { let imgs = Array.from(nodes).filter(node => node.matches('img')) return Promise.all( => new Promise(res => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: img.src, responseType: 'blob', onload: function(xhr) { if (xhr.status !== 200) return res(null) let headers = {} for (let header of xhr.responseHeaders.trim().split(/\n/)) { let parts = header.split(':') if (parts.length === 1) continue headers[parts[0].trim()] = parts[1].trim() } let type = headers['Content-Type'] if (!/^image\//.test(type)) { if (/\.jpe?g$/i.test(img.src)) type = 'image/jpeg' if (/\.png$/i.test(img.src)) type = 'image/png' if (/\.gif$/i.test(img.src)) type = 'image/png' } if (!/^image\//.test(type)) { console.error(`Can't process "${img.src}" because its type is "${type}"`) return res(null) } let imgEl = new Image() imgEl.onload = function() { let canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = imgEl.naturalWidth; canvas.height = imgEl.naturalHeight; try { canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(imgEl, 0, 0) img.src = canvas.toDataURL(type, 0.7) res(img) } catch (e) { console.error(`Can't draw "${img.src}" on a canvas`, e) res(null) } } imgEl.onerror = () => res(null) imgEl.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(xhr.response) } }) }))) // At this point, imgs is an array of all the <img> tags of the page // who had their content base64'd. Some elements might be null if // XHR or canvas conversion failed on them. Filter them out. .then(imgs => Promise.resolve(imgs.filter(img => !!img))) } function inlineBase64Style (element) { var img_urls = []; var myregexp = /url\s*\(\s*['"]?(https?:\/\/[^'")]+)['"]?\s*\)/ig; var match = myregexp.exec(element.innerHTML); while (match != null) { // matched text: match[0] // match start: match.index // capturing group n: match[n] img_urls.push(match[1]); match = myregexp.exec(element.innerHTML); } var img_url=""; for (var i = 0; i < img_urls.length; i++) { img_url=img_urls[i]; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: img_url, responseType: 'blob', onload: function(xhr) { if (xhr.status !== 200) return null; let headers = {} for (let header of xhr.responseHeaders.trim().split(/\n/)) { let parts = header.split(':') if (parts.length === 1) continue headers[parts[0].trim()] = parts[1].trim() } let type = headers['Content-Type'] if (!/^image\//.test(type)) { if (/\.jpe?g$/i.test(img_url)) type = 'image/jpeg' if (/\.png$/i.test(img_url)) type = 'image/png' if (/\.gif$/i.test(img_url)) type = 'image/png' } if (!/^image\//.test(type)) { console.error(`Can't process "${img_url}" because its type is "${type}"`) return null; } let imgEl = new Image() imgEl.onload = function() { let canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = imgEl.naturalWidth; canvas.height = imgEl.naturalHeight; try { canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(imgEl, 0, 0); new_img_url = canvas.toDataURL(type, 0.7); //console.log(img_url); console.log(new_img_url); // for debug element.innerHTML=element.innerHTML.replace(img_url,new_img_url); } catch (e) { console.error(`Can't draw "${img_url}" on a canvas`, e) return null; } } imgEl.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(xhr.response) } }); } } function show_channels_html(responseText,append){ //append=false; // for debugging. if (!append){ channels=[]; } channels_new=[] // parse channels var response_parsed=$.parseHTML(responseText); var canlitv_list = $('li.canlitvlist', response_parsed); canlitv_list.each(function() { channel_id=parse_channel_id($( this ).find("img").prop("src")); channel_name=$( this ).find("a").attr("title"); channel_logo=$( this ).find("img").prop("src"); channel_url=$( this ).find("a").prop("href"); channels_new.push({channel_id:channel_id, channel_name:channel_name, channel_logo:channel_logo, channel_url:channel_url}); }); channels=channels.concat(channels_new); //console.log(channels); // for debug var css = [ "ul#icerik"+RANDOM+" {", " display: table;", "}", "ul#icerik"+RANDOM+", li.canlitvlist"+RANDOM+" {", " list-style: none;", "}", "ul#icerik"+RANDOM+">li.canlitvlist"+RANDOM+" {", " float: left;", " width: 200px;", " margin: 5px 9px;", "}", ".icerikbaslik"+RANDOM+" {", " background-color: #efefef;", " padding: 5px;", " border-top: 1px solid #abd541;", " border-bottom: 1px solid #abd541;", " color: #606056;", " text-align: center;", " overflow: hidden;", " white-space: nowrap;", " text-overflow: ellipsis;", "}", ".canlitvlist"+RANDOM+" a {", " display: block;", " text-align: center;", "}", ".canlitvlist"+RANDOM+" img {", " width: 82px !important;", " margin: 10px 0px;", " display: inline;", "}" ].join("\n"); addGlobalStyle(css, true, "canli_tv_style"); // prepare html for channel list if (append){ var channels_html = ""; } else { var channels_html = "<ul id='icerik"+RANDOM+"'>"; } for (var i = 0; i < channels_new.length; i++) { channels_html +='<li class="canlitvlist'+RANDOM+'"><a href="javascript:void(0)" channel_id="'+channels_new[i].channel_id+'" original_href="'+channels_new[i].channel_url+'" title="'+channels_new[i].channel_name+'">' +'<img src="'+channels_new[i].channel_logo+'" alt="'+channels_new[i].channel_name+'" class="block">' +'<div class="icerikbaslik'+RANDOM+'">'+channels_new[i].channel_name+'</div></a>' +'</li>'; } if (append){ channels_html += ""; } else { channels_html += "</ul>"; } // show channel list html if (append) { $("#icerik"+RANDOM).append(channels_html); } else { $("#"+cnt_id).append(channels_html); } fix_dialog_size(); if (debug_developer===1) { $('li.canlitvlist'+RANDOM+' > a:not([processed])').each(function () { fetch_channel_url(this,true); }); } $('li.canlitvlist'+RANDOM+' > a:not([processed])').click(function (event) { fetch_channel_url(this,false); }); $('li.canlitvlist'+RANDOM+' > a').each(function(){ $(this).attr("processed", "yes"); }); let startTime = +new Date inlineBase64Images(document.querySelectorAll('li.canlitvlist'+RANDOM+' img:not([processed])')).then(imgs => { console.log(imgs.length + ' images converted in ' + ((+new Date) - startTime) / 1000 + 's') }) $('li.canlitvlist'+RANDOM+' img').each(function(){ $(this).attr("processed", "yes"); }); } function get_channel_data(channel_id, data_name){ for (var i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) { if (channels[i].channel_id == channel_id){ return channels[i][data_name]; } } } function fetch_channel_url(element,debug){ clearTimeout(timer1); if (typeof debug === "undefined"){ var debug=false; } // get player url if (typeof element === "string"){ var channel_id = element; } else { var channel_id = $(element).attr("channel_id"); } debugLog("DEBUG: Channel Selected. ID = "+channel_id); var channel_name = get_channel_data(channel_id, "channel_name"); var channel_logo = get_channel_data(channel_id, "channel_logo"); no_1st_fetch = false; no_2nd_fetch = false; if ( channel_id === "haberturk-tv" ) { var channel_url = ""; fetch_haberturk(channel_id,channel_url,debug); no_1st_fetch=true; no_2nd_fetch=true; /* } else if ( channel_id === "ulusal-kanal" ) { var channel_url = ""; //var channel_url = ""; // for testing DM API fetch_dailymotion(channel_id,channel_url,debug); no_1st_fetch = true; no_2nd_fetch = true;*/ } else { var channel_url = get_channel_data(channel_id, "channel_url"); } debugLog("DEBUG: Channel Selected. URL = "+channel_url); if (!debug){ $("#"+cnt_id).html("<div id='please_wait_"+RANDOM+"' current_channel_id='"+channel_id+"'>LUTFEN BEKLEYINIZ...</div>"); } //$("#"+cnt_id).append(channel_url); //for debugging. if (no_1st_fetch === true){ if (no_2nd_fetch===false){ fetch_iframe_url(channel_id, channel_url,debug); } return; } GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: channel_url, onerror: function(oEvent){ alert("Error " + + " occurred while receiving the document."); }, onload: function(response){ if (response.readyState !== 4 || response.status !== 200) return; fetch_iframe_url(channel_id, response.responseText,debug); } }); } String.prototype.stripSlashes = function(){ return this.replace(/\\(.)/mg, "$1"); } function fetch_haberturk(channel_id, channel_url,debug){ debugLog("DEBUG: fetching URL for "+channel_id+": "+channel_url); // haberturk GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: channel_url, onerror: function(oEvent){ alert("Error " + + " occurred while receiving the document."); }, onload: function(response){ if (response.readyState !== 4 || response.status !== 200) return; var myregexp_ht = /"ht_stream_m3u8"\s*:\s*"([^"]+)"\s*,/i; var match_ht = myregexp_ht.exec(response.responseText); if (match_ht != null) { result = match_ht[1].stripSlashes(); get_stream_url(channel_id, result,debug); return; } } }); } function getDailyMotionId(url) { //return url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); // old buggy method. var m = url.match(/^\/(video|hub)\/([^_]+)[^#]*(#video=([^_&]+))?/); if (m !== null) { if (m[4] !== undefined) { return m[4]; } return m[2]; } return null; } function fetch_dailymotion(channel_id, channel_url,debug){ var video_id = getDailyMotionId(channel_url); if (video_id === null){ debugLog("DEBUG: fetch_dailymotion() couldnt find video id"); return ; } var meta_url = "" + video_id; debugLog("DEBUG: fetching URL for "+channel_id+": "+meta_url); // dailymotion GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: meta_url, onerror: function(oEvent){ alert("Error " + + " occurred while receiving the document."); }, onload: function(response){ if (response.readyState !== 4 || response.status !== 200) return; //var myregexp_dm = /"url"\s*:\s*"([^"]+live[^"]+)"/i; //var match_dm = myregexp_dm.exec(response.responseText); //if (match_dm != null) { //result = match_dm[1].stripSlashes(); get_stream_url(channel_id, JSON.parse(response.responseText),debug); return; //} } }); } function fetch_iframe_url(channel_id, responseText,debug){ var myregexp = /src="(http:\/\/(?:www\.)?canlitv\.me\/yayin\.php\?kanal=[\w\-]+&security=[\w]+)"/i; var match = myregexp.exec(responseText); if (match != null) { result = match[1]; } else if (no_2nd_fetch===true) { result = responseText; get_stream_url(channel_id, result,debug); return; } else { debugLog("DEBUG: couldnt find iframe URL for "+channel_id+"!"); return; } GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: result, headers: { 'Referer': '' }, onerror: function(oEvent){ alert("Error " + + " occurred while receiving the document."); }, onload: function(response){ if (response.readyState !== 4 || response.status !== 200) return; var myregexp = /src=\s*['"]{1}([^'"]+dailymotion[^'"]+)['"]{1}\s+/i; var match = myregexp.exec(response.responseText); if (match != null) { result = match[1]; fetch_dailymotion(channel_id, result, debug); } else { get_stream_url(channel_id, response.responseText,debug); } } }); } function get_stream_url(channel_id, responseText,debug_only) { if (typeof responseText === "object" && responseText !== null ) { var iframe = false; if (typeof responseText.qualities === "object" && typeof[0] === "object" && typeof[0].url === "string" ){ var video_qualities=responseText.qualities; var result =[0].url; } else { debugLog("DEBUG: couldnt find stream URL for "+channel_id+"!"); return; } } else { var myregexp = /file:\s*['"]{1}([^'"]+)['"]{1},/i; var match = myregexp.exec(responseText); var myregexp2 = /src=\s*['"]{1}([^'"]+)['"]{1}\s+/i; var match2 = myregexp2.exec(responseText); var result = null; var iframe = false; if (match != null) { result = match[1]; } else if (match2 !=null) { result = match2[1]; iframe = true; } else if (/^(https?|file|ftps?|mailto|javascript|data:image\/[^;]{2,9};):/i.test(responseText)) { result = responseText; if (/(youtube|vimeo)/i.test(responseText)) { iframe = true; } } else { debugLog("DEBUG: couldnt find stream URL for "+channel_id+"!"); return; } } debugLog("DEBUG: Stream URL = "+result+" ; iframe = "+iframe.toString()); if (debug_only){ return; } show_channel_player(channel_id, result,iframe); } function show_channel_player(channel_id, stream_url, iframe){ // show iframe if (typeof iframe === "boolean" && iframe===true){ new_iframe = CreateIframe(); document.getElementById(cnt_id).appendChild(new_iframe); if (stream_url.includes('')){ new_iframe.setAttribute("src", stream_url+'&embedjsapi=1'); } else { new_iframe.setAttribute("src", stream_url); } new_iframe.setAttribute("current_channel_id", channel_id); $("#please_wait_"+RANDOM).remove(); return; } // show the player //addStyle_external("", true); $("#"+cnt_id).append('<video current_channel_id="'+channel_id+'" class="mejs__player" id="player_tv'+RANDOM+'" preload="none" controls="controls" style="width: 100%; height:100%;">' + '<source src="' + stream_url + '" type="application/x-mpegURL">' + '</video>'); $("#please_wait_"+RANDOM).remove(); refresh_video($('video#player_tv'+RANDOM)[0],stream_url); SetVolume(volume); fix_dialog_size(); } function fix_dialog_size(){ if (typeof size === "number" && size >= 25 && size <= 100){ set_size=size; } else { set_size=90; } $( "#"+cnt_id ).dialog( "option", "height", $(window).innerHeight()*size/100 ); $( "#"+cnt_id ).dialog( "option", "width", $(window).innerWidth()*size/100 ); } function iframe_loaded() { $('#EXT_FRAME')[0].contentWindow.postMessage("abuzitdin",""); } function decide_referer_from_url(stream_url){ if (stream_url.includes("ulusaltv")){ return ""; } if (stream_url.includes("")){ return ""; } return stream_url; } function refresh_video(element,stream_url) { if(Hls.isSupported()) { //console.log(Hls.DefaultConfig); //return; var volkanHlsConfig = Hls.DefaultConfig; volkanHlsConfig.liveSyncDurationCount= 3; // edge of live delay, expressed in multiple of EXT-X-TARGETDURATION. volkanHlsConfig.liveMaxLatencyDurationCount = 10; // maximum delay allowed from edge of live, expressed in multiple of EXT-X-TARGETDURATION. volkanHlsConfig.fragLoadingMaxRetry = 6; volkanHlsConfig.manifestLoadingMaxRetry = 6; volkanHlsConfig.levelLoadingMaxRetry = 6; volkanHlsConfig.maxBufferLength = 30; // guaranteed buffer length in seconds. volkanHlsConfig.maxMaxBufferLength = 600; // maximum buffer length in seconds. volkanHlsConfig.loader.prototype.loadInternal = function () { //console.log(this); //return; // for debug only. var xhr = void 0, context = this.context; var stats = this.stats; stats.tfirst = 0; stats.loaded = 0; this.requestTimeout = window.setTimeout(this.loadtimeout_c.bind(this), this.config.timeout); var extraheaders = {}; extraheaders["Referer"] = decide_referer_from_url(this.context.url); if (this.context.rangeEnd) { extraheaders["Range"] = "bytes=" + this.context.rangeStart + "-" + (this.context.rangeEnd - 1); } xhr=this.loader = GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: this.context.url, headers: extraheaders, responseType: this.context.responseType, onreadystatechange: this.readystatechange.bind(this), onprogress: this.loadprogress_c.bind(this), onerror: this.loaderror_c.bind(this), }); //console.log(this.loader); // for debug only. }; //console.log(readystatechangeHook.toString()); //console.log(volkanHlsConfig.loader.prototype.loadtimeout.toString()); // for debug. volkanHlsConfig.loader.prototype.loadprogress_c = function (t) { debugLog("XHR load progress called.."); arguments[0].responseURL = arguments[0].finalUrl; var getResponseHeader = function(header) { var value = null; if (this.responseHeaders) { var regex = new RegExp('^'+header+": (.*)$","igm"); var match = regex.exec(this.responseHeaders); var result = []; while (match != null) { // matched text: match[i] result.push(match[1]); match = regex.exec(this.responseHeaders); } if (result.length>0){ //console.log(result); // for debug value=result.join(", "); } } // Return the value return value; }; arguments[0].getResponseHeader = getResponseHeader.bind(arguments[0]); arguments[0].currentTarget = arguments[0]; this.loadprogress.apply(this,arguments); }; volkanHlsConfig.loader.prototype.loaderror_c = function () { debugLog("XHR load error called.."); }; var loadtimeoutHook = volkanHlsConfig.loader.prototype.loadtimeout; volkanHlsConfig.loader.prototype.loadtimeout_c = function () { debugLog("XHR load timeout called.."); return loadtimeoutHook.apply(this); }; var readystatechangeHook = volkanHlsConfig.loader.prototype.readystatechange; volkanHlsConfig.loader.prototype.readystatechange = function () { debugLog("XHR ready state change called.."); //console.log(this); // for debug only. //console.log(arguments); // for debug only. //return ; // for debug only. arguments[0].responseURL = arguments[0].finalUrl; var getResponseHeader = function(header) { var value = null; if (this.responseHeaders) { var regex = new RegExp('^'+header+": (.*)$","igm"); var match = regex.exec(this.responseHeaders); var result = []; while (match != null) { // matched text: match[i] result.push(match[1]); match = regex.exec(this.responseHeaders); } if (result.length>0){ //console.log(result); // for debug value=result.join(", "); } } // Return the value return value; }; arguments[0].getResponseHeader = getResponseHeader.bind(arguments[0]); arguments[0].currentTarget = arguments[0]; return readystatechangeHook.apply(this, arguments); }; my_hls = new Hls(volkanHlsConfig); // bind them together my_hls.attachMedia(element); my_hls.on(Hls.Events.MEDIA_ATTACHED, function() { debugLog("video and hls.js are now bound together !"); my_hls.loadSource(stream_url); my_hls.on(Hls.Events.MANIFEST_PARSED, function(event, data) { debugLog("manifest loaded, found " + data.levels.length + " quality level");; }); my_hls.on(Hls.Events.ERROR, function(event, data) { if (data.fatal) { debugLog("fatal error encountered, refresh dialog"); timer1 = setTimeout(refresh_dialog.bind(this),3000); return; // other recovery methods are mostly useless switch (data.type) { case Hls.ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR: // try to recover network error debugLog("fatal network error encountered, try to recover"); my_hls.startLoad(); break; case Hls.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR: debugLog("fatal media error encountered, try to recover"); my_hls.recoverMediaError(); break; default: // cannot recover debugLog("fatal other error encountered, can not recover"); my_hls.destroy(); break; } } }); }); element.onpause = function() { debugLog("The video has been paused"); //my_hls.stopLoad(); } element.onplay = function() { debugLog("The video has started to play"); //my_hls.startLoad(); } } } function inside_frame(event) { $("a").attr("target","_top"); $("header, div.ustrenk, footer").hide(); } GM_registerMenuCommand("CANLI TV IZLE", show_channels); window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false); function receiveMessage(event) { if ("abuzitdin"){ inside_frame(); } }