
Version: 0.21+3ccea82 updated

Summary: very rough chat replacement. Works best in chrome, but firefox is now compatible. Only tested with Tampermonkey extension.

License: MIT

Minor update 0.20:


  1. Moderators will be notified of cams pending in the greenroom.


  1. to install it is recommended you use Chrome or Opera. Although Firefox is compatible, but, it's more likely to have issues.

  2. After that, you must install the Tampermonkey extension. The extension for chrome can be installed here

  3. Once that is installed, on this page you can click the blue "Install" button in the upper right and then confirm the installation. Refresh your TC window to activate it.

This script should automatically update itself to the newest version within a day of release.

You can check which script version you have by clicking on the tampermonkey icon in your browser, and clicking "Dashboard". The version will be listed next to the script, you can compare the number to the latest version listed above. To force an update to all your scripts, you can click "Check for userscript updates" from the tampermonkey icon menu.

Current Features:

✔️ Different colors to help distinguish users in chat.
✔️ Firefox compatibility.
✔️ Display pictures removed from chat to allow more chat lines.
✔️ Accurate timestamps when not switching view.
✔️ Full-screen mode permitted.
✔️ Dark mode theme toggle button.
✔️ Side-chat mode even with lower-width window size.
✔️ Icon and title will flash when you receive a new notification.

Current issues:

❌ White borders around cameras in dark-mode.
❌ Sometimes a user is assigned "no-coloured" (black/grey) text.
❌ "Skinny" mode (width less than 661px) is unusable with numerous style bugs.
❌ Closing a DM from the public chat view causes the public chat messages to duplicate once.
❌ Progressively slow switching between DMs and public chat.
❌ TC's unfixed public chat rewrite-and-swap bug will cause extreme unresponsiveness when it occurs.
❌ Timestamps are inaccurate when switching between DMs and public chat.

Features or changes currently being considered/investigated/planned/aspired-towards:

🔜 Integrating a new chat-input into the chat, rather than re-positioning the old one.
🔜 Allow a command to send a link to this script.
🔜 Position chat on the bottom and be usable when <661px in width.
🔜 Fix timestamps, responsiveness and bugs. This will be a complex and complete chat re-write, as it will need to keep track of hidden user-id numbers. It will need to work backwards analysing each line in the old chat and comparing lines in the new chat, whenever it is wiped and re-written by tc. This is much more complicated than first anticipated. Will be sensitive to breaking if not done correctly.
🔜 Implement 'changed nickname' events.
🔜 Allow 24-hr formatted timestamps for those who prefer it.

Minor update 0.19:


  1. URLs should finally work all of the time.. I think... I'm like pretty sure..
  2. Stopped html tags and css running inside chat area, twas fun but it is probably prone to abuse :P .

Rating: 0