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// ==UserScript== // @name univision injector // @namespace // @include // @include // @version 1.2 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== function getPrograms(id, cDate) { $('ul.schedule-dialog').html(_template4); $.post( loadUrl, {id: id, cDate: cDate }, function(data){ updateChannel(data); updateProgramListEvent(); }, "json" ); } var programs = { 1: { code: 'mnb', name: 'МҮОНТ'} ,2: {code: 'mongolhd', name: 'Монгол ТВ' } ,3: {code: 'ubs', name: 'UBS'} ,4: {code: 'ntv', name: 'nTV'} ,5: {code: 'etv', name: 'ETV'} //,8: {code: 'shuud', name: 'Shuud'} ,9: {code: 'ehoron', name: 'Эх Орон'} ,22: {code: 'mn25', name: '25'} ,23: {code: 'edu', name: 'Боловсрол'} ,24: {code: 'mnb_2', name: 'МҮОНТ 2'} ,25: {code: 'eagle', name: 'Eagle'} ,26: {code: 'tv5', name: 'tv5'} ,27: {code: 'sbn', name: 'SBN'} ,31: {code: 'tv9', name: 'TV9'} //,32: {code: 'sportbox', name: 'SportBox'} ,38: {code: 'royal', name: 'Royal'} ,41: {code: 'bloomberg', name: 'Bloomberg'} ,42: {code: 'parliament', name: 'Parliament'} }; $(document).ready(function(){ for (var i = 1; i < 99999; i++) window.clearInterval(i); jwplayer('mediaspace').onReady(function(){ window.filename = jwplayer('mediaspace').getPlaylistItem().sources[0].file; window.token = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf('/')); }); window.updateChannel = function(data) { channelId = data.ID; var header = _template2.replace("{_LOGO_}", data.Channel.LogoBig).replace("{_TITLE_}", data.Channel.Title); $('.dialog-title').html(header); var d = new Date(data.CurrentDate.cDate); var weekday = new Array(7); weekday[0]= "Ням"; weekday[1] = "Даваа"; weekday[2] = "Мягмар"; weekday[3] = "Лхагва"; weekday[4] = "Пүрэв"; weekday[5] = "Баасан"; weekday[6] = "Бямба"; $('.dialog-date').text(weekday[d.getDay()] + ' / ' + data.CurrentDate.cDate); nDate = data.CurrentDate.nDate; pDate = data.CurrentDate.pDate; if (data.Programs.length > 0) { var li = ''; $.each(data.Programs, function() { var program = this; var timeObj = new Date(); var startTime = timeObj.getFullYear()+"-"+("0"+(timeObj.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2)+"-"+("0"+timeObj.getDate()).slice(-2)+" "+("0"+timeObj.getHours()).slice(-2)+":"+("0"+timeObj.getMinutes()).slice(-2)+":"+("0"+timeObj.getSeconds()).slice(-2); var endTime = startTime; var now = startTime; var archive_url = _archive_url.replace("ID","TITLE", 'mnb-2').replace("CDATE", data.CurrentDate.cDate); var live_url = _live_url.replace("_CHANNELID", 24); if(now > program.end_time) { li += '<li class="past">'; li += '<span class="ch-time label label-default">' + program.viewTime1 + '</span>'; li += '<a id="' + + '" name="' + + '" href="' + archive_url + '">' + program.title + '</a>' li += '</li>'; } else { if(startTime >= program.start_time) { li += '<li class="active">'; li += '<span class="ch-time label label-default">' + program.viewTime1 + '</span>'; li += '<a id="live" href="' + live_url + '">' + program.title + '</a>'; li += '</li>'; } else { li += '<li>'; li += '<span class="ch-time label label-default">' + program.viewTime1 + '</span>'; li += '<a href="javascript:;">' + program.title + '</a>'; li += '</li>'; } } }); $('ul.schedule-live').html(li); } else { $('ul.schedule-live').html(_template3); } $('#program-list').scrollTo('#live',{duration:'slow', offsetTop : '50'}); }; var $boxcontent = $(".box-content"); var $swipercontainer = $boxcontent.find(".swiper-container"); var $slides = $swipercontainer.find(".swiper-slide"); var $tvhutulbur = $boxcontent.find(".tv-hutulbur"); var $programlist = $tvhutulbur.find("#program-list"); var $channellist = $programlist.find(".channel-list"); var $chprev = $tvhutulbur.find(".ch-prev"); var $chnext = $tvhutulbur.find(".ch-next"); $; ${ e.preventDefault(); getPrograms(channelId, pDate); }); $; ${ e.preventDefault(); getPrograms(channelId, nDate); }); $.each($slides, function(i, slide){ var $slide = $(slide); var $a = $slide.find("a"); ${ e.preventDefault(); $slide.addClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active"); var id = $"id"); window.channelId = id; jwplayer('mediaspace').setup({ file: "" + programs[id].code + ".smil" + window.token, image: '', logo: { file: '', link: '' }, autostart: 'true', width: '100%', aspectratio: '16:9', stretching: 'fill' }); $.post( loadUrl, {id: id, cDate: cDate }, function(data){ updateChannel(data); updateProgramListEvent(); }, "json" ); }); }); updateProgramListEvent(); }); function updateProgramListEvent(){ $.each($("#program-list").find(".channel-list").children("li"),function(i, li){ var $li = $(li); var $a = $li.find("a"); var hrefarr = $a.attr("href").split("/"); var date =hrefarr.pop(); var time = $li.find(".ch-time").text().replace(":","-")+"-00"; $; ${ e.preventDefault(); console.log() jwplayer('mediaspace').setup({ file: ''+programs[parseInt(channelId)].code+'.stream-'+date+'-'+time+window.token, image: '', logo: { file: '', link: '' }, autostart: 'true', width: '100%', aspectratio: '16:9', stretching: 'fill' }); }); }); }