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// ==UserScript== // @name FollowShows Remaining // @namespace followshows // @description Show a number of remaining episodes to watch // @icon // @author vBm <> // @oujs:author vBm // @license The MIT License (MIT) // @supportURL // @include* // @version 4.3 // @date 17/03/2015 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== $('#stats').append( $('<div>').append( $('<span>').attr({ class: 'addic7ed' }), $('<div>').attr({ class: 'title' }).css( 'cursor', 'pointer' ).click( function() { prompt('Total count:', textPrep()); } ).text('EPISODES TO WATCH') ) ); function textPrep() { var numbers = $('#stats').text().match(/\d+/g), shows = numbers[0], watched = numbers[3], remain = numbers[4]; return 'FollowShows stats: ' + shows + ' shows || ' + watched + ' episodes watched || ' + remain + ' episodes to watch'; } if (!$('a.btn-follow-user').attr('user')) { $.ajax({ url: '//' + document.location.hostname + '/home/watchlist', cache: false, }).done(function(data) { var totalEpisodesSum, totalEpisodes = []; if ($(data).find('.stats').size() !== 0 ) { $(data).find('.stats').each(function() { totalEpisodes.push(parseInt($(this).text().match(/\d+/)[0], 10)); }); totalEpisodesSum = totalEpisodes.reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b; }); $('.addic7ed').text(totalEpisodesSum); } else { $('.addic7ed').text('N/A'); } }); } else { $('.addic7ed').text('N/A'); }