unnaturaldeveloper / FetLife Enhancement Suite


Version: 1.7+4977862 updated

Summary: Provided customization of the FetLife user interface - Project is closed. Please support FetLife Enhancer (https://openuserjs.org/scripts/PrincessBabyTay/FetLife_Enhancer)

Homepage: https://github.com/unnaturaldevelopment/fles

Support: https://github.com/unnaturaldevelopment/fles/issues

License: GPL-3.0-or-later

FetLife Enhancement Suite

The FetLife Enhancement Suite (FLES) is a UserScript that can be added to the Tampermonkey (or like) browser extension. The purpose of the script is to provide customization of the user interface built by the FetLife team.

The script will not add functionality that is included when a user supports FetLife.

Getting Started

The following instructions will help you set up FLES in your browser.


Currently, FLES is built dependent on a UserScript manager browser extension, such as Tampermonkey for Chrome, and Greasemonkey.

Both extensions are available through the official browser extension stores (links for each are included above). Depending on which browser you use, having an extension of this type is the only requirement to use FLES.


Once you have the prerequisite extension installed, installing FLES is performed by either adding the script to the UserScript manager directly, or by clicking on the link for the script in the latest release.


All of the features included in FLES are documented, with screenshots in the Wiki, available here.

Built With

  • Sweat, and tears
  • The asterisk icon is courtesy of Font Awesome


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • Thanks for Font Awesome for being awesome, and supplying awesome icons!
  • Thanks to Ansha101 for her newest discussion, and full date scripts
  • Thanks to honestbleeps for writing RES which is the reason I started FLES

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