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// ==UserScript== // @name FUTBIN - Vivalemuc autobuyer player list // @version 1.0.1 // @description Advanced mode from player list // @license MIT // @author Vivalemuc // @match* // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; var a = document.createElement('button'); // Create the text node for anchor element. var link = document.createTextNode("PS advanced"); // Append the text node to anchor element. a.appendChild(link); a.setAttribute('onclick','createCsv("PS");'); // for FF a.onclick = function() {createCsv("PS");}; // for IE a.setAttribute('class','btn-csv btn btn-sm btn-primary submit-comment waves-effect waves-light float-right'); $('.row.mb-2')[0].appendChild(a); var aX = document.createElement('button'); // Create the text node for anchor element. var linkX = document.createTextNode("XB advanced"); // Append the text node to anchor element. aX.appendChild(linkX); aX.setAttribute('onclick','createCsv("XB");'); // for FF aX.onclick = function() {createCsv("XB");}; // for IE aX.setAttribute('class','btn-csv btn btn-sm btn-primary submit-comment waves-effect waves-light float-right'); $('.row.mb-2')[0].appendChild(aX); var aP = document.createElement('button'); // Create the text node for anchor element. var linkP = document.createTextNode("PC advanced"); // Append the text node to anchor element. aP.appendChild(linkP); aP.setAttribute('onclick','createCsv("PC");'); // for FF aP.onclick = function() {createCsv("PC");}; // for IE aP.setAttribute('class','btn-csv btn btn-sm btn-primary submit-comment waves-effect waves-light float-right'); $('.row.mb-2')[0].appendChild(aP); function createCsv(platform){ const queryString; const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString); const page = urlParams.get('page') var ids = ""; var rows = $(".table.table-bordered.table-hover tbody").find('tr').each(function( index ) { ids+=$($(this)[0]).find('.player_name_players_table')[0].dataset.siteId; ids+=","; }); var futbinIds = ids.slice(0, -1); var link = document.createElement('a'); = 'getAdvanced-'+platform+'-'; link.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); link.setAttribute('href', ''+futbinIds+'&platform='+platform); document.body.appendChild(link); document.querySelector('#'; } })();