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// ==UserScript== // @name r/Second leaderboard // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match // @require // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== $(document).ready(function () { //When document has loaded //always selects the second highest picture at the very end of the first reveal setTimeout(function () { var i = 0; var name = ""; var score = []; var scoreDiff1 = ""; var scoreDiff0 = ""; var scoreDiff10 = ""; var avgDiff = ""; for (i=0; i < 100; i++) { name = jQuery(document.querySelector('afd2021-app faceplate-csrf-provider afd2021-leaderboard').shadowRoot).find('.row ').find('.user-info .user-name')[i].textContent score[i] = parseInt(jQuery(document.querySelector('afd2021-app faceplate-csrf-provider afd2021-leaderboard').shadowRoot).find('.row ').find('.user-score')[i].textContent) scoreDiff1 = String(score[i-1] - score[i]); scoreDiff10 = String(score[9] - score[i]); scoreDiff0 = String(score[0] - score[i]); avgDiff = String(Math.floor(score.reduce((a, b)=> a + b)/(i+1) - score[i])); if (i > 9) { jQuery(document.querySelector('afd2021-app faceplate-csrf-provider afd2021-leaderboard').shadowRoot).find('.row ').find('.user-score')[i].textContent = String(score[i]).concat(" (",scoreDiff1," || ",scoreDiff10," || ",scoreDiff0," || ",avgDiff,")") } if (i < 10 && i > 0) { jQuery(document.querySelector('afd2021-app faceplate-csrf-provider afd2021-leaderboard').shadowRoot).find('.row ').find('.user-score')[i].textContent = String(score[i]).concat(" (",scoreDiff1," || ",scoreDiff0," || ",avgDiff,")") } //if (name == "u/VitaminB16") {break} } }, 100); setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 10000); });