victornpb / Twitch RaidHammer - Easily ban multiple accounts during hate raids


Version: 1.1.4+4342b08 updated

Summary: A tool for moderating Twitch easier during hate raids



License: MIT

🧑‍⚖️ Twitch RaidHammer - An utility for Easily banning multiple hate raid accounts

Everytime someone follows the window should appear, then you can choose to:

  • ? view account age
  • IGNORE legit users
  • BAN accounts
  • BAN ALL to give them all the 🚷 BAN HAMMER!


  1. First you need a Browser Extension for managing UserScripts[1] (skip if you already have one):

  2. Install Twitch RaidHammer:

  3. You're all set!

Look for the hammer icon next to Twitch chat. see notes

Import List of Bots

You can also import a list of users and ban all of them with only 3 clicks!
No more coping and pasting hundreds of /ban commands.

Mass banning list of bots


  • It will ONLY appear on streams you have moderation privilegies.
  • The feature that monitors new followers requires that you have StreamElements or StreamLabs bot announcing follow alerts in the chat.
    • Streamlabs: Thank you for following username!
    • StreamElements: Welcome! username Thank you for following!

If you have issues or just need help open a discussion here

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