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// ==UserScript== // @name Hide annoying youtube videos // @description hides videos with low // @namespace Covert // @include ** // @include ** // @include ** // @include ** // @include ** // @version 1 // @grant none // @require // ==/UserScript== // Try one of these if doesnt work // // // // requires greasemonkey for firefox // requires // clinking user link, takes you to their videos tab page on their profile $('').attr("href", function(i, href) { return href + '/videos'; }); // these are useless and annoying $('.resume-playback-background').hide(); $('.resume-playback-progress-bar').hide(); // if the likes bar width is below 88%, hides the video $(document).ready(function() { setInterval(function() { function getWidthPercent(element) { return parseFloat( || 0;} $(".likesBar").each(function() { if (getWidthPercent(this) < 88.7) $(this).closest(".yt-lockup-tile, .video-list-item.related-list-item, .yt-shelf-grid-item, .expanded-shelf-content-item-wrapper").hide(); });}, 3000);}); // if the hates bar width is above 1.5%, hides the video $(document).ready(function() { setInterval(function() { function getWidthPercent(element) { return parseFloat( || 0;} $(".hatesBar").each(function() { if (getWidthPercent(this) > 1.5) $(this).closest(".yt-lockup-tile, .video-list-item.related-list-item, .yt-shelf-grid-item, .expanded-shelf-content-item-wrapper").hide(); });}, 3000);}); /* $(document).ready(function() { setInterval(function() { function getWidthPercent(element) { return parseFloat( || 0;} $(".hatesBar").each(function() { if (getWidthPercent(this) > 1.5) $(this).closest(".yt-lockup-tile, .video-list-item.related-list-item, .yt-shelf-grid-item, .expanded-shelf-content-item-wrapper").css({ 'filter': 'grayscale(100%)' , 'opacity': '.15'}); });}, 3000);}); */ // hides videos containing specific phrases $(document).ready(function() { var refreshId = setInterval( function() { $(".yt-shelf-grid-item:contains('blah blah 1', 'blah blah 2'):not(:contains('exposed','leaked','leaks','leak'))").css({ 'filter': 'grayscale(100%)' , 'opacity': '.5'}); }, 3000); //rescans every 2500ms, used for 'load more' }); // shrinks word selectors, allows keywords together, ignores case sensitivity $(document).ready(function() { jQuery.expr[':'].contains = function(obj, index, meta, stack){ result = false; theList = meta[3].split("','"); var contents = (obj.textContent || obj.innerText || jQuery(obj).text() || '') for (x=0;x<theList.length;x++) { if (contents.toLowerCase().indexOf(theList[x].toLowerCase()) >= 0) { return true;}} return false;}; /* if (contents.indexOf(theList[x]) >= 0) { if(window.location.href.indexOf("") > -1) {*/ // script only runs on these pages $(document).ready(function () { if( (!window.location.href.indexOf("/feed/subscriptions") > -1) & (!window.location.href.indexOf("/feed/") > -1) ) { //hies videos containing keywords, unless additional keyword found $(document).ready(function() { var refreshId = setInterval( function() { $(".yt-shelf-grid-item:contains('trump','hillary','fight comp','clinton','iphone'):not(:contains('exposed','leaked','leaks','leak','whistle','scandal','seen','wiki','worst','wearechange','secular talk','1791','weapons','tpp','ttip'))").css({ 'filter': 'grayscale(100%)' , 'opacity': '.15'}); }, 3000); //rescans every 2500ms, used for 'load more' }); } }); });