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// ==UserScript== // @name MHenhancer // @namespace // @version 1.1.1 // @description Link fixer, Image Downloader // @include /https://(www\.)?modelle-hamburg\.de/.*/[^/]*_\d+(\.html)?/ // @icon // @grant GM_download // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getResourceText // @resource IMPORTED_CSS // @require // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserJS== // @author ttt555 /////// @collaborator // ==/OpenUserJS== (function() { 'use strict'; GM_addStyle(GM_getResourceText("IMPORTED_CSS")); GM_addStyle(` .toast { position: absolute; background-color: #cc0b75; top: -23px; width: 98%; text-align: center; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; } `); let baseURL = window.location.protocol + "//" +; let buttons = jQuery('#mainframe > div.row > div:nth-child(2) > div:first-child'); window.setTimeout(getPhone, 500); window.setTimeout(getPhone, 1000); window.setTimeout(getPhone, 2000); window.setTimeout(getPhone, 3000); jQuery('<button id="downloadAll" class="mh-gradient-lightblue mh-btn-default mh-btn-slim" title="Alle Bilder herunterladen"\ style="margin-left:16px;position:relative; top:-4px;"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download"></span>\ herunterladen</span></button>') .on('click', downloadAll) .appendTo('#image-active-tab > a'); jQuery('<span style="flex:1"><button class="mh-gradient-lightblue mh-btn-default mh-btn-slim m-l-lg" title="Anzeigentext für ein Forum kopieren">\ <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-copy"></span></button></span>') .on('click', copyText) .appendTo(buttons); jQuery('<span style="flex:1"><button class="mh-gradient-lightblue mh-btn-default mh-btn-slim m-l-lg" title="Anzeigenlink kopieren">\ <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share"></span></button></span>') .on('click', shareLink) .appendTo(buttons); jQuery('<span style="flex:1"><button class="mh-gradient-lightblue mh-btn-default mh-btn-slim m-l-lg" title="Im Lusthaus suchen (in neuem Tab)">\ <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span>LH</button></span>') .on('click', LHsearch) .appendTo(buttons); function downloadAll() { let path = getAdName() + " (MH " + getAdID() + ")"; let phone = getPhone(); if (phone) path += " - " + phone; var dialog = $('<div id="dialog" title="Download to '+path+' ..."></div>').dialog({ width: 640, height:480 }).on('close', function() { console.log("cancel downloads now"); }); let imgList = []; jQuery('#images > > div.panel-body > > div > div > div > img').each(function() { let thumb = jQuery(this).attr('src'); let image = thumb.match(/(\d+\/[a-z0-9]+)_/); if (image) { let id = image[1]; imgList.push(id); } else { console.log("ERROR",thumb); } }); for (let name of imgList) { console.log("Download ", name); let URL = `${baseURL}/images/_${name}_full.jpg`; let file = (path+'/'+name+".jpg").replace(/\/\d+\//,'/'); var line = jQuery('<div class="RLDL" data-name="'+name+'">'+file+'</div>\n').appendTo(dialog); (function(url,filepath,filename,linediv) { var dl = GM_download({ url: url, name: filepath, saveAs: false, onerror: function(){ jQuery(linediv).append('<span class="download_error">ERROR: '+err.error+'<br>'+err.details+'</span>'); }, onload: function() { jQuery(linediv).append('<span class="download_ok">✓</span>'); } }); // downloads.push(dl); })(URL,file,name,line); } } function copyText() { let name = getAdName(); let phone = getPhone(); if (! phone) phone = ""; phone = phone.replace(/ /g,'').replace(/\+49\(0\)/,'0'); let phone2 = phone.replace(/[/\-]/g,''); let phone3 = phone2.replace(/^0([1-9])/,'+49$1'); let subheader = $('#images h1.model-name').first().html(); if (subheader) subheader = subheader.replace(/^(.+?) - /,''); let text = $('#mainframe .about-text').first().text(); /* let clublink = $('div#clublink a').attr('href'); let clubname = $('div#clublink a').text().replace(/> /,''); let club = ''; if (clubname) { club = `[URL=${clublink}]${clubname}[/URL], `; } */ let URL = properLink(); let street = $('#anfahrtbox table tr:first-child td').text(); street ||= $('#mainframe > div.row > div:nth-child(2) > > div.panel-body > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td').text(); if (street.match(/Sage ich Dir am Telefon/i)) street = ''; let city = $('#anfahrtbox table tr:nth-child(2) td').text(); city ||= $('#mainframe > div.row > div:nth-child(2) > > div.panel-body > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) > td').text(); let address = street ? street + ", " + city : city; let service = $('#mainframe div.service-panel ul').html(); if (service) { service = service .replace(/\n/g,'') .replace(/<label>.*<\/label>/,'') .replace(/<\/li>\s*<li>/g,', ') .replace(/<.+?>/g,'') .replace(/\[B\]/g,'\n[B]') .replace(/\[\/B\]/g,':[/B]') .replace(/^[ ,]+/g,''); } let data = $('#mainframe table.model-details').html(); if (data) { data = data .replace(/\n/g,'') .replace(/<(\/)?th>/g,'[$1B]') .replace(/<.+?>/g,' ') .replace(/ *\[B\]/g,', [B]') .replace(/\[\/B\]/g,':[/B]') .replace(/ +/g,' ') .replace(/^[ ,]+/g,''); } let dataBB= `Infoservice\n[QUOTE][SIZE="1"][URL=${URL}][B]${name}[/B]\n${subheader}[/URL]\n\n${text}\n\n` +`${data}\n` +`[B]Telefon:[/B] [URL="tel:${phone3}"]${phone}[/URL], ${phone2}, ${phone3}\n` +(address ? `[B]Adresse:[/B] [URL="${address}"]${address}[/URL]\n`:'') +`[B]Service:[/B] ${service}\n` +`[/SIZE][/QUOTE]`; dataBB = dataBB.replace(/ {2,}/g,' ').replace(/\n{3,}/,'\n\n'); navigator.clipboard.writeText(dataBB); jQuery('<div class="toast">Infotext kopiert!</div>').appendTo(buttons).delay(1000).fadeOut(1000); } function shareLink() { let link = properLink(); console.log("Link: ",link); navigator.clipboard.writeText(link); jQuery('<div class="toast">Kopiert!</div>').appendTo(buttons).delay(1000).fadeOut(1000); } function properLink() { let id = getAdID(); let link = `${baseURL}/modelle/x/x/_${id}.html`; return link; } function LHsearch() { let phone = getPhone(); let name = getAdName(); if (! phone) phone = ""; phone = phone.replace(/[ \/\-]/g,'').replace(/\+49\(0\)/,'0').replace(/^49/,'0'); let phone2; if (phone.match(/^015/)) { phone2 = phone.replace(/^(.....)(.*)/g,'$1-$2'); } else { phone2 = phone.replace(/^(....)(.*)/g,'$1-$2'); } var searchterm = '("'+name+'"'+(phone? ' OR ' +phone+ (phone == phone2?'':' OR '+phone2):'')+')'; var url = ''; url += 'q='+searchterm;; } function getAdID() { let url = location.href.replace(/\?.*/,''); // cut any parameters let ID = url.match(/_(\d+)\.html$/); return ID[1]; } function getAdName() { let el = jQuery('#mainframe > div.row > div:nth-child(2) > > div.panel-body > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td'); if (el.length) return jQuery(el).text(); } function getPhone() { if ( typeof getPhone.counter == 'undefined' ) getPhone.counter = 0; if (jQuery('a[href^="tel:"]').length) { let phoneurl = jQuery('a[href^="tel:"]').attr('href'); return phoneurl.replace(/^tel:/,''); } else { getPhone.counter++; jQuery('input.phonebutton').trigger('click'); } } function waitForElm(selector) { return new Promise(resolve => { if (document.querySelector(selector)) { return resolve(document.querySelector(selector)); } const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => { if (document.querySelector(selector)) { resolve(document.querySelector(selector)); observer.disconnect(); } }); observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); }); } })();