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// ==UserScript== // @name Shockr - Tiberium Alliances Tools - mod // @author EHz // @description Tools to work with Tiberium alliances - mod by EHz // @include http*://prodgame**/index.aspx* // @version // ==/UserScript== (function() { /* globals qx, ClientLib */ var setupShockrTools = function() { var ST = window.ST || {}; ST.util = { waitForLoad: function(callback) { var waitFunc = function() { ST.util.waitForLoad(callback); }; if (typeof qx === 'undefined') { return window.setTimeout(waitFunc, 1000); } var a = qx.core.Init.getApplication(); if (a === null || a === undefined) { return window.setTimeout(waitFunc, 1000); } var mb = qx.core.Init.getApplication().getMenuBar(); if (mb === null || mb === undefined) { return window.setTimeout(waitFunc, 1000); } var md = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance(); if (md === null || md === undefined) { return window.setTimeout(waitFunc, 1000); } var player = md.get_Player(); if (player === null || player === undefined) { return window.setTimeout(waitFunc, 1000); } if (player.get_Name() === '') { return window.setTimeout(waitFunc, 1000); } return callback(); }, _g: function(k, r, q, m) { var p = []; var o = k.toString(); var n = o.replace(/\s/gim, ''); p = n.match(r); var l; for (l = 1; l < (m + 1); l++) { if (p !== null && p[l].length === 6) { console.debug(q, l, p[l]); } else { if (p !== null && p[l].length > 0) { console.warn(q, l, p[l]); } else { console.error('Error - ', q, l, 'not found'); console.warn(q, n); } } } return p; } }; window.ST = ST; }; var ST_MODULES = window.ST_MODULES = []; ST_MODULES.push(setupShockrTools); /* Begin: client/modules/basescanner.js */ /* globals qx, ClientLib, phe */ var baseScanner = function() { var MAX_FAILS = 25; var ST = window.ST || {}; var BaseScanner; ST.BaseScanner = BaseScanner = { _patched: false, _bases: [], checkFieldFree: function(x, y, map) { var tKey = x + ',' + y; if (tKey in map) { return false; } else { return true; } }, scan: function() { //console.log('DEBUG: ' + 'function scan'); if (BaseScanner._patched === false) { PatchClientLib.patch(); } if (BaseScanner._scanning){ return; } BaseScanner._bases = []; BaseScanner._msg = []; BaseScanner._scanning = true; BaseScanner.index = -1; BaseScanner._toScanMap = {}; BaseScanner._toScan = []; var allCities = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().get_AllCities().d; for (var selectedBaseID in allCities) { if (!allCities.hasOwnProperty(selectedBaseID)) { continue; } var selectedBase = allCities[selectedBaseID]; if (selectedBase === undefined) { throw new Error('unable to find base: ' + selectedBaseID); } BaseScanner.getNearByBases(selectedBase); } BaseScanner.scanNextBase(); }, // selectionChange: function(from, to){ // if (to === null){ // return; // } // }, getNearByBases: function(base) { //console.log('DEBUG: ' + 'function getNearByBases'); var x = base.get_PosX(); var y = base.get_PosY(); //var maxAttack = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Server().get_MaxAttackDistance() - 1; var maxAttack = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Server().get_MaxAttackDistance(); var world = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_World(); var ownBase = { name: base.get_Name(), x: x, y: y, toScanCount: 0 }; var toScanCount = 0; for (var scanY = y - 10; scanY <= y + 10; scanY++) { for (var scanX = x - 10; scanX <= x + 10; scanX++) { var distX = Math.abs(x - scanX); var distY = Math.abs(y - scanY); var distance = Math.sqrt((distX * distX) + (distY * distY)); // too far away to scan if (distance >= maxAttack) { continue; } // already scanning this base from another city. if (BaseScanner._toScanMap[scanX + ':' + scanY] !== undefined) { continue; } var object = world.GetObjectFromPosition(scanX, scanY); // Nothing to scan if (object === null) { continue; } // Object isnt a NPC Base/Camp/Outpost if (object.Type !== ClientLib.Data.WorldSector.ObjectType.NPCBase && object.Type !== ClientLib.Data.WorldSector.ObjectType.NPCCamp) { continue; } if (typeof object.getCampType === 'function' && object.getCampType() === ClientLib.Data.Reports.ENPCCampType.Destroyed) { continue; } // Cached var offlineBase = BaseScanner.getOfflineBase(scanX, scanY); if (offlineBase !== null && === object.getID()) { delete offlineBase.obj; BaseScanner._bases.push(offlineBase); continue; } var scanBase = { x: scanX, y: scanY, level: object.getLevel(), id: object.getID(), distance: distance, selectedBaseID: base.get_Id(), failCount: 0 }; BaseScanner._toScan.push(scanBase); BaseScanner._toScanMap[scanX + ':' + scanY] = scanBase; toScanCount++; } } ownBase.toScanCount = toScanCount; BaseScanner._toScan.push(ownBase); console.log('Found ' + toScanCount + ' new bases to scan from:' + base.get_Name()); }, abort: function() { //console.log('DEBUG: ' + 'function abort'); BaseScanner._abort = true; }, getBaseLayout: function(base) { //console.log('DEBUG: ' + 'function getBaseLayout'); if (BaseScanner._abort) { BaseScanner._abort = false; BaseScanner._scanning = false; return console.log('aborting'); } if (base === undefined) { //console.log('DEBUG: ' + '\tbase undefined'); BaseScanner._scanning = false; return BaseScanner.saveBases(); } //console.log('DEBUG: ' + '\t[coords]' + base.x + ':' + base.y + '[/coords]'); if ( !== undefined) { // own base //console.log('DEBUG: ' + '\ undefined -> ' + base); BaseScanner._msg.push('_______________________________________'); BaseScanner._msg.push('found '+base.toScanCount+' around [b]''[/b] [coords]' + base.x + ':' + base.y + '[/coords]'); BaseScanner._msg.push('[s]_______________________________________[/s]'); BaseScanner._msg.push(' '); return BaseScanner.scanNextBase(); } if (BaseScanner._lastBaseID !== base.selectedBaseID) { BaseScanner.setCurrentBase(base.selectedBaseID); } // var currentCity = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().get_CurrentOwnCity(); // var world = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_World(); //console.log('DEBUG: ' + '\t --- set city id ---'); ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().set_CurrentCityId(; var scanBase = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().GetCity(; var comm = ClientLib.Net.CommunicationManager.GetInstance(); comm.UserAction(); //console.log('DEBUG: ' + '\t --- after comm user action ---'); // base was destroyed. if (scanBase.get_IsGhostMode()) { //console.log('DEBUG: ' + '\tbase destroyed'); return BaseScanner.scanNextBase(); } // Base hasnt loaded yet. if (scanBase.GetBuildingsConditionInPercent() === 0) { //console.log('DEBUG: ' + '\t --- failcount ++ ---'); base.failCount++; if (base.failCount === MAX_FAILS) { //console.log('DEBUG: ' + '\tFAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'); return BaseScanner.scanNextBase(); } return setTimeout(function() { BaseScanner.getBaseLayout(base); }, 200); } // TODO: get type instead of name var baseName = scanBase.get_Name(); var isNPC = scanBase.IsNPC(); //console.log('DEBUG: ' + '\t --- got base name: "'+baseName+'" fg "'+isNPC+'" ---'); //if (baseName !== 'Camp' && baseName !== 'Lager' && baseName !== 'Outpost' && baseName !== 'Vorposten' && baseName !== 'Base' && baseName !== 'Basis') { if (isNPC !== true) { console.error('not forgotten: "' + baseName + '"'); return BaseScanner.scanNextBase(); } base.layout = BaseScanner.getLayout(scanBase, base); = baseName; BaseScanner._bases.push(base); // cache the base in local storage localStorage.setItem('scan-' + base.x + ':' + base.y, JSON.stringify(base)); BaseScanner.printScanResults(base); BaseScanner.scanNextBase(); }, scanNextBase: function() { if (BaseScanner.index === undefined) { BaseScanner.index = 0; } else { BaseScanner.index++; } //console.log('DEBUG: ' + 'function scanNextBase index ' + BaseScanner.index); var base = BaseScanner._toScan[BaseScanner.index]; BaseScanner.getBaseLayout(base); }, saveBases: function() { //console.log('DEBUG: ' + 'function saveBases'); BaseScanner._scanning = false; BaseScanner._bases.forEach(function(b) { delete b.distance; delete b.selectedBaseID; delete b.failCount; delete b.obj; }); // send result try { var instance = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance(); var apc = instance.get_Cities(); var PlayerName = apc.get_CurrentOwnCity().get_PlayerName(); var AllianzName = apc.get_CurrentOwnCity().get_AllianceName(); var mail = ClientLib.Data.Mail.prototype; var dt = new Date(); var ts = (dt.getTime()-dt.getMilliseconds())/1000; var body = "<cnc><cncs>" + PlayerName + "</cncs><cncd>" + ts + "</cncd><cnct>" + BaseScanner._msg.join('\n') + "</cnct></cnc>"; console.log(PlayerName ,AllianzName ,'scanning results' ,body); mail.SendMail(PlayerName ,'' ,'scanning results' ,body); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } BaseScanner._button.setLabel('done...'); return setTimeout(function() { BaseScanner._button.setLabel('Scan'); }, 5000); }, isScanning: function() { //console.log('DEBUG: ' + 'function isScanning'); return BaseScanner._scanning === true; }, printScanResults: function(base) { //console.log('DEBUG: ' + 'function printScanResults'); BaseScanner._button.setLabel((' ' + BaseScanner.index).slice(-3) + '/' + BaseScanner._toScan.length); console.log('[' + (' ' + BaseScanner.index).slice(-3) + '/' + BaseScanner._toScan.length + ']\t[coords]' + base.x + ':' + base.y + '[/coords] ' + base.layout + ' (' + base.failCount + ')'); }, getLayout: function(base, tmp) { //console.log('DEBUG: ' + 'function getLayout'); var layout = []; var tib4 = 0; var tib5 = 0; var tib6 = 0; var tib7 = 0; var cry4 = 0; var cry5 = 0; var cry6 = 0; var cry7 = 0; var mix4 = 0; var mix5 = 0; var mix6 = 0; var mix7 = 0; var mix8 = 0; var pow8 = 0; var powL = {}; try { for (var y = 0; y < 8; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < 9; x++) { var resourceType = base.GetResourceType(x, y); var aKey = x + ',' + y; switch (resourceType) { case 0: layout.push('.'); // count tib/cry around var cntT = 0; var cntC = 0; var cntM = 0; var cntP = 0; if (y > 0 && y < 7 && x > 0 && x < 8) { // tib if (base.GetResourceType(x-1, y-1) === 2) {cntC++;cntM++;} if (base.GetResourceType(x, y-1) === 2) {cntC++;cntM++;} if (base.GetResourceType(x+1, y-1) === 2) {cntC++;cntM++;} if (base.GetResourceType(x-1, y ) === 2) {cntC++;cntM++;} if (base.GetResourceType(x+1, y ) === 2) {cntC++;cntM++;} if (base.GetResourceType(x-1, y+1) === 2) {cntC++;cntM++;} if (base.GetResourceType(x, y+1) === 2) {cntC++;cntM++;} if (base.GetResourceType(x+1, y+1) === 2) {cntC++;cntM++;} // cry if (base.GetResourceType(x-1, y-1) === 1) {cntT++;cntM++;} if (base.GetResourceType(x, y-1) === 1) {cntT++;cntM++;} if (base.GetResourceType(x+1, y-1) === 1) {cntT++;cntM++;} if (base.GetResourceType(x-1, y ) === 1) {cntT++;cntM++;} if (base.GetResourceType(x+1, y ) === 1) {cntT++;cntM++;} if (base.GetResourceType(x-1, y+1) === 1) {cntT++;cntM++;} if (base.GetResourceType(x, y+1) === 1) {cntT++;cntM++;} if (base.GetResourceType(x+1, y+1) === 1) {cntT++;cntM++;} // power if (base.GetResourceType(x-1, y-1) === 0) {if (BaseScanner.checkFieldFree(x-1,y-1,powL)) {cntP++;}} if (base.GetResourceType(x, y-1) === 0) {if (BaseScanner.checkFieldFree(x ,y-1,powL)) {cntP++;}} if (base.GetResourceType(x+1, y-1) === 0) {if (BaseScanner.checkFieldFree(x+1,y-1,powL)) {cntP++;}} if (base.GetResourceType(x-1, y ) === 0) {if (BaseScanner.checkFieldFree(x-1,y ,powL)) {cntP++;}} if (base.GetResourceType(x+1, y ) === 0) {if (BaseScanner.checkFieldFree(x+1,y ,powL)) {cntP++;}} if (base.GetResourceType(x-1, y+1) === 0) {if (BaseScanner.checkFieldFree(x-1,y+1,powL)) {cntP++;}} if (base.GetResourceType(x, y+1) === 0) {if (BaseScanner.checkFieldFree(x ,y+1,powL)) {cntP++;}} if (base.GetResourceType(x+1, y+1) === 0) {if (BaseScanner.checkFieldFree(x+1,y+1,powL)) {cntP++;}} } if (cntC === 4) {tib4++;mix4--;} if (cntC === 5) {tib5++;mix5--;} if (cntC === 6) {tib6++;mix6--;} if (cntC === 7) {tib7++;mix7--;} if (cntT === 4) {cry4++;mix4--;} if (cntT === 5) {cry5++;mix5--;} if (cntT === 6) {cry6++;mix6--;} if (cntT === 7) {cry7++;mix7--;} if (cntM === 4) {mix4++;} if (cntM === 5) {mix5++;} if (cntM === 6) {mix6++;} if (cntM === 7) {mix7++;} if (cntM === 8) {mix8++;} if (cntP === 8) { pow8++; powL[aKey] = 1; //console.log('DEBUG: ' + '8er akku bei x:' + x + ' y:' + y); } break; case 1: layout.push('c'); break; case 2: layout.push('t'); break; } } } if (tib4 > 2 || tib5 > 0 || tib6 > 0 || tib7 > 0 || mix5 > 0 || mix6 > 0 || mix7 > 0 || mix8 > 0 || pow8 > 3) { var out; out = '[coords]' + tmp.x + ':' + tmp.y + '[/coords]'; out = out + ' tib(4-7): ' + BaseScanner.formatRes(tib4) + '|' + BaseScanner.formatRes(tib5) + '|' + BaseScanner.formatRes(tib6) + '|' + BaseScanner.formatRes(tib7); out = out + ' cry(4-7): ' + BaseScanner.formatRes(cry4) + '|' + BaseScanner.formatRes(cry5) + '|' + BaseScanner.formatRes(cry6) + '|' + BaseScanner.formatRes(cry7); out = out + ' mix(4-8): ' + BaseScanner.formatRes(mix4) + '|' + BaseScanner.formatRes(mix5) + '|' + BaseScanner.formatRes(mix6) + '|' + BaseScanner.formatRes(mix7) + '|' + BaseScanner.formatRes(mix8); out = out + ' pow(8): ' + BaseScanner.formatRes(pow8); console.log(out); BaseScanner._msg.push(out); //input.setValue('[coords]' + base.x + ':' + base.y + '[/coords] ' + tib4, '|', tib5, '|', tib6, '|', tib7 + ' - '); //var input = qx.core.Init.getApplication().getChat().getChatWidget().getEditable(); //var dom = input.getContentElement().getDomElement(); // //var output = []; //output.push(dom.value.substring(0, dom.selectionStart)); //output.push('[coords]' + tmp.x + ':' + tmp.y + '[/coords] tib(4-7): ' + tib4 + '|' + tib5 + '|' + tib6 + '|' + tib7 + ' cry(4-7): ' + cry4 + '|' + cry5 + '|' + cry6 + '|' + cry7 + ' mix(5-8): ' + mix5 + '|' + mix6 + '|' + mix7 + '|' + mix8 + ' pow(6-8): ' + pow6 + '|' + pow7 + '|' + pow8 + ' - '); //output.push(dom.value.substring(dom.selectionEnd, dom.value.length)); // //input.setValue(output.join(' ')); } layout.push(' ', tib4, '|', tib5, '|', tib6, '|', tib7) } catch (e) { console.error('\terror: ' + e); } finally { return layout.join(''); } }, formatRes: function(value) { if (value > 0) { return ('[b]' + value + '[/b]'); } return value; }, setCurrentBase: function(baseID) { //console.log('DEBUG: ' + 'function setCurrentBase'); var allCities = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().get_AllCities().d; var selectedBase = allCities[baseID]; ClientLib.Vis.VisMain.GetInstance().CenterGridPosition(selectedBase.get_PosX(), selectedBase.get_PosY()); ClientLib.Vis.VisMain.GetInstance().Update(); ClientLib.Vis.VisMain.GetInstance().ViewUpdate(); BaseScanner._lastBaseID = baseID; }, getOfflineBase: function(x, y) { return null; var base = localStorage.getItem('scan-' + x + ':' + y); if (base !== null) { return JSON.parse(base); } return null; } }; var PatchClientLib = { _g: function(k, r, q, m) { //console.log('DEBUG: ' + 'function _g'); var p = []; var o = k.toString(); var n = o.replace(/\s/gim, ''); p = n.match(r); var l; for (l = 1; l < (m + 1); l++) { if (p !== null && p[l].length === 6) { console.debug(q, l, p[l]); } else { if (p !== null && p[l].length > 0) { console.warn(q, l, p[l]); } else { console.error('Error - ', q, l, 'not found'); console.warn(q, n); } } } return p; }, patch: function() { //console.log('DEBUG: ' + 'function patch'); if (BaseScanner._patched) { return; } var t = ClientLib.Data.WorldSector.WorldObjectCity.prototype; var re = /this\.(.{6})=\(?\(?g>>8\)?\&.*d\+=f;this\.(.{6})=\(/; var y = PatchClientLib._g(t.$ctor, re, ClientLib.Data.WorldSector.WorldObjectCity, 2); if (y !== null && y[1].length === 6) { t.getLevel = function() { return this[y[1]]; }; } else { console.error('Error - ClientLib.Data.WorldSector.WorldObjectCity.Level undefined'); } if (y !== null && y[2].length === 6) { t.getID = function() { return this[y[2]]; }; } else { console.error('Error - ClientLib.Data.WorldSector.WorldObjectCity.ID undefined'); } t = ClientLib.Data.WorldSector.WorldObjectNPCBase.prototype; re = /100\){0,1};this\.(.{6})=Math.floor.*d\+=f;this\.(.{6})=\(/; var x = PatchClientLib._g(t.$ctor, re, 'ClientLib.Data.WorldSector.WorldObjectNPCBase', 2); if (x !== null && x[1].length === 6) { t.getLevel = function() { return this[x[1]]; }; } else { console.error('Error - ClientLib.Data.WorldSector.WorldObjectNPCBase.Level undefined'); } if (x !== null && x[2].length === 6) { t.getID = function() { return this[x[2]]; }; } else { console.error('Error - ClientLib.Data.WorldSector.WorldObjectNPCBase.ID undefined'); } t = ClientLib.Data.WorldSector.WorldObjectNPCCamp.prototype; re = /100\){0,1};this\.(.{6})=Math.floor.*this\.(.{6})=\(*g\>\>(22|0x16)\)*\&.*=-1;\}this\.(.{6})=\(/; var w = PatchClientLib._g(t.$ctor, re, 'ClientLib.Data.WorldSector.WorldObjectNPCCamp', 4); if (w !== null && w[1].length === 6) { t.getLevel = function() { return this[w[1]]; }; } else { console.error('Error - ClientLib.Data.WorldSector.WorldObjectNPCCamp.Level undefined'); } if (w !== null && w[2].length === 6) { t.getCampType = function() { return this[w[2]]; }; } else { console.error('Error - ClientLib.Data.WorldSector.WorldObjectNPCCamp.CampType undefined'); } if (w !== null && w[4].length === 6) { t.getID = function() { return this[w[4]]; }; } else { console.error('Error - ClientLib.Data.WorldSector.WorldObjectNPCCamp.ID undefined'); } BaseScanner._patched = true; } }; var makeButton = function() { qx.Class.define('ST.BaseScanner.main', { type: 'singleton', extend: qx.core.Object, members: { buttonScan: null, initialize: function() { //console.log('DEBUG: ' + 'function initialize'); this.buttonScan = new qx.ui.form.Button('Scan'); this.buttonScan.set({ width: 100, appearance: 'button-bar-right', toolTipText: 'Scan' }); BaseScanner._button = this.buttonScan; this.buttonScan.addListener('click', this.scan, this); var mainBar = qx.core.Init.getApplication().getUIItem(ClientLib.Data.Missions.PATH.BAR_MENU); var childs = mainBar.getChildren()[1].getChildren(); var childCount = childs.length; console.log('shockr childs count: ' + childCount); for( var z = childCount - 1; z>=0;z--){ if( typeof childs[z].setAppearance === "function"){ if( childs[z].getAppearance() == "button-bar-right"){ childs[z].setAppearance("button-bar-center"); } } } mainBar.getChildren()[1].add(this.buttonScan); mainBar.getChildren()[0].setScale(true); //mainBar.getChildren()[0].setWidth(764 + 100 ); mainBar.getChildren()[0].setWidth(mainBar.getChildren()[1].getWidth() + ((childCount - 9) * 100) ); console.log('Scan Button added'); }, scan: function() { //console.log('DEBUG: ' + 'function scan2'); if (BaseScanner.isScanning()) { return BaseScanner.abort(); } BaseScanner.scan(); } } }); window.ST.BaseScanner.main.getInstance().initialize(); // phe.cnc.Util.attachNetEvent(ClientLib.Vis.VisMain.GetInstance(), "SelectionChange", ClientLib.Vis.SelectionChange, BaseScanner, BaseScanner.selectionChange); }; ST.util.waitForLoad(function() { console.log('ST: Starting module [BaseScanner]'); makeButton(); }); }; var ST_MODULES = window.ST_MODULES || []; ST_MODULES.push(baseScanner);/* End: client/modules/basescanner.js */ /* Begin: client/modules/basescount.js */ /* globals ClientLib, qx, webfrontend */ var baseCounter = function() { var ST = window.ST || {}; var BaseCounter; ST.BaseCounter = BaseCounter = { name: 'BaseCounter', pasteOutput: function(x, y, baseCount, baseData) { //console.log('DEBUG: ' + 'function pasteOutput'); var input = qx.core.Init.getApplication().getChat().getChatWidget().getEditable(); var dom = input.getContentElement().getDomElement(); var output = []; output.push(dom.value.substring(0, dom.selectionStart)); output.push('[[coords]' + x + ':' + y + '[/coords]] Found ' + baseCount + ' Bases - ' + baseData); output.push(dom.value.substring(dom.selectionEnd, dom.value.length)); input.setValue(output.join(' ')); }, countBases: function(x, y, paste) { //console.log('DEBUG: ' + 'function countBases'); var levelCount = []; var count = 0; var maxAttack = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Server().get_MaxAttackDistance(); var world = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_World(); for (var scanY = y - 10; scanY <= y + 10; scanY++) { for (var scanX = x - 10; scanX <= x + 10; scanX++) { var distX = Math.abs(x - scanX); var distY = Math.abs(y - scanY); var distance = Math.sqrt((distX * distX) + (distY * distY)); // too far away to scan if (distance >= maxAttack) { continue; } var object = world.GetObjectFromPosition(scanX, scanY); // Nothing to scan if (object === null) { continue; } // Object isnt a NPC Base/Camp/Outpost if (object.Type !== ClientLib.Data.WorldSector.ObjectType.NPCBase) { continue; } if (typeof object.getCampType === 'function' && object.getCampType() === ClientLib.Data.Reports.ENPCCampType.Destroyed) { continue; } if (typeof object.getLevel !== 'function') { BaseCounter._patchClientLib(); } var level = object.getLevel(); levelCount[level] = (levelCount[level] || 0) + 1; count++; } } var output = []; for (var i = 0; i < levelCount.length; i++) { var lvl = levelCount[i]; if (lvl !== undefined) { output.push(lvl + ' x ' + i); } } console.log('[' + x + ':' + y + '] Found ' + count + ' bases - ' + output.join(', ')); if (paste === undefined || paste === true){ BaseCounter.pasteOutput(x, y, count, output.join(', ')); } return {total: count, levels: levelCount, complete: output.join(', ')}; }, count: function(paste) { //console.log('DEBUG: ' + 'function count'); if (BaseCounter.selectedBase === null || BaseCounter.selectedBase === undefined) { return; } return BaseCounter.countBases(BaseCounter.selectedBase.get_RawX(), BaseCounter.selectedBase.get_RawY(), paste); }, startup: function() { BaseCounter.registerButton(); }, destroy: function() { if ( webfrontend.gui.region.RegionCityMenu.prototype.__baseCounterButton_showMenu ){ webfrontend.gui.region.RegionCityMenu.prototype.showMenu = webfrontend.gui.region.RegionCityMenu.prototype.__baseCounterButton_showMenu; webfrontend.gui.region.RegionCityMenu.prototype.__baseCounterButton_initialized = false; webfrontend.gui.region.RegionCityMenu.prototype.__baseCounterButton_showMenu = undefined; } }, registerButton: function() { if (!webfrontend.gui.region.RegionCityMenu.prototype.__baseCounterButton_showMenu) { webfrontend.gui.region.RegionCityMenu.prototype.__baseCounterButton_showMenu = webfrontend.gui.region.RegionCityMenu.prototype.showMenu; webfrontend.gui.region.RegionCityMenu.prototype.showMenu = function(selectedVisObject) { BaseCounter.selectedBase = selectedVisObject; //console.log('selected base: raw ' + BaseCounter.selectedBase.get_RawX() + ':' + BaseCounter.selectedBase.get_RawY() + ' - pos ' + BaseCounter.selectedBase.get_PosX() + ':' + BaseCounter.selectedBase.get_PosY() + ' - id ' + BaseCounter.selectedBase.get_Id()); console.log('selected base: raw ' + BaseCounter.selectedBase.get_RawX() + ':' + BaseCounter.selectedBase.get_RawY()); if (this.__baseCounterButton_initialized !== true) { this.__baseCounterButton_initialized = true; // this.__baseComposite = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(0)).set({ // padding: 2 // }); // access forum try { //var input = qx.core.Init.getApplication().getChat().getChatWidget().getEditable(); var forum = ClientLib.Data.Forum.prototype.$ctor; var fid = forum.Id; var fname = forum.Title; var fthreads = forum.get_ThreadInfos(); //console.log('DEBUG: ' + 'id: "' + fid + '" threads: "' + fthreads + '" thread 0: "' + fthreads[0] + '"'); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } this.__baseCountButton = new qx.ui.form.Button('Paste BaseCount'); this.__baseCountButton.addListener('execute', function(){ BaseCounter.count(); }); console.log('button made'); // this.__baseComposite.add(this.__baseCountButton); } if (BaseCounter.lastBase !== BaseCounter.selectedBase){ var count = BaseCounter.count(false); console.log(count); this.__baseCountButton.set({ toolTipText: count.complete }); this.__baseCountButton.setLabel('Bases: ' +; BaseCounter.lastBase = BaseCounter.selectedBase; } // console.log(children); this.__baseCounterButton_showMenu(selectedVisObject); switch (selectedVisObject.get_VisObjectType()) { case ClientLib.Vis.VisObject.EObjectType.RegionNPCCamp: case ClientLib.Vis.VisObject.EObjectType.RegionNPCBase: case ClientLib.Vis.VisObject.EObjectType.RegionPointOfInterest: case ClientLib.Vis.VisObject.EObjectType.RegionRuin: case ClientLib.Vis.VisObject.EObjectType.RegionHubControl: case ClientLib.Vis.VisObject.EObjectType.RegionHubServer: case ClientLib.Vis.VisObject.EObjectType.RegionCityType: this.add(this.__baseCountButton); break; default: console.log(selectedVisObject.get_VisObjectType()); } }; } }, _patchClientLib: function() { var proto = ClientLib.Data.WorldSector.WorldObjectNPCBase.prototype; var re = /100\){0,1};this\.(.{6})=Math.floor.*d\+=f;this\.(.{6})=\(/; var x = ST.util._g(proto.$ctor, re, 'ClientLib.Data.WorldSector.WorldObjectNPCBase', 2); if (x !== null && x[1].length === 6) { proto.getLevel = function() { return this[x[1]]; }; } else { console.error('Error - ClientLib.Data.WorldSector.WorldObjectNPCBase.Level undefined'); } } }; ST.util.waitForLoad(function() { console.log('ST: Starting module [BaseCounter]'); BaseCounter.startup(); //if (ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Server().get_ForgottenAttacksEnabled()) { // console.log('ST: Starting module [BaseCounter]'); // BaseCounter.startup(); //} else { // console.log('ST: Skipping module [BaseCounter] forgotten attacks not enabled'); //} }); }; var ST_MODULES = window.ST_MODULES || []; ST_MODULES.push(baseCounter);/* End: client/modules/basescount.js */ function innerHTML(functions) { var output = ''; for (var i = 0; i < functions.length; i++) { var func = functions[i]; output += '(' + func.toString() + ')();\n'; } return output; } if (window.location.pathname !== ('/login/auth')) { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.innerHTML = innerHTML(ST_MODULES); script.type = 'text/javascript'; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); } })();