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// ==UserScript== // @name sendSMSFile // @namespace http://use.i.E.your.homepage/ // @match* // @license MIT // @icon // @require // ==/UserScript== var checkExist = setInterval(function () { if ($('input[name="username"]').length) { //alert("The paragraph was clicked."); $('input[name="username"]').val('apax_campha_sms'); $('input[name="password"]').val('192168'); $("button:contains(Đăng nhập)").attr("id", "continue"); document.getElementById('continue').click(); clearInterval(checkExist); } }, 200); // check every 100ms var checkExist1 = setInterval(function () { if (!$('#frmFilter').length) { if ($('#fade').length) { var win ="", '_self'); if (win) { //Browser has allowed it to be opened win.focus(); } else { //Browser has blocked it alert('Please allow popups for this website'); } clearInterval(checkExist1); } } }, 200); // check every 100ms var checkExist2 = setInterval(function () { if ($('#frmFilter').length) { //SearchSMS.exportExcel(); // alert('Please allow popups for this website'); //$('input[type="button"][class="btn btn-blue"]').click(); //$('input[name="DateFrom"]').val('15/12/2017'); //$('input[name="DateTo"]').val('15/12/2017'); $("button:contains(Export Excel)").attr("id", "continue"); document.getElementById('continue').click(); clearInterval(checkExist2); } }, 200); // check every 100ms //$( document ).ready(function() { // Handler for .ready() called. // var win ="", '_self'); // if (win) { //Browser has allowed it to be opened // win.focus(); // } else { //Browser has blocked it // alert('Please allow popups for this website'); // } //});