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// ==UserScript== // @name Jira Task2Branch // @namespace // @version 4.0.0 // @description Tools to work with cloud jira. Works only on issue (modern or legacy) details page e.g. Copy commit message. // @author va4ok // @match *://** // @grant none // @source // @license MIT // @homepage // ==/UserScript== class Notificator { static ANIMATION_TIME = 200; static POPUP_TIME = 5000; static textShell; static $container; static timerId; static init() { Notificator.textShell = document.createElement('div'); Notificator.$container = document.createElement('div'); Notificator.$container.className = 'j2gt-notificator'; Notificator.$container.appendChild(Notificator.textShell); document.body.appendChild(Notificator.$container); } static notify(text, isError) { if (isError) { Notificator.$container.classList.contains('error') || Notificator.$container.classList.add('error'); } else { Notificator.$container.classList.remove('error'); } Notificator.textShell.innerText = text;; Notificator.timerId = setTimeout(() => { Notificator.hide(); }, Notificator.POPUP_TIME); isError ? console.warn(text) : console.log(text); } static success(text) { Notificator.notify(text, false); } static error(text) { const newText = `${text} Please open console and try to copy manually`; Notificator.notify(newText, true); } static show() { if (Notificator.timerId) { clearTimeout(Notificator.timerId); Notificator.timerId = null; } Notificator.$ = '98px'; } static hide() { Notificator.$ = '0'; Notificator.timerId = setTimeout(() => { Notificator.timerId = null; }, Notificator.ANIMATION_TIME); } } class SelectableList { constructor(list, onValueClick = () => {}) { this.ul = document.createElement('ul'); this.onValueClick = onValueClick; this.onclick = this.onclick.bind(this); list.forEach(listValue => { const li = document.createElement('li'); li.innerHTML = listValue.value; li.title = listValue.description; li.addEventListener('click', this.onclick); = JSON.stringify(listValue); this.ul.appendChild(li); }); } onclick(e) { if (typeof this.onValueClick === 'function') { this.onValueClick(JSON.parse(; } } } class Prefix { static KEY = 'JiraToGitPrefix'; static LIST = [{ key: 'none', value: 'none', description: 'No prefix' }, { key: 'feature', value: 'feature', description: 'Default branch type for any Jira ticket, may include backend and frontend changes. If in doubt - use this branch type. ' + 'CI includes: UI unit tests, UI build, shaper, backend compile, unit tests, integration tests, OWASP dependency check, sonar' }, { key: 'ui', value: 'ui', description: 'For UI only changes. CI includes: UI unit tests, UI build' }, { key: 'devops', value: 'devops', description: 'For changes in Jenkins pipelines. CI includes: TBD' }, { key: 'autotest', value: 'autotest', description: 'For UI auto tests. CI includes: special sonar for autotests' } ]; static selectableList = new SelectableList(Prefix.LIST, Prefix.onPrefixClick); static current; static onPrefixSelected = () => {}; static onPrefixClick(prefix) { Prefix.set(prefix); Prefix.onPrefixSelected(); } static save() { localStorage.setItem(Prefix.KEY, JSON.stringify(Prefix.current)); } static restore() { const restoredPrefix = localStorage.getItem(Prefix.KEY); Prefix.current = restoredPrefix ? JSON.parse(restoredPrefix) : Prefix.LIST[0]; } static get() { return Prefix.current; } static set(current) { Prefix.current = current;; } } class Text { static COPY_BRANCH_NAME = 'Branch Name'; static COPY_COMMIT_MESSAGE = 'Commit Message'; static ARROW_DOWN = '⏷'; static ARROW_UP = '⏶'; } class DropDown { initBody() { this.body = document.createElement('div'); = 'none'; = 'absolute'; = '100'; this.body.className = 'j2gt-dropdown'; document.body.appendChild(this.body); } constructor(triggerDOM, body) { this.initBody(); this.body.appendChild(body); =; this.close = this.close.bind(this); this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this); this.trigger = triggerDOM; triggerDOM.addEventListener('click', this.toggle); } setBodyPosition() { const rect = this.trigger.getBoundingClientRect(); = rect.left + 'px'; = + rect.height + 6 + 'px'; } open() { this.setBodyPosition(); = ''; document.body.addEventListener('click', this.close, { once: true }) } close(e) { e && e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation(); = 'none'; } toggle(e) { e.stopPropagation(); if ( === 'none') {; } else { this.close(); } } } class Utils { static isBug(issueType) { return issueType.toUpperCase() === 'BUG'; } static isSimilarText(textA, textB) { return textA === textB; } } class Format { static REGEXP = /[\s\[\]\\\-/:"“`'|.,<>#~*?^]+/g; static DIVIDER = '-'; static MAX_LENGTH = 60; static branchName(branchName, branchPrefix = '') { if (branchPrefix === 'none') { branchPrefix = ''; } const prefixLength = branchPrefix ? branchPrefix.length + 1 : 0; const result = branchName .trim() .replace(Format.REGEXP, Format.DIVIDER) .slice(0, Format.MAX_LENGTH - prefixLength); return `${branchPrefix}${branchPrefix ? '/' : ''}${result}`; } static commitMessage({ parentIssueID, parentIssueSummary, subTaskID, subTaskSummary, isBug }) { const type = isBug ? 'FIX' : 'DEV'; if (parentIssueID && Utils.isSimilarText(subTaskSummary, parentIssueSummary)) { return `${parentIssueID} ${subTaskID}: ${subTaskSummary}\n\n- [${type}] `; } if (parentIssueID) { return `${parentIssueID}: ${parentIssueSummary} ${subTaskID}: ${subTaskSummary}\n\n- [${type}] `; } return `${subTaskID}: ${subTaskSummary}\n\n- [${type}] `; } } class Copy { static toClipboard(text) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).then( () => { Notificator.success('Copied:\n' + text); }, () => { Copy.clipboardFallback(text); } ); } static clipboardFallback(result) { Notificator.error('Not copied:\n' + result); } } class http { static post(url, data) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', url); xhr.onload = () => resolve(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)); xhr.onerror = () => reject(xhr.statusText); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); xhr.send(JSON.stringify(data)); }); } } class AdditionalInfo { static get({ fixVersionsDescription }) { const list = []; if (fixVersionsDescription) { list.push({ 'description': 'Fix version description', 'value': `<strong>Fix Version:</strong> ${fixVersionsDescription}` }) } return new SelectableList(list).ul; } } class Modern { static getCopyIcon() { const icon = document.createElementNS('', 'svg'); icon.setAttribute('width', '24'); icon.setAttribute('height', '24'); icon.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 24 24'); icon.setAttribute('focusable', 'false'); icon.setAttribute('role', 'presentation'); icon.classList.add('j2gt-buttons-icon'); const g = document.createElementNS('', 'g'); g.setAttribute('fill', 'currentColor'); const path1 = document.createElementNS('', 'path'); path1.setAttribute('d', 'M10 19h8V8h-8v11zM8 7.992C8 6.892 8.902 6 10.009 6h7.982C19.101 6 20 6.893 20 7.992v11.016c0 1.1-.902 1.992-2.009 1.992H10.01A2.001 2.001 0 0 1 8 19.008V7.992z'); const path2 = document.createElementNS('', 'path'); path2.setAttribute('d', 'M5 16V4.992C5 3.892 5.902 3 7.009 3H15v13H5zm2 0h8V5H7v11z'); const path3 = document.createElementNS('', 'path'); path3.setAttribute('d', 'M5 16V4.992C5 3.892 5.902 3 7.009 3H15v13H5zm2 0h8V5H7v11z'); g.appendChild(path1); g.appendChild(path2); g.appendChild(path3); icon.appendChild(g); return icon; } static getButton(text, callback) { const button = document.createElement('button'); button.innerText = text; if (callback) { button.addEventListener('click', callback); } return button; } static findFieldValue(fields, fieldName) { let value = ''; fields.forEach(function (field) { if (field.key) { if (field.key === fieldName) { value = field.content; } } else { field.forEach(function (property) { if (property.key === fieldName) { value = property.value; } }); } }); return value; } static getIssue() { let subTaskID; let subTaskSummary; let subTaskType; for (let statePropName in window['SPA_STATE']) { if (window['SPA_STATE'].hasOwnProperty(statePropName) && statePropName.indexOf('ISSUE') !== -1) { const issueObject = window['SPA_STATE'][statePropName]; const issueKey = Object.keys(issueObject).pop(); const issue = issueObject[issueKey].data; if (!issue) continue; const fields = JSON.parse(issue['fields']); subTaskID = issue.key; subTaskSummary = Modern.findFieldValue(fields, 'summary'); subTaskType = Modern.findFieldValue(fields, 'issuetype').name; } } return { subTaskID, subTaskSummary, subTaskType }; } static copyBranchName(e) { const { subTaskID, subTaskSummary } = Modern.getIssue(); let result = Format.branchName(`${subTaskID} ${subTaskSummary}`, Prefix.get().value); e.stopPropagation(); Copy.toClipboard(result); } static getIssueDetails(issueID) { if (Modern.issueDetails) { return new Promise((resolve) => { resolve(Modern.issueDetails); }); } const url = '/rest/graphql/1/'; let query = { query: `query { issue(issueIdOrKey: "${issueID}", latestVersion: true, screen: "view") { fields { key content } } } ` }; return, query).then(obj => { Modern.issueDetails = obj; return obj; }); } static onCopyCommitMessage(e) { e.stopPropagation(); let { subTaskID, subTaskSummary, subTaskType } = Modern.getIssue(); Modern.getIssueDetails(subTaskID).then( ({ data }) => { let isBug = Utils.isBug(subTaskType.trim()); let parentIssue = Modern.findFieldValue(data.issue.fields, 'parent'); Copy.toClipboard( Format.commitMessage({ parentIssueID: parentIssue ? parentIssue.key : '', parentIssueSummary: parentIssue ? parentIssue.fields.summary : '', subTaskID, subTaskSummary, isBug }) ); }, () => { Notificator.error('JIRA API problems'); } ); } static getInfoList() { let { subTaskID } = Modern.getIssue(); return Modern.getIssueDetails(subTaskID).then(({ data }) => { const fixVersions = Modern.findFieldValue(data.issue.fields, 'fixVersions'); const fixVersionsDescription = (fixVersions && fixVersions[0] && fixVersions[0]['description']) || ''; return AdditionalInfo.get({ fixVersionsDescription }); }); } static init() { const titleDOM = document.querySelector('h1'); if (titleDOM) { const buttonsContainer = document.createElement('div'); const prefixButton = Modern.getButton(`${Text.ARROW_DOWN} ${Prefix.get().value}`); const copyBranchButton = Modern.getButton(Text.COPY_BRANCH_NAME, Modern.copyBranchName); const copyCommitButton = Modern.getButton(Text.COPY_COMMIT_MESSAGE, Modern.onCopyCommitMessage); const container = titleDOM.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement; new DropDown(prefixButton, Prefix.selectableList.ul); Prefix.onPrefixSelected = () => { prefixButton.innerText = `${Text.ARROW_DOWN} ${Prefix.get().value}`; }; copyBranchButton.insertBefore(Modern.getCopyIcon(), copyBranchButton.firstChild); copyCommitButton.insertBefore(Modern.getCopyIcon(), copyCommitButton.firstChild); buttonsContainer.className = 'j2gt-buttons-container'; buttonsContainer.appendChild(prefixButton); buttonsContainer.appendChild(copyBranchButton); buttonsContainer.appendChild(copyCommitButton); Modern.getInfoList().then((list) => { const infoButton = Modern.getButton(`${Text.ARROW_DOWN} Info`); new DropDown(infoButton, list); buttonsContainer.appendChild(infoButton); }); container.appendChild(buttonsContainer); } } } class Legacy { static createButton(text, callback) { const li = document.createElement('li'); const a = document.createElement('a'); const span = document.createElement('span'); li.className = 'toolbar-item'; a.className = 'toolbar-trigger'; span.className = 'trigger-label'; span.innerText = text; if (callback) { a.addEventListener('click', callback); } a.appendChild(span); li.appendChild(a); return li; } static getIssueID() { const issueIDDOM = document.getElementById('key-val'); if (issueIDDOM) { return issueIDDOM.innerText; } else { throw new Error(`Can't read issue ID`); } } static getIssueName() { const issueNameDOM = document.getElementById('summary-val'); if (issueNameDOM) { return issueNameDOM.innerText; } else { throw new Error(`Can't read issue title`); } } static copyBranchName(e) { const issueID = Legacy.getIssueID(); const issueName = Legacy.getIssueName(); const result = Format.branchName(issueID + ' ' + issueName, Prefix.get().value); e.stopPropagation(); Copy.toClipboard(result); } static getParentIssue() { const parentIssueDOM = document.getElementById('parent_issue_summary'); let parentIssueID = ''; let parentIssueSummary = ''; if (parentIssueDOM) { parentIssueID = parentIssueDOM.dataset.issueKey; parentIssueSummary = parentIssueDOM.getAttribute('original-title'); } return { parentIssueID, parentIssueSummary }; } static isBug() { const spanDOM = document.getElementById('type-val'); if (spanDOM) { return Utils.isBug(spanDOM.innerText.trim()); } return false; } static copyCommitMessage() { let { parentIssueID, parentIssueSummary } = Legacy.getParentIssue(); let subTaskID = Legacy.getIssueID(); let subTaskSummary = Legacy.getIssueName(); let isBug = Legacy.isBug(); Copy.toClipboard( Format.commitMessage({ parentIssueID, parentIssueSummary, subTaskID, subTaskSummary, isBug }) ); } static onCopyCommitMessage(e) { e.stopPropagation(); Legacy.copyCommitMessage(); } static getMergeBranch() { const link = document.querySelector('#fixVersions-field a'); if (link) { return link.title; } return 'not specified'; } static init() { const buttonsBar = document.querySelector('.issue-header-content'); if (buttonsBar) { const ul = document.createElement('ul'); const prefixButton = Legacy.createButton(`${Text.ARROW_DOWN} ${Prefix.get().value}`); new DropDown(prefixButton, Prefix.selectableList.ul); Prefix.onPrefixSelected = () => { prefixButton.querySelector('.trigger-label').innerText = `${Text.ARROW_DOWN} ${Prefix.get().value}`; }; const infoButton = Legacy.createButton(`${Text.ARROW_DOWN} Info`); new DropDown(infoButton, AdditionalInfo.get({ fixVersionsDescription: Legacy.getMergeBranch() })); ul.className = 'toolbar-group'; ul.appendChild(prefixButton); ul.appendChild(Legacy.createButton(Text.COPY_BRANCH_NAME, Legacy.copyBranchName)); ul.appendChild(Legacy.createButton(Text.COPY_COMMIT_MESSAGE, Legacy.onCopyCommitMessage)); ul.appendChild(infoButton); const div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'command-bar'; div.innerHTML = ` <div class="ops-cont"> <div class="ops-menus aui-toolbar"> <div class="toolbar-split toolbar-split-left"></div> </div> </div> `; div.querySelector('.toolbar-split.toolbar-split-left').appendChild(ul); buttonsBar.appendChild(div); } } } (function () { 'use strict'; Notificator.init(); Prefix.restore(); if (window.hasOwnProperty('SPA_STATE')) { Modern.init(); } else { Legacy.init(); } })(); (function () { const $style = document.createElement('style'); $style.innerHTML = `.j2gt-notificator { display: flex; align-items: center; transition: height 1s ease-out; background-color: #3dcd59; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; overflow: hidden; height: 0; z-index: 1000; } .j2gt-notificator.error { background-color: #a50063; } .j2gt-notificator div { margin: 10px auto 10px; width: fit-content; } .j2gt-buttons-container { display: flex; margin: 8px; font-size: 14px; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", sans-serif; color: rgb(80, 95, 121); } .j2gt-buttons-container button { display: inline-flex; align-items: center; border: none !important; font-size: inherit; color: rgb(80, 95, 121); background: rgba(9, 30, 66, 0.04); cursor: pointer; margin-right: 8px; padding: 0 10px; line-height: 32px; border-radius: 3px; transition: background 0.1s ease-out 0s, box-shadow 0.15s cubic-bezier(0.47, 0.03, 0.49, 1.38) 0s; position: relative; } .j2gt-buttons-container button:hover { color: rgb(80, 95, 121); background: rgba(9, 30, 66, 0.08); } .j2gt-buttons-container button:active { color: rgb(0, 82, 204); background: rgba(179, 212, 255, 0.6); outline: none !important; } .j2gt-buttons-icon { margin-right: 4px; } .j2gt-dropdown ul { padding: 4px 0; background: white; box-shadow: rgba(9, 30, 66, 0.13) 0 0 0 1px, rgba(9, 30, 66, 0.13) 0 4px 11px; border-radius: 4px; max-width: 300px; list-style: none; } .j2gt-dropdown ul li { padding: 8px 24px; color: rgb(23, 43, 77); cursor: pointer; } .j2gt-dropdown ul li:hover { background: rgb(222, 235, 255); } `; document.body.appendChild($style); })();